
Rebuilding Our Coastlines

Dr. Whitcraft's lab focuses on quantifying the effects of human activities on the structure and function of wetlands. The lab also works with land owners and resource agencies to design solutions that prevent further degradation and restore these ecosystems.

Scrapping "Remedial" Math

Big changes are coming to the CSU system and our Math department is leading the charge. KPCC reporter Adolfo Guzman-Lopez spent the day at CSULB to see how students and faculty are adapting to the curriculum change and the introduction of MATH 104.

NSF Funding to Digitize Herbarium at Cal State Long Beach

Biology Professor Amanda Fisher has received $1.8 million in NSF funding to digitize the university's plant collection as part of a large California-wide collaboration to understand the effects of climate change on flowering time.

Corpse Flower Blooms on CSULB Campus

Phil the corpse flower, a rare plant species known as Titan Arum, has bloomed after more than 10 years of care and growth in CSULB's greenhouse. The bloom has been a highly anticipated event for the last two weeks.

2019 Distinguished Alumnus

Mike Schaadt has been named the 2019 Distinguished Alumnus for the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. The Distinguished Alumni Award is bestowed annually in each College by the CSULB Alumni Office and is CSULB's highest alumni honor.

Saturdays are for the Mathematicians

Math Day at the Beach is a problem-solving festival for Southern California high school students who want to have fun with mathematics and enjoy a day of camaraderie with university mathematics students and professors.

Long Beach Ranked Among Nation's Best for Awarding Physics Degrees to Diverse Students

CSU Long Beach has been recognized as ​being among the nation's highest awarders of physics degrees by the American Physical Society, especially to women and underrepresented minorities.

Long Beach State University Ranked Among Best in Nation in National Math Competition

The three-member team ranked 46th in the nation when competing against 567 other teams in the William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition.

Dr. Pernet Featured in Los Angeles Times

Dr. Bruno Pernet is featured in a Los Angeles Times article titled "One obsession begets another: A biologist yearns to discover the secrets of Watts Towers' shells."

Chemistry Professor Honored for Student Success

Chemistry Professor Stephen Mezyk received California State University's Wang Family Excellence Award.

Chemistry Student Wins 1st Place at Molecular Biology Conference

Chemistry student Jordan Ngo wins 1st Place at ASCB | EMBO conference in San Diego on December 8-12, 2018.

CNSM Students Win Awards at 2018 ABRCMS

CSULB students bring home a record 9 awards from 2018 Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students.