Preliminary Speech Language Pathology - Program Review Launchpad
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1.1 Preliminary Speech Language Pathology Program Summary

Program Summary
The Department of Speech-Language Pathology at California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) provides a Master of Arts (MA) degree in Speech-Language Pathology. The CSULB MA program in speech-language pathology is accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (CAA) of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). CSULB MA Program in Speech-Language Pathology has received CAA re-accreditation for a period of 8 years (maximum allowable interval) from 4/1/2019 through 3/31/2027.
The mission of the Department of Speech-Language Pathology is to pursue excellence in the academic and clinical preparation of students in speech-language pathology, in conducting research, and in the provision of services to the University and the community-at-large. The goals of the Department of Speech-Language Pathology are to (1) provide effective, state-of-the-art instruction and clinical educational in speech-language pathology, (2) contribute to the advancement of that knowledge, and (3) serve local communities by providing on-campus, pro bono speech and language clinical services. The Department aspires to provide our students with the knowledge and skills needed to make clinical decisions, conduct comprehensive assessments, and implement evidence-based treatment interventions for a diverse client population in both medical and school-based settings.
Candidates graduating from the CSULB MA program meet all the academic and clinical practicum requirements for Certificate of Clinical Certification in Speech-Language Pathology (CCC-SLP) from the ASHA, the Speech-Language Pathologist license in State of California, and the Speech-Language Pathology Services Credential (SLPSC) issued by the State of California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
Program Design
The leadership within the Speech-Language Pathology Services Credential (SLPSC) program consists of a Department Chair, a Graduate Advisor, and a Fieldwork Coordinator. The primary responsibilities of the Department Chair are overseeing department operation, managing department budget and other financial resources, leading program accreditation processes, and mento-ring part-time and full-time faculty. The primary responsibilities of the Graduate Advisor are coordinating graduate admissions processes, overseeing candidates’ program completion, providing advice to candidates on the program and graduation requirements, and coordinating the culminating experience. The primary responsibilities of the Fieldwork Coordinator are coordinating school-based, off-campus clinical internship experiences, monitoring student interns’ clinical performance and professional conduct, and facilitating the successful completion of school-based internships. Additionally, the department has a Clinic Director and an Undergraduate Mentor who directly assist the Department Chair.
The structure of the SLPSC program includes a student cohort model with academic coursework in classroom teaching environments and clinical coursework in different clinical settings. The academic coursework is designed to represent multiple areas of specialty practice, such as Child and Adult Language Disorders, Speech Sound Disorders, Cognitive-Communication Disorders, Motor Speech Disorders, Voice Disorders, Fluency Disorders, Augmentative Alternative Communication, Swallowing Disorders, etc. The clinical courses offer candidates with wide-ranging, on-campus and off-campus clinical practicum experiences. Lastly, the options for the culminating experience include a Master’s Comprehensive exam or completion of a Master’s Thesis.
The main pathway of communication within the SLPSC program and with the institution occurs during bi-annual department retreat meetings. At the retreat meetings, program courses and program learning goals are evaluated to be in line with university learning goals and ASHA CAA Accreditation standards. Primary means for stakeholder input are via 1) Graduate Exit Survey, 2) Alumni Survey, and 3) Community Advisory Board. The results of surveys completed by program graduates and alumni provide valuable input. Their collective opinions have resulted in curriculum changes, such as policy reviews and amendments, graduate coursework revision, and recommendations for future development. Additionally, the Department faculty meets with the Community Advisory Board at least annually. The Community Advisory Board has been an invaluable resource for the department’s program effectiveness through their input in better preparing candidates for working in the public schools, hospitals, county agencies, non-profits and private practices. The department faculty discusses the recommendations and implements enhancements and modifications as deemed important and/or necessary.
Course of Study (Curriculum and Field Experience)
The CSULB SLPSC program is a cohort-based, five-semester program. All students take the courses in the same sequence, and courses are offered once a year, in fall and spring semesters. The SLPSC program requirement includes a) academic coursework, b) on-campus clinical practicum courses, c) off-campus internship experience in Speech-Language Pathology, and d) culminating activity.
To complete the SLPSC program, candidates must meet all the coursework requirements for the SLP master’s degree and complete two additional courses, including EDSP 350- Introduction to Teaching the Exceptional Individual (or equivalent) and SLP 575- Educational Topics in Speech-Language Pathology. The total unit requirement for the SLP master’s degree is 50 semester units, including 46 units of coursework and 4 units of culminating activity. The 46 units of coursework include nine academic seminars (27 semester units), a course in research methods (3 units), a course in clinical methods (2 units), two courses for on-campus clinical practicum (4 units), and two courses for off-campus internship experience (10 units). Each of the nine academic seminars addresses a specific disorder area (e.g., child language disorders, motor speech disorders, etc.). In the SLPSC program, each candidate is required to complete two on-campus clinical practicum courses and two off-campus internship courses. The two on-campus clinical practicum courses (SLP 669A and 669J) are designed for candidates to bridge knowledge to practice and to develop essential clinical skills. For the two off-campus internship courses, candidates are required to complete a full-time clinical internship with a minimum of 125 hours of direct contact with students in public schools (SLP 686A) and a minimum of 150 hours of direct contact with clients/patients in hospitals or private practices (SLP 670). Lastly, all candidates must either complete a thesis (SLP 698, 4 units) or complete an elective course (2 units) and the comprehensive examinations (SLP 695, 2 units). The sequence of course completion is listed below.
- Semester 1; SLP 663, SLP 665, SLP 667, SLP 696; 12 units
- Semester 2; SLP 661, SLP 662, SLP 666, SLP 678, SLP 669 A/J; 12 units
- Semester 3; SLP 668, SLP 672, SLP 676, SLP 678, SLP669 A/J; 12 units
- Semester 4; SLP 670 or SLP 686A, SLP 575; 8 units
- Semester 5; SLP 670 or SLP 686A, Culminating Activity; 7-9 units
Assessment of Candidates
Candidates are evaluated at regular intervals by academic and clinical faculty members. The Department makes every effort to provide SLPSC Candidates with a clear understanding of the methods utilized to evaluate their individual program competencies. The methods of assessment are at multiple points of entry in the SLPSC Program, including the graduate orientation, monthly graduate advising meetings, in each of the required courses, and during the internship experiences. Candidates are expected to demonstrate adequate knowledge of predetermined learning outcomes on coursework through the evaluation of both qualitative and quantitative measures (e.g., exams, written papers, oral presentations, projects). Candidates must earn a grade of “C” or higher in all required coursework and must also maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher in all graduate coursework. Candidates also are evaluated based on their performance during the culminating experience of the program, either a Master’s Comprehensive Examination or completion of a Master’s thesis. Candidates are required to receive a passing score on the comprehensive exam or are required to successfully defend their thesis to meet the culminating experience requirement.
Candidates are encouraged to meet with Graduate Advisor at least once a semester to review their program progress. The Department utilizes an online platform called Clinical Assessment of Learning, Inventory of Performance and Streamlined Office-Operations (CALIPSO) to track candidates’ progress in terms of knowledge acquisition, skill development, and clinical hour accumulations. Candidates play an active role in monitoring own progress and keeping the information updated in CALIPSO, such as the submission and accuracy of approved clock hours, the self-evaluations completed by the end of every semester, and the midterm and final faculty supervisor evaluations completed by the end of every semester. The Department also has a formal protocol for the identification and remediation of “At-Risk Student,” the purpose of which is to prevent inadequately prepared students from matriculating through the program and into the field.
1.1.1 Table Depicting Location, Delivery Models, and Pathways
Location |
Delivery Model |
Pathway |
CSULB Main Campus |
In-Person |
Clinical Entry-Level, Residential Program |
3.1 Faculty Distribution Table
Full-Time |
Part-Time |
Vacancies |
7 |
8 |
0 |
3.2 Annotated List of Faculty
3.3 Published Adjunct Experience and Qualifications Requirements (PDF)
3.4 Faculty Recruitment Documents (PDF)
4.1 SLP Services Credential Course Sequence (PDF)
Jump to 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 6.6.1
6.1 Fieldwork and Clinical Practice Overview Table
Course |
Minimum Hours Required |
SLP 686A: Public School Practicum in SpeechLanguage Pathology |
120 direct contact hours of supervised clinical field work |
6.2 Affiliation Agreements and MOUs for Field Placement
6.3 Veteran Practitioners Training Materials
SLP Guidelines for Graduate Student School-Based Internship Placements (PDF)
SLP Instructions for Clinical Supervisors (PDF)
6.4 Documentation of Candidate Placement
Documentation of Candidate Placements (PDF)
6.5 Clinical Practice Manual
SLP Clinical Practice Manual (PDF)
6.6 Fieldwork and Clinical Practice Syllabi
SLP Fieldwork Syllabus (PDF)
6.6.1 Clinical Practice Assessment Instruments
SLP Clinical Practice Assessment Instruments - Cumulative Evaluation (PDF)
SLP Clinical Practice Assessment Instruments- Experience Record (PDF)
7.1 Description of Credential Recommendation Process
Speech Language Pathology Services Credential candidates receive initial and ongoing advising from their Program Coordinator and Graduate Advisor to ensure they are making satisfactory completion in the program. The Graduate Advisor oversees and monitors candidates' progress towards graduation. Mandatory monthly advising meetings are held with the Graduate Advisor. In the advisory meeting, different topics are discussed, such as program/degree requirements, curricular sequence, and career advising. In addition, candidates can monitor their program progress through the MyCSULB Student Center “Student Planner” and Program’s e-Advising System (CALIPSO) to ensure adequate and timely progress toward degree completion. Each candidate admitted to the Speech Language Pathology Credential Program will establish a file in the CSULB Credential Center and submit all supporting documentation including a verification of CTC fingerprint clearance, Basic Skills, and proof of a Bachelor’s Degree from a regionally accredited institution. Candidates receive a credential program evaluation, completed by a credential analyst indicating their current program status and requirements that are outstanding and required prior to credential recommendation.
At the end of the candidate’s final semester, the Program Director/Coordinator will give the credential analyst a program completion document to indicate that the candidate has completed all clinical clock hours and requirements for the credential. A credential analyst will complete a final evaluation and confirm that all program and state requirements have been met prior to credential recommendation, including the Master’s Degree in Speech-Language Pathology. A credential analyst will ensure that only qualified candidates are recommended for the Preliminary Speech-Language Pathology Services Credential.
7.1.1 Candidate Progress Monitoring Documents
Cumulative Evaluation Form from Program's e-Advising System (CALIPSO) (PDF)
Speech Language Pathology Credential Evaluation (PDF)
7.1.2 Individual Development Plan (IDP) Form
Not Applicable