COE Beach 2030 Action Plan
Executive Summary
The COE Action Plan is the College of Engineering’s response to the university’s strategic plan, Beach 2030. In it, we have charted strategic directions for the college and aligned our activities to contribute to the university’s future. The five strategic priorities for Beach 2030 are: engage all students; expand access to higher education; promote intellectual achievement; build community; and cultivate resilience. These priorities guide the seven action zones through which we will act: (1) Equitable and Empowering Culture, (2) Student-Ready University, (3) Re-imagine Faculty, (4) Re-imagine Staff, (5) Growth Strategy, (6) Advance Partnerships, and (7) Future-Ready University. Click on any of the buttons on the left to learn more about our action plan and the progress made to date.

Download the COE Action Plan report here:
COE BEACH 2030 Action Plans.pdf
COE Action Plan Unveiled: Aug. 18, 2022
Faculty and Staff Feedback Period: Aug. 18 - Sept. 7, 2022
EFC Approval: Oct. 5, 2022
Staff Approval: Nov. 28, 2022
To submit updates to be posted on the COE Action Plan webpages, please contact Joshua Nelson
COE Action Plan Task Force