Crime Prevention

Crime on Campus:

The majority of crimes that occur on campus are crimes of opportunity. Items commonly stolen are bicycles, cells phones, and laptops. Never leave your personal property unattended while you are on campus, even for a few moments. By keeping your items secure and by reporting any suspicious activity or person, you can greatly assist us in minimizing this type of crime on our campus.

Bicycle Registration:

All bicycles being utilized on campus are recommended to have a current California bicycle license to prevent and deter theft, and to aid in owner notification should theft occur. These licenses are available to our campus community free of charge.

These licenses can be obtained at the University Police Station. You MUST bring your bicycle with you when obtaining a bicycle license.

Securing your bike properly and licensing it are the two most effective ways to prevent it from being stolen or to aid in its recovery in the event that it is stolen. Secure your bike only to bicycle racks and not to unauthorized areas such as light posts, hand rails, or trees. The most secure way to lock your bicycle is with a "U-Lock".

Students who register their bike with the University Police Station will receive a FREE bike u-lock. Register your bike at Bike U-Lock Program

Dorm Safety Tips:

  • Do not post messages on your door indicating that you are away or when you will return.
  • Always lock your door, even if you are only stepping away for a few minutes.
  • Do not keep large amounts of cash in your dorm room.
  • Do not hide a key under your mat or on the door frame.
  • Do not prop open building doors.
  • Get to know your neighbors. Look out for one another and call 9-1-1 if you see anything suspicious.

General Campus Safety:

  • Avoid walking alone at night if possible.
  • Always take the safest route, not the fastest. Stick to well lit, well traveled areas.
  • Avoid wearing headphones, looking down at your cell phone, or searching through your bag while you are walking. Stay aware of your surroundings.
  • Have your keys ready in your hands when you approach your vehicle. Lock your doors as soon as you enter your vehicle.
  • Utilize the Night Escort Program if you are on campus late at night by calling the University Police at 562.985.4101 or by using one of the "Blue Light" emergency telephones throughout campus if necessary.