December 6, 2022 Minutes

Council of Department Chairs

In attendance: Curtis Bennett, Prashanth Jaikumar, Lijuan Li, Will Murray, Lora Stevens, Jim Kisiel, Jesse Dillon, Barbara Taylor, Krzysztof Slowinski, Christine Whitcraft, Allie Puz, Margaret Karteron, Shannon Durbin, Andrea Johnson.

  1. Approve Agenda (10:00)
  2. Approve Minutes from Nov. 29
  3. Announcements
    1. Introduction of new Academic Advisor/Retention Coordinator – Shannon Durbin (Time Certain 10:02)
    2. Operations Update
      1. N/A
    3. Development Update
      1. Concluding a gift agreement with Alan and Della Welles; a $50,000 pledge over 5 years to fund summer research assistantships.
      2. Anonymous donor has signed a bequest for $1.38 million to Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry; will fund graduate Fellowships.
    4. Communications Update
      1. Final Provost Update Request for the semester this week.
    5. Dean Update
      1. Data Science Pathway Discussion
        1. CLA/CHHS/COE are discussing applications of an undergraduate degree in Data Science that focuses on interdisciplinary with translation studies
        2. Concern for CNSM is that this program may get in the way of our own plans to pursue data science pathways.
  4. Associate Deans
    1. Academic Programs
      1. S’23 Waitlists Update
        1. We are making progress but are not there yet.
        2. Kris will follow up with chairs individually.
      2. PTL Evaluation Form Update
        1. Feedback has been helpful and we have until January until this form is live.
    2. Research
      1. N/A
    3. Graduate Programs
  5. Update on ASCEND Faculty Learning Community – Andrea Johnson (Time Certain 10:30)
    1. PERTS Ascend
      1. Online platform that utilizes student surveys to measure students pre-conceived beliefs about a specific class and then they’re perception of the class during/afterward.
    2. CNSM Ascend Plus
      1. Learning community that connects instructors across disciplines who are applying the Ascend program through online discussions, monthly check ins, and peer observations.
      2. 2022 cohort consisted of 15 active participants from departments of biology, chemistry, mathematics, and physics.
        1. 4 surveys starting in the first week of the semester to measure progress.
      3. Suggested Updates:
        1. Broaden the participant pool.
        2. Connect students with campus resources as additional strategies.
  6. Spring Chairs Retreat Timing
    1. Tentative Date: 12/20/22
    2. Potential Topics:
      1. Hiring
  7. Youvisit Discussion
    1. A tour with elements of programmatic outreach
    2. Roughly 20 segments/sites to feature in our program
    3. Discussion:
      1. Need a list of places/sites by this week; or a close, rough list.
        1. Field work and field trips/Immersives
        2. Undergraduate research
        3. Interdisciplinary work
        4. Career opportunities
      2. Uniqueness is key (keep in mind that this is not a program review).
      3. Representation is crucial in order to attract groups of students.
        1. URise & Build
  8. Open Discussion
    1. N/A

Upcoming Dates:
Dec. 9: End of Semester Party
Dec. 12-17: Final Exams
Dec. 12: Chairs and ADs Dinner (La Paroloccia Osteria Italiana)
Dec. 23: Last Day of the Semester

Apr 15:  Admitted Student Showcase Day

Meeting Minutes were APPROVED on Tuesday, December 13, 2022

*Note: This reflects discussion on the date of the CDC meeting about policies, not actual policy. Faculty and staff should wait for official communication on each subject before acting.