College of Education Technology Resources
College of Education Tech Assistance
- Whom to Contact
- Technology Support:
- College of Education Website:
CSULB University Technology Resources
Technology Help Desk
562-985-4959 -or- Report Problems or Request Help Online
The Technology Help Desk (THD) provides assistance for resetting passwords and accessing accounts such as: CSULB e-mail, FTP, PeopleSoft, MyCSULB, and BeachBoard. They also provide assistance in MyCSULB screen navigation and BeachBoard support.
Academic Technology Services (ATS)
ATS Website | Office: AS-120 | Classroom Support Services Office: AS-120
BeachBoard help, software depot, survey tools, active classrooms, open access labs, tech support services, instructional design support, multimedia support
Classroom technology equipment loan is avaiable at both sites
Information Technology Services (ITS)
ITS Website | IT Knowledge Base
Telephone/voice mail services, email services, mobile device guide, network services (BeachNet, Remote Networking Services, etc.), software training, data security, streaming media services, web hosting services
Accessible Technology Initiative (ATI)
ATI Website | AIM/Accessible Materials Center | Office: AS-116
Campus Library
CSULB Policies
- Information Security and Compliance (e.g., Acceptable use, eCommerce, Identity theft)
- Computer Usage and Safety Guidelines
- Educational Technology Standards
- Faculty Advisory Committee on Technology