Common Standard 4 - Continuous Improvement

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The education unit develops and implements a comprehensive continuous improvement process at both the unit level and within each of its programs that identifies program and unit effectiveness and makes appropriate modifications based on findings. 

The education unit and its programs regularly assess their effectiveness in relation to the course of study offered, fieldwork and clinical practice, and support services for candidates.

Description of CED Unit Assessment System (UAS) (PDF)

CED Unit Assessment System (UAS) Organizational Chart (PDF)

UAS Continuous Improvement Process Diagram (PDF)

Both the unit and its programs regularly and systematically collect, analyze, and use candidate and program completer data as well as data reflecting the effectiveness of unit operations to improve programs and their services. 

CED Multi-Year Calendar of Assessment Activities (PDF)

CED Annual Calendar of Assessment Activities (PDF)

The continuous improvement process includes multiple sources of data including  

1) the extent to which candidates are prepared to enter professional practice; and 2) feedback from key stakeholders such as employers and community partners about the quality of the preparation. 


CED Annotated List of Data Sources (PDF)