Eligible Degree Programs

Currently two CSULB departments, Chemistry and Biochemistry and Biological Sciences, participate in the Bridges to the Doctorate (BTD) program. More information about the specific M.S. programs can be found on the department's web page.

Contacts and Deadlines for Eligible Master's Programs
Master's ProgramsAdvisor/CoordinatorApplication Deadline
Biology (M.S.)Advisor: Kevin Sinchak

Coordinator: Jennifer Carrillo
February 15
Microbiology (M.S.)Advisor: Kevin Sinchak

Coordinator: Jennifer Carrillo
February 15
Chemistry (M.S.)Advisor: Young-Seok Shon
April 1*
Biochemistry (M.S.)Advisor: Deepali Bhandari
April 1*

*Chemistry and Biochemistry application deadlines are June 1, but BTD acceptance is dependent on acceptance by the department.

Potential Research Mentors

Dr. Doug Pace and research students

Chemistry and Biochemistry applicants should identify possible research mentors as soon as possible after admission to their degree program. Biology and Microbiology applicants must have a research advisor to be admitted to their degree program. Always check NCBI for the most current list of research publications as some lab websites may not be up-to-date.

Biological Sciences Faculty

Department Website: Biological Sciences

Biological Sciences Faculty
FacultyResearch InterestWebsite or Contact
Dr. Bengt Allenmarine community ecologyBengt.Allen@csulb.edu
Dr. Renaud Berlemontmicrobial genomics and bioinformaticsBerlemont lab
Dr. Judy Brusslanplant molecular biologyBrusslan lab
Dr. Marcell Cadneyintegrative physiologyMarcell.Cadney@csulb.edu
Dr. Michael Carlsonbiological oceanographyMichael.Carlson@csulb.edu
Dr. Ashley Cartertheoretical and empirical evolutionary biologyCarter lab
Dr. Amanda Fisherplant evolution and systematicsFisher lab
Dr. Deborah Frasermolecular mechanisms of the innate immune responseDeborah.Fraser@csulb.edu
Dr. Michael HarrisphysiologyMichael.Harris2@csulb.edu
Dr. Raisa Hernandez-Pachecopopulation ecologyHernandez-Pacheco lab
Dr. Erika Hollandaquatic toxicologyHolland lab
Dr. Darren Johnsonecology and evolutionary biology of reef fishesJohnson Lab
Dr. Jiae Leedevelopmental and cell biologyJiae.Lee@csulb.edu
Dr. Douglas Paceecological physiologyPace lab
Dr. Bree Putmanurban ecology and urban evolutionary biologyPutman Lab
Dr. Peter Ramirezviral pathogenesis, molecular cell biologyPeter.Ramirez@csulb.edu
Dr. Bryan Rourkeintegrative animal physiologyBryan.Rourke@csulb.edu
Dr. Kevin Sinchakreproductive behavioral neuroendocrinology, neuroscience, neurosteroidsKevin.Sinchak@csulb.edu
Dr. Ted Stankowichevolutionary behavioral ecologyStankowich lab
Dr. Houng-Wei Tsaiepigenetic neuroendocrinologyHoung-Wei.Tsai@csulb.edu
Dr. Christine Whitcraftwetlands ecologyChristine.Whitcraft@csulb.edu
Dr. Kelly Youngreproductive biologyKelly.Young@csulb.edu
Dr. Mason Zhanghost-pathogen interactionsMason.Zhang@csulb.edu

Chemistry and Biochemistry Faculty

Department Website: Chemistry and Biochemistry

Chemistry and Biochemistry Faculty
FacultyResearch InterestWebsite or Contact
Dr. Deepali Bhandaricell biology, protein biochemistryBhandari Lab
Dr. Christopher Brazierphysical and computational chemistryBrazier Profile
Dr. Xianhui Buinorganic, structural, solid state, and materialsXianhui.Bu@csulb.edu
Dr. Paul Buonoraorganic synthesis and catalysisBuonora Lab
Dr. Shahab Derakhshaninorganic synthesis and structureDerakhshan Profile
Dr. Elena GrintsevichbiochemistryGrintsevich Profile
Dr. Lijuan Liinorganic chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, nanomaterialsLi Profile
Dr. Eric Marinezmolecular recognition and catalysisMarinez Profile
Dr. Stephen Mezykphysical chemistry, environmental chemistry, biophysical chemistryMezyk Lab
Dr. Vasanthy (Vas) Narayanaswamibiochemistry, biophysics, structural chemistry, neurobiologyVas Lab
Dr. Michael Schrammsupramolecular chemistry, molecular recognitionSchramm Lab
Dr. Jason SchwansenzymologySchwans Lab
Dr. Young-Seok Shonmacromolecular chemistry, materials science, nanoscienceShon Lab
Dr. Katarzyna Slowinskaanalytical chemistry, bioanalytical chemistry, bioengineeringSlowinska Lab
Dr. Eric Sorincomputational biochemistry and biophysicsSorin Lab
Dr. Enrico Tapaviczacomputational chemistry and materials scienceTapavicza Lab
Dr. Hadi Tavassolmaterials chemistry, catalysisTavassol Lab
Dr. Fangyuan Tianmaterials chemistry and instrumental analysisTian Lab
Dr. Sharmila Venugopalbiochemistry, biophysics, computational, and neural systemsVenugopal Profile
Dr. Julie Wahlmanasymmetric catalysis and organicWahlman Lab
Dr. M. Paul Weersbiochemistry, structural biologyWeers Lab