COB AOL - MSIS Competency Goals and Reports

  • Critical Thinking Skills: Students will learn conceptual skills, critical thinking, and problem-solving.
  • Interpersonal & Team Skills: Students will develop interpersonal skills to work in a dynamic and diverse team environment.
  • Ethics: Students will develop awareness and knowledge of ethical decision-making.
  • Business Functions Skills: Students will demonstrate integrative knowledge of business functional areas to solve business problems.
  • Quantitative & Technical Skills: Students will learn quantitative and technical skills enabling them to analyze and interpret business information effectively.
  • Domestic & Global Environment: Students will develop their knowledge of today's domestic and global business environment (e.g. legal, regulatory, political, cultural and economic).

5-1 Summary Table

MSIS- Competency Goal Improvement Summary 2023
Competency  Improvements Process (P) or curriculum (c) and date
Critical Thinking P-The emphasis of cloud security, cloud networking, cloud compute, cloud storage, cloud databases, cloud architecture, and cloud auto scaling in the closing the loop round. Results suggest that learners have met performance benchmark in Critical Thinking competency. After consulting with MSIS Director and ALTF, faculty will re-evaluate course content and appropriate assessment tools in AY 23-24. 
Collaboration & Team Skills Learners demonstrated proficiency in collaboration and team skills  in both rounds of assessments.
Business Function Skills  P -All learners demonstrated to meet performance benchmark of business function competency in the first round of assessment. With a commitment to continuous improvement, we plan to implement several process changes in the upcoming closing the loop round. For example, modeling tools were utilized to design database models, and a cloud database was developed and implemented as a group project. The closing-the-loop round is underway in AY 23-24
Quantitative & Technical Skills Learners demonstrated proficiency in quantitative & technical skills in both rounds of assessments.  C -The MSIS Director consulted with IS faculty to revamp the MSIS curriculum and introduce a new course, IS 610. Therefore, we assess quantitative and technical competency goals in a different course, IS 610, in AY 22-23. Learners have shown proficiency in quantitative and technical skills in the closing the loop round. Going forward, instructors might adopt a flipped classroom model and use more asynchronous course materials such as prerecorded videos so that students can learn at their own pace.