Legal Resource Center News

Legal Resources 

A Couchiching First Native citizen, wearing a war bonnet, stands with other members against the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Native American Heritage Month 2022

Emerging Land Rights and Partnerships According to California's Indian Tribes and Tribal Communities, there are approximately 110 federally recognized Indian tribes, including several tribes located in California, with approximately 81 groups seeking federal recognition,  see generally the State of California Native American Heritage Commission. In honor…
A person using a computer

Artificial Intelligence

AI’s Innovative Advances Raise Ethical and Legal Considerations Stanford computer scientist John McCarthy defined …
State of California logos

California Legislation 2022

Proposed and Adopted Laws There has been an array of new proposed or adopted California Legislation in 2022. This article provides a summary of these laws. BusinessAB 1287, (Democratic Assemblymember Rebecca Bauer Kahan), would prohibit an individual or business from charging a different price for a product based on the customer’s gender specifically eliminating…

The Politicization of Nonprofits

Since 1954, all 501(c)(3) organizations have been prohibited from supporting, opposing, or contributing to a political candidate's campaign for public office. 501(c)(3) organizations are the most prevalent type of nonprofit, with 1.6 million tax-exempt organizations scattered across the United States. …