Hanson Gift
Raphael M. Hanson, Professor Emeritus of Psychology, joined the faculty in 1961, retiring twenty five years later after a distinguished career in which he served both as Department Chair and Chair of the CSULB Academic Senate. Dr. Hanson won the respect and admiration of colleagues and students. He was the recipient of the prestigious Legacy Lecture in Fall 1995. In retirement, Dr. Hanson has continued to demonstrate his interest in supporting teaching and learning among today's scholars.
A major manifestation of that interest can be found in Dr. Hanson's donation, of the Raphael Hanson and Judy Hanson Argyres Collection of Asian Art. The collection, valued at nearly $80,000, is named in honor of Dr. Hanson and his late sister, includes exquisite 19th century scroll paintings, Tibetan tankas from the 19th and 20th century, a rare 19th century Japanese woodblock triptych, a bronze 19th century Thai head, and a stone Khmer-style Cambodian sculpture
These pieces were donated to the University Library's Special Collections (third floor, ND 2071 .R363 2003) where they join other rare and beautiful manuscripts, books, prints, paintings, scrolls, sculptures, and photography. The Hanson Collection will be made available for presentation to classes in Art History, Asian Studies, and other disciplines, and, by appointment, for individual study by students. Pieces also will be shown from time to time in Special Collections display cases.
A reception was held in Special Collections to celebrate receipt of the collection and to honor Dr. Hanson.

For further information contact:
Special Collections and University Archives