Prevent Pandemic-Induced Stigma

Published April 9, 2020

Fostering Corporate Resiliency by Mitigating Social Stigma

Leadership teams strive to foster cultures of inclusion and resiliency within their organizations and teams - resilience that is so desperately needed during these times of crisis. However, social stigma and discrimination undermine these critical inclusion and resiliency efforts. This article identifies the issue of pandemic-induced stigma in the workplace and outlines specific steps that organizational leaders and managers can take to prevent it.

The author quotes Professor Dana Sumpter, Associate Professor of Management and Human Resource Management in the College of Business at CSULB, who suggests three steps that organizational leaders can take to cultivate inclusion and mitigate the worst effects of social stigma during these challenging times: by modeling informed and engaged leadership, actively managing discrimination, and promoting and supporting employee well-being. She also echoes the CDCs recommendations in handling stigma, which include speaking out about any discriminatory behaviors, being careful to not reinforce existing stereotypes, and proactively engaging with individuals of stigmatized groups.

Leaders need to proactively identify and mitigate any such stigma within an organization as a top business priority.  We can seize this moment to be the leaders that will help to support and inspire people, setting the standards for behavior that will shape our organizations’ cultures in the years to come.

Fostering Corporate Resiliency by Mitigating Social Stigma  Megan Stewart Hodge Founder of Cultiver LLC | Public Speaker | Diversity & Inclusion Advocate | Strategic Business Executive