Disaster Preparedness Resources

Published February 5, 2023
Disaster Image



Disaster Preparedness is a critical need for older adults, especially in areas that may be subject to flooding, fires, heatwaves, hurricanes, tsunamis, and earthquakes.  Below are some resources and toolkits to help you and your family better prepare for such potential natural disasters. 


Estar preparado para un desastre natural es crítico para los adultos mayores, especialmente en zonas que son vulnerables a las inundaciones, fuegos, olas de calor, huracanes, tsunamis,  y terremotos.  Aquí puede encontrar algunos recursos y guías para ayudarle a Uds. y su familia estar mejor preparados.

Red Cross: 

Older Adults Emergency Preparedness | American Red Cross

California Department of Aging: 

Emergency Preparedness & Response - Helpful Tools & Tips | California Department of Aging - State of California

Ready.gov (Federal Emergency Management Agency): 

Older Adults | Ready.gov

National Council on Aging: 

Emergency Preparedness for Older Adults: Stay Prepared, Stay Safe (ncoa.org)


AARP Disaster Resilience Tool Kit

Long Beach Cooling Centers Locations and Hours: 


Long Beach Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Communication:

Sign up for alerts and find information on how to plan (in English y Español), here:
