December 5, 2017 Minutes

Council of Department Chairs

Present: C. Bennett, K. Slowinski, B. Taylor, B. Benken, H. Wu, M. Horton, B. Livingston, C. Brazier, R. Behl, T. Gao, A. Bill, L. Martin-Hansen, and L. Olsen-Cooper.

Agenda: Approved.

  1. Minutes: Meeting minutes for Tuesday, November 17, 2017 were approved.
  2. Announcements:
    1. Budget – Henry Wu
      1. Please start to work on SEF Proposal Part II "Technology That Touches Students" for FY 18/19. Currently, the College received SEF Course fee of $105K and Designated of $198K. For the competitive part, we received around $350,000 for the last few years. We should submit proposals for about $500,000 for FY 18/10.
      2. Lottery Fund – The College currently allocates $10K from the fund for travel matching and use the balances for startup and other service needs. We will be discussing changes in the travel funds next year.
      3. Human Resources – the California minimum wage will increase to $11.00 per hour on January 1, 2018.
    2. Construction Work – We have been told that saw cutting and jackhammering will be occurring off and on over the next 6 weeks, but not during finals week. If people with experiments feel they may be affected, they can contact the project manager, Aaron Miank at 714-720-9535 or at
    3. The dean’s office will be creating a draft common spreadsheet for workload information for the chairs to discuss.
    4. President Faculty Achievement Award – College Council will discuss the process today. To apply, faculty members need to have been a full 5-years at the rank of Professor. To serve on the college committee making recommendations, faculty must be full professors and not eligible to apply. Applications are due to the committee by February 2, 2018.
    5. Pizza with the Dean, Thursday, December 7 from 5:00pm – 7:00pm at the USU-105, Pool Lounge.
  3. Updates from Chairs: No reports this meeting.
  4. Development Update: Maryanne Horton – No report this meeting.
  5. Associate Dean Reports:
    1. Barbara Taylor - Research:
      1. URAC announced that CSULB will be hosting the Council for Undergraduate Research 2021 undergraduate conference. In the 2020/21 academic year, we will need faculty to serve in various roles.
      2. The FREE Database is now available through 1-step log in. Faculty can update their entries to be more current. URAC is looking at making the FREE database more useful.
      3. Department Designees for the RS Task Force are due no later than Friday, December 8, 2017
    2. Kris Slowinski – Undergraduate Studies:
      1. FTES and scheduling information
      2. Advising:
        1. Academic advising website is being redesigned and will go live in late January. Chairs were asked to suggest changes. The departmental advising websites might need to be updated for consistency.
        2. EAB usage – The Chancellor's Office mandated system-wide use of EAB for tracking student’s progress. Currently CNSM is doing well compared to other colleges, but we would like for all advisors to use the system to note down every advising appointment and for student progress campaigns. The need for additional training was discussed.
  6. Old Business
  7. New Business:
    1. Dual Enrollment Task Force.
  8. Adjourn: Meeting adjourned at 12:00noon.

Respectfully submitted by Lane Olsen-Cooper, Assistant to the Richard D. Green Dean

Meeting Minutes approved on: Tuesday, December 12, 2017