Urban Dual Credential Program - Program Review Launchpad
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1.1 Urban Dual Credential Program Summary

Program Summary
The Urban Dual Credential Program is a blended Multiple Subject and Education Specialist Credential Program. The Preliminary Urban Dual Credential Program (UDCP) at CSULB prepares candidates to teach both in the elementary general education classroom as well as the elementary/middle school special education setting. Candidates will earn both a Preliminary Multiple Subject and Preliminary Education Specialist Credential in 2 years.
Students enter the Urban Dual Credential Program either as post-baccalaureate (post-bac) students or as Integrated Teacher Education Program (ITEP) students.
In both the UDCP post-baccalaureate pathway and UDCP ITEP pathway, students earn a Preliminary Multiple Subject Credential and Preliminary Education Specialist Credential in two years of full-time study. Because the program is a cohort model, students follow a set schedule of courses with a fall-only start date. During Semester 1 and Semester 2, students participate in Clinical 2/Early Fieldwork in a classroom while also taking university courses. During Semester 3 and Semester 4, students complete Clinical 3/Student Teaching both semesters while taking university courses in the afternoons/evenings. Students complete one semester of Clinical 3/Student Teaching in special education and one semester of Clinical 3/Student Teaching in general education.
UDCP is a residency program, meaning that the program provides an integrated, clinically based program where students can learn and apply best practices immediately during their residential student teaching experience. Teaching methods courses are held at district school sites. Both the clinical 2/early fieldwork and the clinical 3/student teaching are conducted in the same school district under the guidance of district mentor teachers and university faculty. UDCP has maintained partnerships with local school districts, including the Little Lake City School District, Garden Grove Unified School District and Long Beach Unified School District.
The Urban Dual Credential Program Coordinator leads program activities and reports to the Liberal Studies Department Chair. The program coordinator and the department chair have faculty appointments. The Department Chair of Liberal Studies collaborates in providing leadership to the program and represents the interests of the program in the college.
Faculty and instructors, as well as relevant stakeholders, are actively involved in the organization, coordination, and governance of all professional preparation programs. The Associate Dean, Chair of Liberal Studies, and Program Coordinator serve on the college Initial Teacher Preparation Program Committee to keep abreast of policy and procedural updates.
Faculty and staff in the College Assessment Office provide on-going training and meaningful support to all program faculty to ensure candidates who are recommended for credentials have met all stated requirements. The Teacher Preparation Advising Center (TPAC) actively supports the Urban Dual Credential Program by providing information to the community, managing the application process, and organizing interviews. The Credential Center office further ensures that the process for candidate application for their final credentials is well implemented and monitored so that all candidates have demonstrated that they have met all requirements.
Over the past two years, the program has continuously made modifications based on stakeholder feedback. Based on master teacher feedback about the lack of planning time with student teachers, the program was modified to include more full-time days for student teachers. Additionally, based on recommendations from university supervisors in moderate/severe special education, the methods class for moderate/severe special education was moved from spring to fall of the student teaching year to provide better background knowledge for student teachers.
Stakeholders are consulted at various points during the residency program. In the first year of the program, teachers complete a survey evaluating the professional dispositions of their teacher candidates. Teachers are also invited to a master teacher training and are asked to complete a feedback survey at the end of the training. The program also meets with the partner district administrators periodically to gather feedback.
Course of Study (Curriculum and Field Experience)
54 units (42 units Core Courses & 12 units Student Teaching)
Credential Courses taught at elementary school sites
Cohort Program
Begins in Fall semester Only
Learn to teach in a high need urban school setting alongside master teachers in a 2-year clinical placement model.
Program Options
Student Teaching is the culminating field experience in the Urban Dual Credential Program. It is completed during the final 2 semesters of the program where UDCP candidates apply and integrate the pedagogy they have learned in their other course work to actual classroom experience. The student teaching year consists of two 16-week, 6-unit assignments under the guidance of a Master Teacher and a University Supervisor. One assignment is in the classroom of an elementary, general education Master Teacher and the other in a classroom of special education (M/M or ESN) Master Teacher. At least one of the placements must be in a classroom in which the students are from a diverse cultural, linguistic, racial, ethnic, or socio-economic background, different from that of the Student Teacher.
Student teachers also have the support of a University Supervisor who observes and conferences with the student on a regular basis.
Candidates entering this program have either received a bachelor's degree or will receive a bachelor's degree prior to the end of their Credential Program (including CSULB Liberal Studies majors). Through this pathway candidates will earn a Preliminary Multiple Subject Credential and Preliminary Education Specialist Credential in 2 years.
Candidates entering this program are in the third year of the Liberal Studies program and have completed most Liberal Studies core requirements. These students will apply for the ITEP pathway with an ITEP credential program by Senior Year. Through this ITEP pathway, candidates will earn their Liberal Studies Bachelor's Degree, Preliminary Multiple Subject Credential and Preliminary Education Specialist Credential all in 5 years.
Assessment of Candidates
UDCP coursework and fieldwork is assessed by candidates’ completion of course-specific TPEs. Professional preparation coursework and field experiences are evaluated by multiple assessment strategies, such as exams, papers, journals, reflections, course projects, and participation in class discussion and activities. Each pedagogy course utilizes a signature assignment to assess student learning in individual courses, while providing the program with feedback about student progress across the program. Clinical 2/Early Fieldwork includes fieldwork verification forms as well as surveys of professional dispositions completed by teachers. During Clinical 3/Student Teaching, university supervisors and master teachers provide regular feedback through direct observation forms aligned to the Teacher Performance Expectations. In addition, the mid-semester and final evaluations are also aligned to the Teacher Performance Expectations and the California Standards for the Teaching Profession.
Candidates attend a student teaching boot camp where they receive information about how they will be assessed in the program and informed of the results of those assessments.
During the mid-semester evaluation in student teaching, candidates are advised of their progress and are informed by their university supervisor and program coordinator if there are any concerns at the time or if they are at risk for not receiving credit in the student teaching course. Interventions are discussed and implemented, as needed, with the support of the university supervisor, master teacher, and program coordinator.
In addition, candidates complete both cycles of the CalTPA during their student teaching placements. Students are guided and supported in understanding and completing the CalTPA through ongoing program workshops. Students who do not pass a cycle of the CalTPA are offered one-on-one coaching services from a university TPA coach.
Candidates who are having difficulties at any point in the program will be placed on an Action Plan and Remediation Contract (if necessary) that is monitored on a weekly basis by the master teacher, university supervisor and the program coordinator.
1.1.1 Table Depicting Location, Delivery Models, and Pathways
Location |
Delivery Model |
Pathway |
Main Campus/Residency in Local Schools |
In-Person |
ESCP Traditional Mild/Moderate MSCP |
Main Campus/Residency in Local Schools |
In-Person |
ESCP Traditional Moderate/Severe MSCP |
Main Campus/Residency in Local Schools |
In-Person |
ITEP MSCP & ESCP Mild/Moderate |
Main Campus/Residency in Local Schools |
In-Person |
ITEP & ESCP Moderate/Severe |
3.1 Faculty Distribution Table
Full-Time | Part-Time | Vacancies |
0 | 13 | 0 |
3.2 Annotated List of Faculty
3.3 Published Adjunct Experience and Qualifications Requirements
Adjunct positions typically require an MA/MS degree, with a doctoral degree preferred, and relevant professional experience in this field. Specific adjunct qualifications currently are not published for this program.
3.4 Faculty Recruitment Documents
This program has not recruited full-time faculty in recent years.
4.1 Published Course Sequence
5.1 Urban Dual Credential Program Course Matrix & Syllabi
Multiple Subject Credential + Education Specialist Credential—Mild to Moderate Support Needs (PDF)
Multiple Subject Credential + Education Specialist Credential—Extensive Support Needs (PDF)
Jump to 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 6.6.1
6.1 Fieldwork and Clinical Practice Overview Table
Program |
Total Hours |
Urban Dual Credential Program |
1,020 |
Course Number/Title | Hours | Fieldwork and Associated Assignment Requirements |
UDCP 410: Literacy Instruction in Inclusive Education |
60 hours over 15 weeks
Clinical 2/Pre-student teaching |
Fieldwork Requirements:
K-8 setting, assigned by the Urban Dual Credential Program with partner district Observations T/Th 8:30-10:30am
Assignment Requirements:
Fieldwork Observations Candidates participate in classroom observations and assist classroom teachers during whole-class and small-group literacy lessons.
Comprehension Lesson Design & Instruction Candidates develop, teach, and reflect on one comprehension lesson with an informational text. The lesson must include appropriate CCSS ELA standards for comprehension, as well as appropriate ELD standards. The lesson plan must include the components of the RICA Content Specifications. Candidates teach this lesson to students in the field placement and then complete a reflection on the lesson.
Writing Lesson Design & Instruction Candidates develop, teach, and reflect on one writing lesson. The lesson must include appropriate CCSS ELA standards for writing, as well as appropriate ELD standards. The lesson plan must include the components of the RICA Content Specifications. The lesson plan should consider the language levels and the IEP goals of students in the placement and include specific and appropriate supports for English learners and students with identified disabilities in the placement, including SDAIE, MTSS and UDL. Candidates teach this lesson to students in the field placement and then complete a reflection on the lesson.
Unit of Literacy Across Content Areas Candidates select a topic from a content area and develop a unit with at least four lesson plans. All lessons must include appropriate CCSS ELA standards, as well as appropriate ELD standards. The lesson plans must include the components of the RICA Content Specifications. The lesson plans should include specific and appropriate supports for English learners and students with identified disabilities in the placement, including SDAIE, MTSS and UDL. |
UDCP 411: Advanced Literacy Instruction and Intervention |
60 hours over 15 weeks
Clinical 2/Pre-student teaching |
Fieldwork Requirements:
K-8 setting, assigned by the Urban Dual Credential Program with partner district Observations T/Th 8:30-10:30am
Assignment Requirements:
Literacy Intervention Project, Part 1 In consultation with the mentor teacher, candidates identify a small group of students in need of literacy support. Based on baseline data, candidates identify literacy strengths and needs and then develop intervention goals and design intervention that includes Common Core State Standards and English Language Development (ELD) Standards, instructional strategies, materials, methods for monitoring student progress, and technology resources and assistive technology (if needed) to achieve these goals. Candidates design a 4-week intervention in foundational skills for a small group of students, including 8, 30-minute intervention lessons. This assignment will include the following: (1) A 2-page overview of the intervention, including the goals for the intervention, the needs of each of the students, the scope and sequence of the lessons, and strategies used to deliver the intervention. (2) Final drafts of 8 intervention lessons.
Literacy Intervention Project, Part 2 After conducting the intervention for 4 weeks and monitoring student progress, candidates write up a case study report for each student that includes 1) student’s background information; 2) a graph that shows change in performance from baseline to intervention (i.e., trend line), 3) specific literacy strengths that are supported by assessment data; 3) specific literacy needs that are supported by assessment data; 4) at least two common core state standard and/or ELD standards related to the needs; 5) a brief description of how an instructional strategy or strategies and materials are implemented; and 6) a brief description of how student progress was monitored. Candidates complete a reflection of the designing and implementing this intervention.
IEP Literacy PLPs and Goals Using EDSP 564 Case Study student or a student from the intervention group, candidates develop present levels of performance for the case study student. Using present levels of performance, candidates write two Common Core State Standards-based IEP goals and objectives in reading and/or writing and describe how progress toward the IEP goals and objectives will be measured. |
UDCP 420: K-8 Student Teaching, General Education |
450 hours over 15 weeks
Clinical 3/Student Teaching |
Fieldwork Requirements:
All UDCP students complete one semester of UDCP 420 in a general education K-8 setting.
Assignment Requirements:
Week 1-2 Candidates observe, get to know classroom and students, rules, curriculum
Week 3-4 Candidates support classroom & teach students as assigned by master teacher. Candidates teach 1-2 lessons a day (planned and created with or by the master teacher) Candidates submit weekly lesson plans to master teacher & supervisor.
Week 5-7 Candidates support classroom & teach students as assigned by master teacher. Candidates teach lessons in at least 2 content areas (planned on own with master teacher feedback) Candidates submit weekly lesson plans to master teacher & supervisor.
Week 8 Candidates attend Mid-semester evaluation meeting with university supervisor and master teacher.
Week 8-11 Candidates teach lessons in at least 3 content areas (planned on own with master teacher feedback) Candidates submit weekly lesson plans to master teacher & supervisor.
Week 12-13 Takeover Weeks: Candidates teach all lessons and run classroom for full 2 weeks. Candidates submit takeover lesson plans to master teacher & supervisor.
Week 14-15 Candidates support classroom & teach students as assigned by master teacher. Candidates submit weekly lesson plans to master teacher & supervisor.
Week 15 Candidates attend a Final Evaluation Meeting with University Supervisor and Master Teacher (average score of 3.0 or above required) Complete Individual Induction Plan (for spring semester only) |
UDCP 422: K-8 Student Teaching-Mild/Moderate Disabilities
UDCP 423: K-8 Student Teaching-Moderate/Severe Disabilities |
450 hours over 15 weeks
Clinical 3/Student Teaching |
Fieldwork Requirements:
UDCP students complete one semester of either UDCP 422 or UDCP 423. Students pursuing an MMSN credential complete UDCP 422 in an MMSN special education setting. Students completing an ESN credential complete UDCP 423 in an ESN special education setting.
Assignment Requirements:
Week 1-2 Candidates observe, get to know classroom and students, rules, curriculum
Week 3-4 Candidates support classroom & teach students as assigned by master teacher. Candidates teach 1-2 lessons a day (planned and created with or by the master teacher) Candidates submit weekly lesson plans to master teacher & supervisor.
Week 5-7 Candidates support classroom & teach students as assigned by master teacher. Candidates teach lessons in at least 2 content areas (planned on own with master teacher feedback) Candidates submit weekly lesson plans to master teacher & supervisor.
Week 8 Candidates attend Mid-semester evaluation meeting with university supervisor and master teacher.
Week 8-11 Candidates teach lessons in at least 3 content areas (planned on own with master teacher feedback) Candidates submit weekly lesson plans to master teacher & supervisor.
Week 12-13 Takeover Weeks: Candidates teach all lessons and run classroom for full 2 weeks. Candidates submit takeover lesson plans to master teacher & supervisor.
Week 14-15 Candidates support classroom & teach students as assigned by master teacher. Candidates submit weekly lesson plans to master teacher & supervisor.
Week 15 Candidates attend a Final Evaluation Meeting with University Supervisor and Master Teacher (average score of 3.0 or above required) Complete Individual Induction Plan (for spring semester only) |
The following courses augment the clinical practice experiences and hours in addition to the designated courses taken in the UDCP program.
Course Number/Title | Hours | Fieldwork and Associated Assignment Requirements |
UDCP 400: Foundations of Teaching and Learning in Special Education |
10 hours
*Completed during UDCP 410 hours |
Fieldwork Requirements: Special Education Classroom
Assignment Requirements: Observation of inclusive urban setting |
UDCP 402: Equity, Access and Inclusive Education |
10 hours
*Completed during UDCP 410 hours |
Fieldwork Requirements: General Education classroom, 25% English Learner, Grades K-8
Assignment Requirements: Observation of multicultural instruction Observation of family outreach events |
UDCP 401: Positive Behavior Supports |
10 hours
*Completed during UDCP 411 hours |
Fieldwork Requirements: General Education classroom, Grades K-8, & Special Education Classroom
Assignment Requirements: Observation of classroom management |
EDEL 462. Teaching and Learning Mathematics, K-8 |
10 hours
*Completed during UDCP 411 hours |
Fieldwork Requirements: General Education classroom, 25% English Learner, Grades K-8
Assignment Requirements: Observation of math instruction |
EDSP 564: Assessment and Evaluation of Students with Disabilities |
10 hours
*Completed during UDCP 411 hours |
Fieldwork Requirements: General Education classroom, Grades K-8, or Special Education Classroom
Assignment Requirements: Observation of students |
UDCP 415: Math Interventions in Inclusive Settings |
10 hours
*Completed during UDCP 420/422/423 hours |
Fieldwork Requirements: General Education classroom, Grades K-8, or Special Education Classroom
Assignment Requirements: Observation and conducting intervention lessons |
EDSP 578: M/S Methods |
10 hours |
Fieldwork Requirements: Extensive Support Needs classroom
Assignment Requirements: Observation of students and instruction |
EDEL 472: Teaching and Learning History-Social Science, K-8 |
10 hours
*Completed during UDCP 420/422/423 hours |
Fieldwork Requirements: 25% English Learner, Grades K-8
Assignment Requirements: One-hour special education observation (collaborative or small group pullout) Observation |
SCED 475: Teaching and Learning Science, K-8 |
10 hours
*Completed during UDCP 420/422/423 hours |
Fieldwork Requirements: Grades K-8
Assignment Requirements: Observation of science instruction |
UDCP 407: Artistic and Physical Education |
10 hours
*Completed during UDCP 420/422/423 hours |
Fieldwork Requirements: Grades K-8
Assignment Requirements: Observation of VAPA & Physical Education instruction |
UDCP 414: Transition in Special Education |
2 hours |
Fieldwork Requirements: Secondary or postsecondary classroom, vocational, or recreation setting. Assignment Requirements: Students complete one (2-hour) observation of students with disabilities addressing transition content covered in this course. |
6.2 Affiliation Agreements and MOUs for Field Placement
6.3 Veteran Practitioners Training Materials
6.4 Documentation of Candidate Placement
UDCP Candidate Placements (PDF)
6.5 Clinical Practice Manual
UDCP Student Teaching Handbook (PDF)
6.6 Fieldwork and Clinical Practice Syllabi
UDCP Fieldwork & Clinical Practice Syllabi (PDF)
6.6.1 Clinical Practice Assessment Instruments
7.1 Description of Credential Recommendation Process
Candidates in the Urban Dual Credential Program receive initial and ongoing advising from the program coordinator and advisors in the Teacher Preparation Advising Center. Candidates can monitor their own program progress through the MyCSULB Student Center Academic Requirements Report. Each candidate will also establish a file in the CSULB Credential Center and submit all supporting documentation including CTC fingerprint clearance, Basic Skills, and Subject Matter Verification. Candidates receive a credential program evaluation, completed by a credential analyst, indicating their current program status and requirements that are outstanding and required prior to credential recommendation.
Individual Development Plan (IDP) Transition Plan:
Candidates in the Urban Dual Credential Program complete an Individual Development Plan (IDP) with the guidance of their university supervisor and master teacher. The IDP is shared at the final evaluation meeting and signed by the candidate, the university supervisor and the master teacher at the final evaluation meeting. The university supervisor retains a copy and the candidate retains the original document.
At the completion of their final semester, the program coordinator provides an individual clearance form to the Credential Center indicating that the candidate has completed all program requirements. A credential analyst will complete a final evaluation and confirm that all program and state requirements have been met prior to credential recommendation. A credential analyst ensures that only qualified candidates are recommended for their Preliminary Multiple Subject and Preliminary Education Specialist Credential.
7.1.1 Candidate Progress Monitoring Documents
Urban Dual Credential Program Credential Evaluation - Traditional Pathway (PDF)
Urban Dual Credential Program Credential Evaluation - ITEP Pathway (PDF)
7.1.2 Individual Development Plan (IDP) Form
Urban Dual Credential Program Individual Development Plan (IDP) Form (PDF)