Mission, Vision and Values

Our Vision:

To be the premier university-based professional nursing program.

Our Mission:

The CSULB School of Nursing is a student-centered program whose mission is to educate undergraduate and graduate students to become quality professionals for entry into practice in diverse community settings. 

Nursing Lab 3


The School of Nursing embraces the values of the university: 

Teaching and Learning are at the center of who we are and all we do.
Compassion, Creativity, and Innovation characterize our culture.
Diversity is our strength.
The Public Good is our responsibility


Just as California State University, Long Beach was established in 1949 to help meet the state's workforce needs, the university established the nursing program to assist in elevating the educational level of nurses by starting the RN-BSN completion program. Since that time, CSULB SON has grown to offer pre-licensure BSN degrees, RN-BSN completion degrees, and graduate degrees with multiple speciality areas. 

The department, known as the School of Nursing (SON), is committed to the CSULB and College of Health and Human Services (CHHS) mission of excellence in teaching. The School of Nursing also strives to extend knowledge through research and prepare caring and competent professionals to enhance health and quality of life within the global community. 

To cultivate professional values, critical inquiry, communication and life-long learning, a nursing program should challenge students to engage the world from different perspectives through a curriculum rich in the social sciences, physical sciences and humanities. We believe nurses must be taught in an environment open to diverse ideas and learning styles, where teachers and students are partners in their quest for growth.

Our School works to support the University's mission: 

To enrich students' lives through globally informed, high impact educational experiences with superior teaching, research, creative activity, and action for the public good. 

Read more about CSULB's mission, vision, and values.

Read more about CSULB CHHS's core values.