Admission Appeal Process

If you do not meet the criteria for admission to the Single Subject Program (English), but you feel confident that you have the ability to be successful in the program, you may appeal. Your appeal will be reviewed by the Single Subject Petition Committee, which will review each appeal on an individual basis. To appeal your admissions decision, please follow the guidelines below.

Meet with  the Subject-Area Advisor/English Education Coordinator--Dr. Wooldridge 

Meet with Dr. Wooldridge, the English SSCP Coordinator,  to discuss your petition and secure her signature. Make the appointment in plenty of time to submit your completed petition to the Single Subject Office by the deadline. When meeting with Dr. Wooldridge, bring all of the materials you plan to submit, including complete and updated transcripts. Important Note: Dr. Wooldridge will not sign a petition without meeting with students for consultation or advising prior to the submission. 

We recommend that you submit a complete EDSS 300G file with your petition. We also recommend that you do not petition until you have passed all four sections of CSET or until the end of the semester during which you are completing your subject matter coursework.

You should be aware that we do not make a practice of recommending approval of petitions where the overall GPA is below 2.5.

Determine Petition Committee Meeting Dates

Check with the Single Subject Office, the Single Subject web site or bulletin board, or the English SSCP Coordinator bulletin board for Petitioning Committee meeting dates.

Students must submit all materials to the Single Subject Office one week in advance of the meeting.

Submit Your Petition 

All materials must be submitted to the Single Subject Office in the College of Education at least one week in advance of the scheduled meeting. You will need to secure the signature of the  English SSSP Coordinator on your petition, so keep office hours in mind as you plan to meet the deadline.