Staff Support and Training

beachboard and canvas combo login button

Access BeachBoard and Canvas
Access your BeachBoard and Canvas courses at BeachBoard and Canvas Login or SSO until Summer 2023.

Everyone is welcome to all ATS workshops! Visit ATS Events and Workshops for the complete calendar.  Note: If a workshop date has passed, a recording will be posted at the links below approximately one week after the session.

Manual Organizations are Canvas "courses" that can be used beyond the classroom. Sometimes referred to as an "intranet" site, Manual Orgs can serve as a centralized hub to connect department staff, faculty, and students as a community. Common uses for Manual Organizations include employee onboarding, student orientation programs, or staff training modules on specific skills. Manual Organizations remain open indefinitely and are not limited by semester.

For more information and to request a Manual Organization course, visit: Canvas Course Types.

The resources below will help guide you in developing a Canvas Manual Organization course:

The resources below will help the "students" (org members) added to your Manual Organization learn how to navigate and use the features:

  • Passport to Canvas Student Course:
    This self-paced training course will guide students through all the Canvas basics they need to participate in a course. This course is available to all students on their Canvas Dashboards.
  • Canvas Student Quick Start Module [PDF]:
    The "Quick Start" module serves as a short orientation for students that is present by default in all courses. You may leave it in your course or remove it. These instructions tell you how to view the module in your course.
  • Canvas Student Support and Resources:
    To support students with their Canvas learning, please refer them to the resources on this page.

Canvas-Instructure Resources

Instructure is the parent company of Canvas and offers many resources to help you get started and learn more advanced skills:

When you access Canvas, select the question mark icon [?] on the Global Navigation panel to access Canvas support and training resources.

Search the Canvas Guides

Canvas Guides provide written instructions for using all features.

Video Tutorials and Demos

The Training Services Portal [pdf instructions] is linked within your Canvas global navigation panel (see below). This portal gives you access to a wide variety of self-paced and live training.  Only available through January 2023- so take advantage of these excellent resources now!

PLEASE NOTE:  If you are not able to see this link, please contact

Recommended LIVE Training Sessions on the Training Portal:

  • Course Communications
  • Leveraging Modules
  • Assignments
  • Quiz Basics
  • Gradebook and Speedgrader
  • Home Pages
  • Groupwork & Collaboration
  • Data for Teachers
  • Student Experience
  • Content Area Specialty Session
  • Mobile Apps: Teacher App

Recommended ON-DEMAND Training Sessions on the Training Portal:

  • Learning Pathway, Opening Canvas Learn comprised of:
    • Opening Canvas
    • Creating a Canvas
    • Getting Started with Assignments & Assessments
    • Grading & Feedback
  • Stand-Alone Courses:
    • Preparing to Launch
    • New Quizzes
    • Teacher App (iOS or Android)
    • Canvas + Google Integration

How to Access the Training Portal:

1. Visit your SSO/MyApps dashboard and select the Canvas tile:

Beachboard Canvas Icon

2.   Click on the "Help" icon at the bottom of your Canvas Global Navigation bar.

Canvas side menu

3.   Select the Training Services Portal link from the menu:

Training Service Portal Link Localization

4.   Select "Authorize" to access your account.

Canvas Taining Portal

5.   Take the tutorial offered on the pop-up window to learn more about the offerings. Or you can skip it and exit the pop-up.

Training Service Portal Tutorial Logo

6.   You’ll be taken to the Learning Library tab.

Learning Library tab

7.   Scroll down to view all the tutorials at the bottom of the screen.  Or use the Search, Sort by, and Filter by features to find a specific topic.

Tutorial Screen Location

Canvas Commons is a digital library of content that anyone can use. Resources include modules, documents, and more.

How do I access Canvas Commons?
The Canvas Commons link is on the left Global Navigation panel on Canvas. Content shared by CSULB users will appear at the top of the Commons dashboard by default.

Canvas Commons button location


What can I do with Commons?
You can Import content into your courses. You can also contribute to the community by sharing resources that you've created that would be of benefit to others.



The Canvas Community has answers to many questions not found in other resources.