Student Leadership Institute
CBA 401A and CBA 401B
The Ukleja Center for Ethical Leadership launched its core educational program in 2006. The Student Leadership Institute is a 2-semester course also known as Ethical Leadership (CBA 401A and B). It is designed to equip students with the transformational power of ethical leadership. The program enables students to discover their core values and build a strong ethical foundation upon which future decisions can be made. Rather than meeting on campus, class meetings are hosted by local businesses including Boeing, Laserfiche, and the Port of Long Beach. Students have an opportunity to explore ethical issues related to business, education, government, health care, and other professional fields. Teamwork, community service, and networking with guest speakers are an integral part of the course, which is taught by Celeste Ahl, Esq.
Community service projects have included:
Facilitating life skills workshops for parents while providing fun activities for their children at a preschool serving people experiencing homelessness
Sharing job interview and college application skills with residents of a local correctional facility to facilitate their transition upon release
Creating arts and crafts workshops and outdoor games to bring joy to young cancer patients attending a family camp