Dr. Alex Klotz

I am an assistant professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at CSU Long Beach. My research group studies phenomena at the interface of biological physics and soft condensed matter. I am interested in using tools provided from biology to answer questions about the physics of soft materials. You can read about my group's research on this site. Please don't hesitate to contact me to learn more.
A good summary of my work presented for a general audience can be found in my CNSM Fellows Colloquium, delivered in November 2021. You can also follow me on twitter (@AlexanderRKlotz) where I occasionally post about science.
News and Press
- 2022-2023: Dave Holling, Josh Ragotskie, Kam Modjtahedzadeh and Nathan Howald have defended their theses.
- Sept 2022: Prof. Klotz has received the CNSM Faculty Award for Excellence, AKA The Pretty Darn Good Professor (PDGP) Award.
- March 17 2022: Sierra Breyer and Nathan Howald's research is featured in APS News and featured in a press conference at the APS March Meeting (picture below).
- Nov 5 2021: Professor Klotz presented the CNSM Fellows Colloquium.
- Nov 1 2021: Edgar Garcia defends his master's thesis after publishing a paper on his research.
- Sept 21 2021: Matthew Maldonado's research on tight knots published in Journal of Physics A.
- May 2 2021: Professor Klotz is the recipient of the 2021 Mayfield Award for Outstanding Teaching in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.
- April 26 2021: An article is featured in the Research at the Beach newsletter (scroll down to find it): Research at the Beach
- January 15 2020: An article on our research is featured in CSULB news: Physics Professor Explores Parasite DNA