Advising Services
CHHS Academic Advising serves thousands of students each semester through drop-in advising, workshops, and appointments. Please see the services listed below
We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions for you to reference if we are not available to assist you. If your question is not on here, we encourage you to search for the answer online via CSULB's website, Google, or another search engine or talk with an advisor during drop-in advising or an appointment.
Drop-in advising (10-15 minute sessions) is appropriate for:
- CHHS pre-major, minor, and certificate advising
- Graduating seniors (Winter 2023, Spring 2023 & Summer 2023)
- First semester freshmen who have already attended a CHHS freshmen advising session
- All other quick questions such as:
- Next semester's schedule
- How to find GE courses
- Policy questions (examples: repeating courses, timely graduation, credit/no credit)
- Dropping/withdrawing from courses
- Graduation checks (Winter 2023, Spring 2023 & Summer 2023)
- Signatures on forms such as CRJU internship checklist, HSC 485 memos
Graduation Planning Appointments (30-minute advising sessions) are available after you declare your major (no longer a pre-major) and are appropriate for:
- Comprehensive GE & major advising
- Semester by semester graduation planning (Spring 2023 and after)
Drop-in advising is on a first-come, first-served basis. Wait times can vary depending on day and major. If you work during our drop-in hours or are dealing with a time zone change, and none of the available times work for you, please contact us to see if any accommodations are available.
Spring 2023 Drop-In Advising Hours:*
Important Notes:
- Please note that drop-in advising wait times are longer than usual during peak registration times including January, April, August and November. We recommend students do their best to resolve holds and other registration related questions prior to registration in order to avoid longer wait times. Additionally, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for answers to common questions.
- Drop-in advising is for:
- Schedule Review for Spring 2023.
- Please have your planned schedule in your shopping cart ready for an advisor to review.
- Grad Check for Spring 2023, Summer 2023 and Fall 2023.
- Quick questions
- Schedule Review for Spring 2023.
- These sessions are limited to only 10-15 minutes.
- Hours are subject to change depending on advisor availability. Check back often for updates.
Upcoming drop-in hours:
Online drop-in advising via Zoom*
- Wednesday, January 11th - 2pm to 4pm
- Thursday, January 12th - 9am to 11am
- Friday, January 13th - No drop-in advising available
- Monday, January 16th - No drop-in advising available
- Tuesday, January 17th - 2pm to 4pm
In-Person drop-in advising hours:
- No in-person drop-in advising available at this time.
How to join Zoom:
- Zoom e-advising is only available for College of Health and Human Services students. Please refer to your respective college advising center if you need academic advising.
- Online video session:
- If you do not have access to a computer, please join the session by calling: (669) 219-2599
- Meeting ID: 850-3589-3606
Graduation Planning Appointments

- Graduation Planning Appointments are not available during the following times: January, April, June, July, August, November. If you need to speak to an advisor during those times, please visit our drop-in advising hours.
- If you wish to schedule a 30-minute graduation planning appointment, please visit the "BeachConnect" icon on your Single Sign On.
- On the far right side, click the “Get Assistance” Button to make an advising appointment.
- From the drop-down menu choose the type of appointment you need. To meet with your Academic Advisor choose “Academic Advising”.
- Select the type of advising by choosing “Advising Center”. Then select the service “Degree Progress & Planning.”
- Select "College of Health and Human Services Advising Center" from the Location drop-down to view the available appointment times.
- Appointments are reserved for declared CHHS majors who need extensive graduation planning only. If you are a CHHS pre-major, minor, or certificate student, please refer to our drop-in advising times.
- Please be aware your appointment will be canceled if you do not need extensive graduation planning. For example, if you are graduating in Spring 2023 and you want to make sure you are on track to graduate, you will be referred to our drop-in advising hours instead. Additionally, if you are changing majors, you will need to submit your request and have it reviewed prior to your appointment. Major changes are not reviewed during appointments.
- If you have been disqualified from CSULB, you must attend a Reinstatement Workshop with the University Center for Undergraduate Advising (UCUA) before scheduling an appointment.
- Your advisor will send you an individual Zoom link for your appointment if you selected an online appointment option. Please make sure to check your CSULB email for the link.
- How to Prepare for Your Appointment:
- Review your Academic Requirements Report (ARR) on MyCSULB and your Major Requirements Worksheet prior to your appointment.
- Create a list of any questions you have for your advisor.
- Late Arrivals & No Shows:
- Your appointment may be canceled if you are late. This will be at the discretion of your advisor as it may vary based on the appointment reason as well as the advisor's schedule.
- If you "no show" to two (2) appointments in the same semester, you must meet with a CHHS advisor during drop-in advising hours before you will be able to schedule another 30-minute appointment.
- Cancellations:
- If you cannot keep an appointment, cancel the appointment at least 24 hours in advance.
- Please be courteous to other students by planning ahead (cancel or reschedule in a timely fashion). This will help open time slots for other students.