CHHS Beach 2030 Strategic Planning
CHHS strategic priorities and their alignment with the university strategic priorities are reflected in Table 1 below. CHHS strategic priorities were derived from AY 18-19 input from CHHS units, community partners, CHHS Faculty Council, and CHHS faculty, staff, and community partner input from the Imagine Beach 2030 event. In September of each academic year, CHHS will evaluate the previous AY strategic action steps, evaluate goal achievement, and develop new AY goals and related action steps to advance each strategic priority. An outline of achievements in each AY will be reflected in the Strategic Priorities Background and Outline of Achievements section.
Table 1. University Strategic Priorities and Action Plans Aligned with CHHS Strategic Priorities
University Strategic Priorities | CHHS Strategic Priorities |
1. Engage All Students 2. Expand Access 3. Promote Intellectual Achievement 4. Build Community 5. Cultivate Resilience | 1. Define, Support & Assess Student, Faculty, and Staff Success (strategic priorities 1,2&3) 2. Develop and Implement Innovative Course and Program Delivery Methods (strategic priorities 1,2&3) 3. Broaden Community Engagement and Advance Community Partnerships (strategic priorities 2,4&5) 4. Facilitate and Support Interdisciplinarity (strategic priorities 3&4) 5. Designed Climate & Culture (strategic priority 4) 6. Promote Financial Growth & Stability (strategic priority 5) |
CHHS Core Values
Students, faculty, and staff in the College of Health and Human Services act with integrity. We adhere to policy, accept responsibility for actions, and promote inclusion, communication, respect for others and divergent views, honesty, and fairness.
Growth Mindset
Students, faculty, and staff in the College of Health and Human Services believe that individual and collective talents can be developed through hard work, persistence, good strategies, and input from others.
The College of Health and Human Services supports interdisciplinary collaboration among faculty, students, and our community to stimulate and foster excellence in education and research innovation, responsiveness to pressing health and human services problems, and the growth of existing partnerships and the development of new ones.
The College of Health and Human Services conducts research to advance the education of our students and the multiple academic disciplines that comprise the college. We aim to increase understanding, discover scientific breakthroughs, and enhance the communities we serve.
AY 24-25 Strategic Plan
Goals (or objectives) | Action Plan | Actor(s) |
Student Success Prior Goal #1 (Student success): Increase three and four year persistence rates for CHHS FTFY and one and two year persistence rates for transfer students (>75%)
Prior Goal #2 (Student success): Increase by 25% the numbers of under-represented minorities FTFY students within CHHS by Fall 2028.
Prior Goal #3 (Student success): Increase students' feelings of connection to departments | Continue with existing programs/events (e.g. Beach XP, Day at the Beach, middle/HS outreach events)
Expand AY plan based on initial meeting (8/21) and regular bimonthly meetings with AD and Co-Directors for Student Success and Access. | Tiffanye Co-Directors for Student Success and Access |
Faculty Success 1. Develop standards and procedures to implement differential (post tenure) TT faculty workload.
| Faculty Retreat group Chris Campbell Virginia Gray Grace Reynolds-Fisher Janaki Santhiveeran |
2. Develop standards and implement equity minded workload for TT faculty. |
| |
Staff Success 1. Reconstitute a staff committee | Have the HR and finance leads make recommendations for potential members by Sept 1; Michael work with Jonathan to take nominations from the staff to vote on staff members from the college by Sept 15 vote in at least one person. | Michael Jonathan |
2. Streamline onboarding process |
Committee to take that input to ASM to finalize a plan an onboarding before winter break; implementing plan by April 1. | Michael |
3. Reform and Institutionalize staff huddles by Nov. 1 |
| |
4. Bring Back All Staff Huddles | To be held twice a year and ASM & Director of Operations and Dean would have that schedule set by Oct. 1. (schedule for the year) | New ASM |
5. Increase opportunities for interdepartmental interfacing | Schedule a CPACE Open House before Oct. 15 to be held for various work areas to run alongside HHS/CPaCE growth model
AP & Purchasing by Dec 15 | Michael/Jonathan |
6. Make Staff Development Robust and Expected | Create an online anonymous mechanism for staff to recommend trainings they are interested in by Sept. 30. Responses would go:
Set up CPACE trainings
CHHS Trainings
| |
7. Fix Staff Trainings | Have all existing trainings converted to video by end of fall Interactive forms would be created by end of spring | Leads and ASM |
8. Set group activity meetings | 1.Restart reconciliation lab by end of Sept. 2.Come up with other ideas for group activities (staff committee) by Nov 15. |
Goals (or objectives) | Action Plan | Actor(s) |
At the end of (year) 80% of upper division courses will include student learning objective that requires students to apply info they have learned to new situations.
Establish and/or promote recognition of academic and professional excellence (e.g. rankings, competitions, info distribution [newsletter, websites, social media], create marketing plans) | Fall 2024: Review UD courses for each dept. to determine baseline compliance
Revise courses to meet criteria (Spring 2024)
At least once per semester:
| Dept chairs/directors and dept curriculum committee (Fall 2024)
CHHS PR, CPACE, Dept. chairs/dir., faculty/staff |
CHHS Embedded CPaCE Model | Redefine student learners and develop new programs to support their needs through the Embedded CHHS CPaCE enterprise. | Monica Chris Swarat/CPaCE team Dept Chairs/Directors |
Issues with developing goals related to teaching excellence:
- Difficult to identify how to facilitate improvement
- Faculty center limitations
- Consider if better to have CHHS person to be faculty developer to have help come from within college.
- Too much content within this priority; beyond scope of any one committee
- How to define teaching excellence because it might be discipline/dept specific
- Learn what other colleges are doing
Goals (or objectives) | Action Plan | Actor(s) |
Goal 1: Meet with key people (e.g. dept. chairs, etc) to outline collaboration by Spring 2025 | Erlyana Erlyana Department Chairs/Directors | |
Goal 2: Enhance partnerships | Enhance partnership list to include or expand the type of involvement/engagement each partner has within CHHS by Spring 2025 | Erly Dept. Chairs/Directors Nancy Jen Moore |
Create partnership recognition for Convocation Fall 2025 | Jonathan Sharon Nancy Nora Dean’s office leadership | |
Goal 3: Develop department/school boards | Each department to create/share name of board; description for board responsibility/expected contributions; list of members with titles and affiliation | Department chairs/directors Jen M. to assist as needed |
Goal 4: Expand and create mutually beneficial partnerships that support student recruitment and retention, enhance student training and practice/application, and supply the workforce. |
| Co-Directors of Student Success and Access. |
Goal (or objectives) | Action Plan | Actor(s) |
Goal 1: Promote and facilitate interdisciplinary research Goal 2: Develop a college interprofessional education (IPE/Simulation) |
A. Explore funding priority areas of research that are also a research focus of CHHS interdisciplinary faculty (e.g., HIV/AIDS related research (alcohol, drugs, co-occurring diseases); autism; chronic disease prevention (obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart health) B. Reach out to department chairs to plan a series of small priority area meetings with related externally funded faculty to explore collaborations– fall 2024
A. Research Council will work with CHHS-Tech to develop a mechanism from RSCA proposals that identifies faculty research areas.
B. Clarify intended outcome(s) for research convening meetings and outline a plan for inviting, scheduling, developing agenda, and assessing effectiveness and present to Dean and AD for FAR along with budget request | AD FAR/Retreat group: Kamiar Alaei Melawhy Garcia Monica Lounsbery Melissa Dyo Jason Aurand |
Goal (objectives) | Action Plan | Actor(s) | |
Goal 1. Acknowledge collective faculty efforts in implementing DEIA values into research, teaching, and service | 1.1 Request faculty publications or presentations related to diversity, equity, inclusion, & accessibility (DEIA) from AY 23-24 through AY 24-25 (with progress summary report to be shared at end of Spring ‘25
1.2 Integrate DEIA language and include a specific section on the college RTP/Lecturer Evaluation document and a submission link for DEIA materials within the categories of teaching, service, and RSCA on the Interfolio platform by Spring 2025.
1.3 Offer awards for faculty (including lecturers) who excel in integrating DEIA into their teaching, service, and RSCA.
1.4 Create promotional material (i.e. video/photos) that highlight the commitment to DEIA work among faculty (e.g., clips of interactive class activities, student interviews, and lectures). | DEIA Champion & DEIA Co-Chairs; Support from PR Lead (Goal 1.4); Consultation with Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs and Research and FacultyCouncil (Goal 1.1-1.3) | |
Goal 2. Develop clear observable and measurable DEIA metrics for CHHS DEIA |
| DEIA Co-Chairs; DEIA Champion; consultation/collaboration with Student Success Co-Directors | |
Goal 3. Draft a 3-year DEIA plan for improvement on identified metrics |
| DEIA Co-Chairs; consultation/collaboration with Student Success Co-Directors | |
Goal 4. Participate in outreach and relationship building with community stakeholders (including from schools and community centers). | Participate in the creation of the “CHHS Community Advisory Board” (official name TBD) to assist in recruitment and retention of underrepresented minority (URM) students into CHHS. | Student Success AND DEIA Co-Directors; Consultation with Associate Dean of Student Success & Academic Affairs | |
Goal 5. Represent CHHS DEIA initiatives on campus-related committees/groups |
| DEIA Co-Chairs | |
Goal 6. Increase recruitment and retention of URM students. |
| DEIA Co-Chairs; DEIA Champion; Student Success Co-Directors | |
Health/Wellness, Belonging/Connectedness
Gwen Bates Nancy Espinosa Nancy Meyer-Adams Terry Robertson Lucy Van Otterloo | Establish practices that support health, wellness, and belonging by regularly scheduling activities in the college and department that become the norm.
Identify staff/faculty level of connectedness by completing climate survey.
Make campus resources more accessible to staff/faculty.
Revised Goal to -
Identify cultural norms and establish regularly ongoing activities that promote belonging, connectedness, health and wellness. |
| Health and Wellness Advisory Board
College Event Staff
Jonathan/ LifeFit Director
LifeFit Director |