Lockers & Equipment Checkout

Locker Rentals

Some classrooms have lockers available for rental. These lockers are not general storage lockers as existed in the old locker room. They are for use by students in courses which meet in the given room in order to store tools and/or class projects during the semester.

Video Equipment Check-out

Video equipment (projectors, TVs, and disc players) is available for student check-out for School of Art Gallery Exhibitions.

Short-term non-exhibition check-out is also available for some items, however the equipment must be returned by closing on the same day it is checked out. Before making reservations please compare the Print Center open hours to the time you need to use the equipment.

  • Equipment checked out for Gallery Exhibitions must be returned to the Print Center by 4:30 PM on Thursdays. The only exceptions are when take-down happens on a day other than Thursday due to holidays or other University-imposed schedule considerations. In these cases special arrangements will be made prior to equipment check-out.
  • Short-term check-out requires you to leave your student ID at the Print Center while the equipment is out.