Class of 2023 Spotlights: Nursing
It is National Nurses week and the CSULB School of Nursing would like to celebrate and congratulate our current and future nurses! Once again the School of Nursing had a 100 percent pass rate on students taking the NCLEX-RN licensure exam and we want to commend our students for a job well done!
The School of Nursing at CSULB is a student-centered program whose mission is to educate undergraduate and graduate students to become quality professionals for entry into practice in diverse community settings.
In honor of National Nurses week, here are some of our outstanding graduates from the School of Nursing who are poised to enter the nursing field upon walking at commencement this month! While we commend and celebrate all CHHS graduates, here are a few graduates whose stories stand out because of their determination to overcome challenges, to follow their dreams, and to make a positive impact on the lives of others.
Emily Tran: Bachelor of Science in Nursing

During her time at CSULB while pursuing her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree, Emily Tran served as the California Nursing Student Association (CNSA) Vice President. Emily said that she didn’t know nursing was her calling until her paternal grandfather was diagnosed with liver cancer and passed away in the ICU when Emily was only in eighth grade.
“The way the nurses cared for him and for my family was unbelievable and so selfless,” Emily said. “Fast forward to when I had to choose my major for college and I could not think of a better career choice than nursing. I want to be able to serve my community through my practice, building relationships with my patients and ensuring that their feelings are heard and their needs met.”
Emily is completing her clinicals with the same company that took care of her grandfather during his illness. She will be celebrating her commencement the same month he passed away. “It is completely surreal to be where I am today and could not have asked for a better alma mater.”
Emily says that one of the most important things that she has learned during her time at CSULB is the importance of friendship and establishing trusting relationships. “I would not be where I am today if it weren’t for the friends that I have met and the staff and faculty that have supported me throughout my entire journey. Building connections and networking is so important in gaining new perspectives, creating opportunities for yourself, and it has helped me to better my care as a student nurse.” Congratulations, Emily!
Amayla (Maya) Early: Bachelor of Science in Nursing

During her time at CSULB while pursuing her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree, Amayla Early was able to participate in many academic support jobs, including being an instructional student assistant for the Human Anatomy course, assisting the professor with grading and providing office hours. She was also a tutor for many biology and nursing courses. Amayla says she truly loved assisting her peers and getting to work with subjects she enjoys while at CSULB. For the last two semesters, she has been the pre-nursing director for the California Nursing Students Association, where she has been able to do even more to assist pre-nursing students through the pre-requisite courses. In meeting Maya, you can truly tell her passion is for others and helping them in any way she can.
“I chose to go into nursing due to my love for the subject of human anatomy, and my own personal experience as a patient,” Amayla says. “When my twin sister and I were born at 33 weeks, neonatal intensive care nurses saved our lives.”
During her sophomore year, Amayla was diagnosed with the autoimmune disease Lupus. Thankfully, Amayla was able to receive treatment to control the disease and finish her nursing studies. “As a patient, nurses have always shown me compassion. I have always felt the need to give back to the profession by being a nurse myself. No matter what area of health care, nurses have always been by people’s sides, ensuring needs are met. I hope to serve my community by implementing these qualities into my practice. I hope to make others feel that someone is advocating for them during a difficult time.”
Amayla cites her professors at CSULB as a major inspiration to her. “My physiology instructor, Mia Nobles, has a passion for physiology that inspired me. She showed me just how beautiful the subject truly is. My anatomy instructor, Dr. Benjamin Perlman, has supported me through the last three years. It has been an honor to work with him as his TA. In the School of Nursing, so many instructors demonstrate a love for what they do. They remind me what I’m working towards, which has been so motivating.” Congratulations, Amayla!
Christina-Tsoi-a-sue: Bachelor of Science in Nursing

During her time at CSULB while pursuing her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree, Christina Tsoi-a-sue was undergoing a particularly demanding semester in the nursing program completing her ICU rotations when her father passed away unexpectedly. “With the full support of the Nursing Department and staff, in particular: Dr. Konrad, Professor Mallabon, Professor Stevens and Professor Garrow, I was able to see the semester through,” Christina says, adding, “With encouragement and love from my nursing friends, Amy and Emily, I was able to succeed and maintain my Nursing GPA at a 4.0 that semester. I hope to honor my dad by graduating and continuing my journey.
Christina was involved in the California Nursing Students’ Association (CNSA) at CSULB and involved in the College of Health and Human Services Student Council. She again credits Dr. Konrad in the nursing department saying, “Dr. Konrad goes out of her way to help her students. It is extremely fitting to start and end the program with her, and experience that growth together. She encouraged us to help each other and ourselves, not just by studying and cramming, but by building support systems for each other. She makes a strong impact by supporting CNSA.”
In talking to Christina, you get the sense of a warm, charismatic individual who seeks to support and encourage others herself, just as she has been encouraged by her nursing peers and faculty. Congratulations Christina!
Ray Anne Chung: Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Master’s Program

While a nursing student, Ray Anne Chung found out she was expecting during the middle of her first year. She was surprised with twins! She took a year off school, and then the pandemic started. Her hospital was the busiest in OC and she had to subsequently take another year off from her studies to care for her patients, her family and herself. She went back to school and will be graduating this May. “What a journey these past five years have been,” she says. Ray Anne says she chose the nursing career path because it has always been a calling for her – that she can love her neighbors in this way of service. “When we go through any big feat or challenge, it leads us to look to the people around us. We can’t do this life alone. Same goes with my nursing studies -- every interaction and relationship is an opportunity to grow, learn and overcome what’s ahead.” Ray Anne cites her program advisor Christine Yoshioka as being a wonderful advisor and mentor. “She is dedicated to the success of her students and offers support both personally and academically.”
Congratulations Ray Anne!