
Upcoming Colloquium

Spintronics with 2D Magnetic and Topological Materials: Outstanding Opportunities in van der Waals Heterostructures
Dr. Kelly Luo, USC

September 19, 2024
11:00am in HSCI-102

Kelly Luo

Advances in quantum science and technology rely on ever-improving control over quantum degrees of freedom including electron spin, photons, and magnons, which can store, transmit, and exchange information. Understanding their mutual interactions, propagation, and non-equilibrium dynamics within solid-state systems is a crucial challenge at the forefront of this effort. Our research investigates the dynamics and effective couplings among these quantum degrees of freedom with two main themes: 1. developing multifunctional van der Waals heterostructures for spin-based quantum information processing; 2. accelerating next-generation spin-orbit torque MRAM devices based on 2D magnetic and topological materials. I will discuss how we harness the outstanding opportunities enabled by the pristine van der Waals interfaces by employing ultrafast optical scanning microscopy, Sagnac interferometry, and microwave electronics with unparalleled Kerr sensitivity, temporal, and spatial resolutions. We aim to bridge the urgent needs of the microelectronics industry by enabling new forms of nonvolatile magnetic memory, low-power computing, optical interconnects, and multifunctional hybrid materials with widespread societal impact.

hybrid quantum device
Fig. A hybrid quantum device made of a single atomic layer of MoS2 interfaced with a single atomic layer of graphene.

About the Colloquium

The Colloquium is a unique opportunity for students to learn about new developments in physics and what physicists do after they graduate. Hosted by the Physics and Astronomy Department at California State University, Long Beach, the weekly meetings invite guests from universities, research laboratories, and industry to present and discuss current topics in physics. All students are encouraged to attend for a well-rounded experience and training in physics.

Colloquium Coordinator

For information and suggestions about the colloquium please contact the colloquium coordinator:

Dr. Michael Peterson


Fall 2024 Colloquia
DateTitleSpeaker and Affiliation
September 16, 2024Spintronics with 2D Magnetic and Topological Materials: Outstanding Opportunities in van der Waals HeterostructuresDr. Kelly Luo, USC
September 23, 2024(topic: astrophysics)Dr. Tommaso Treu, UCLA
September 30, 2024Ionic and Geometric Tuning of Magnetism: Paths to Next-Generation HardwareDr. Julius de Rojas, Oklahoma State University
October 7, 2024(topic: biophysics)Dr. Meng Shen, CSU Fullerton
October 14, 2024(topic: condensed matter experiment)Dr. Ezekiel Johnston-Halperin, Ohio State University
October 21, 2024(topic: quantum information theory)Dr. Jonathan Gross, Google Quantum
October 28, 2024(topic: nuclear theory)Dr. Zoltan Papp, CSU Long Beach
November 4, 2024(topic: particle physics)Dr. Shirley Li, UC Irvine
November 18, 2024(topic: semiconductors)Dr. Partha Dutta, United Semiconductor
December 2, 2024(topic: condensed matter theory)Dr. Thomas Scaffidi, UC Irvine

Previous Colloquia

The Colloquium Archive has the Colloquia from previous semesters.

Fall 2024 Previous Colloquia
DateTitleSpeaker and Affiliation
September 9, 2024Meet and GreetAll Physics Students and Faculty, CSU Long Beach


We acknowledge with gratitude donations and support from the following present sponsors:

  • H.E. and H.B. Miller and Family Endowment
  • Benjamin Carter
  • American Physical Society
  • Anonymous

We also acknowledge with gratitude our past donors: The Forty-Niner Shops, Inc., The Northrop Grumman Foundation, Sandra Dana, Anonymous.

If you wish to support the Colloquium, please contact the colloquium coordinator or the department chair. Thank you!