Title IX At The Beach

Sex Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Dating and Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Sexual Exploitation
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What is Title IX and Affirmative Consent?


What is a Campus Confidential Advocate?

Jacqueline Urtez and Rocio Telumbre (Advocate@csulb.edu) (8AM-5PM business hours)


Off Campus 24/7 Confidential Support for Employees & Students: 

24/7 SUPPORT: YWCA, Greater Los Angeles at 877-943-5778 (Y-HELPS-U)


What is a Campus Advisor?

Campus Advisors:

David Roman (David.Roman@csulb.edu)

Jessica Wood (Jessica.Wood@csulb.edu)

Melissa Norrbom Kawamoto (Melissa.Norrbom@csulb.edu)

Darnell Lewis (Darnell.Lewis@csulb.edu)

Danielle Munoz (Danielle.Munoz@csulb.edu)

Eduardo Leyva (Eduardo.Leyva@csulb.edu)

Norma Salcedo (Norma.Salcedo@csulb.edu)

What can I expect from the Title IX Office?





Additional Information on Campus & Community Resources  (AB 1968)


Title IX Resources Handbook

Sexual Assault

Domestic Violence


Other Hotlines

California State University, Long Beach, takes pride in its tradition of maintaining a civil and non-violent learning, working, and social environment. Civility and mutual respect toward all members of the University community are intrinsic to the establishment of excellence in teaching and learning. *

Administrative Reports (Non-Confidential)

Title IX Incident Reporting Form

If you are a student, faculty member, staff member, or third party that has experienced, witnessed, or has knowledge of sexual harassment, sexual violence, dating/domestic violence or stalking, please use the reporting link to report to the Title IX Coordinator.

Reports may also be made directly to the Title IX Coordinator:

Larisa Hamada, Title IX Coordinator
Larisa.Hamada@csulb.edu, 562.985.8256
Office of Equity & Compliance, Foundation Building – Suite 160

Criminal Reports

The CSULB University Police Department (UPD) and any law enforcement agency must notify victims of sexual violence that their name will become a matter of public record unless they request confidentiality. If the request is made, the police will not divulge the victim’s identity to anyone including the Title IX Coordinator. However, UPD will report the facts of the case to the Title IX Coordinator.

University Police Department
1250 Bellflower Blvd Long Beach CA 90840
Location: across from Student Recreation and Wellness Center on Palo Verde
562.985.4101 (non-emergency 24/7); when on campus 911 (emergency 24/7)

* (Excerpt from CSULB Statement on Civility and Acts of Violence, 2016-2017)

Night Escort Program/ Community Service Officers (CSO)


Title IX Annual Report: Sexual Misconduct, Dating / Domestic Violence, & Stalking

Each Campus will report the following annually on October 1, for the 2021-2022 fiscal year (July 1, 2021-June 30, 2022), without disclosing any information that would reveal the identities of the parties involved:

Annual Report for July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022 (PDF) 

Please note: The statistics in this report may not coincide with Clery statistics in the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report. These statistics are provided in compliance with Executive Order 1095, revised 6-23-15 for the previous fiscal year. Clery statistics in the University’s Annual Security and Fire Safety Report are reported for the previous calendar year as required by federal law. Additionally, reports to the Title IX Coordinator may be related to incidents which did not take place on Clery defined geography. 

Annual Report For July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021 (PDF)

Annual Report For July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020 (PDF)

Annual Report for July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019 (PDF)

Annual Report for July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2018 (PDF)

Annual Report for July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017 (PDF)

The Red Zone

The first 6 weeks of the academic year is nationally known as the “Red Zone” when there is a much higher likelihood of experiencing sexual assault, particularly for first year students.  We are making every effort to provide educational awareness tools to our campus community in an effort to support and empower our CSULB students and employees. For many, Affirmative Consent may be confusing. Our Beach IX Ally program asks our community partners to Refer student concerns to the appropriate support services and campus offices, Intervene where they see issues arising, Support those who may experiencing a Title IX related issue, and Educate themselves, students, and colleagues about Title IX, campus resources, and sexual misconduct prevention and awareness. To help educate our campus community understand CSU’s Affirmative Consent policy, please consider watching the following educational video: Consent - It's Simple as Tea

CSULB Consensual Relationship Policy

The CSU prohibits employees from entering into a consensual relationship with any Student over whom they exercise direct or otherwise significant academic, administrative, supervisory, evaluative, counseling, or extracurricular authority. Please see the CSU Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Exploitation, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking, and Retaliation (article VII, §A) and the CSULB Academic Senate policy for more information.

Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex — including pregnancy, parenting and all related conditions — in education and in programs and activities that receive federal funding. All students who might be, are, or have been pregnant have a right to the same access to school programs and educational opportunities that other students have.

If you would like to request accommodations as a pregnant or parenting student, contact the Bob Murphy Access Center (BMAC) as soon as possible. The university can require a pregnant student to provide a doctor’s certification of fitness to continue in an education program or activity only if the same requirement is imposed on all other students with physical or emotional conditions requiring a doctor’s care. Please submit medical or other medical information directly to the Bob Murphy Access Center (BMAC) – not to your professor. For privacy reasons, medical documentation is handled by the Bob Murphy Center. Lastly, per CSU’s Nondiscrimination Policy (or superseding), faculty and staff who are placed on notice by a student about the student’s pregnancy or pregnancy related restrictions are obligated to provide the Title IX Coordinator’s contact information, (Larisa Hamada | Email: Larisa.Hamada@csulb.edu | Phone: 562-985-8256).

Additional Resources

For student resources for pregnant and parenting students, contact the Women and Gender Equity Center (WGEC)

CSULB Lactation Policy and Procedure for Students, Employees, and Third Parties

Employees, students, and third parties have a right to request a lactation accommodation, including a private space reasonably close location to their working and learning environment. CSULB has designated permanent lactation spaces across campus, which provide a private space for the CSULB community. While these spaces may vary in the specific amenities, all spaces include access to a chair, table, a sink, and electrical outlets. If no permanent lactation space exists in a reasonably close location, individuals may request a temporary lactation space for the duration of their lactation needs.

The University will make every effort to provide reasonable accommodations based on available space and resources and will provide a response to such requests, including written notice if a requested accommodation cannot be provided.  Advance notification from the student, employee, or third party is strongly encouraged and we ask campus offices to assist in ensuring advance notice so a lactation space can be provided.

Where refrigerators are not available in or reasonable near lactation spaces, individuals may request alternative cooling options as part of a lactation accommodation. All lactation accommodation requests, questions, or concerns should be submitted or referred to the Bob Murphy Access Center for review by contacting BMAC@csulb.edu or 562-985-5401 during the 8AM-5PM business hours. Additional lactation accommodation information, including a campus map, may be found on the Campus Website

An employee may report alleged violations of California Labor Code 1030-33 to the Office of Equity & Diversity or the Labor Commissioner’s field enforcement unit. A student may report alleged Title IX violations to the Office of Equity & Diversity or the Office of Civil Rights. A third party guest of the University may report alleged lactation concerns to the Office of Equity & Diversity or the Department of Fair Employment & Housing.

Campus Map Resources

Lactation Room & Baby Changing Station Locations


Faculty & Staff Guide to Responding to Title IX Related Disclosures

Recommended Title IX / DHR Statement:

CSULB strives to provide students with a safe educational learning environment. CSU Systemwide Nondiscrimination Policy requires all faculty and staff to report forward allegations of sexual misconduct (i.e. stalking, dating/domestic violence, rape, sexual assault) as well as discrimination, harassment, and retaliation (i.e. race, age, gender, religious, disability, etc.) to Equity & Compliance; (OEC@csulb.edu | 562-985-8256). Equity & Compliance will provide the student with campus rights and confidential resources.

Confidential Student Support Services:

Campus Confidential Advocate (Sexual Misconduct Related Matters)

Advocate@csulb.edu | 562-985-2668 (8AM-5PM hours) | Student Health Center

Counseling & Psychological Services (Therapeutic Support)

562-985-4001|562-985-2668 (8AM-5PM hours)| Brotman Hall, Suite 226

Emergency & Safety Support Services:

University Police 

Open 24/7 | 911 (emergency)| 562-985-4101 (non-emergency)

University Title IX Supportive Measures and Concerns:

Title IX | Equity & Compliance

OEC@csulb.edu |562-985-8256 (8AM-5PM hours)| Foundation Building, Suite 160