Sustainability Speaker Series: Anika Ballent

Published on November 5, 2021

Anika Ballent

Tuesday, November 16 | 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Anika’s academic experience is in oceanography, freshwater and benthic microplastics, and developing educational content around the complexities of the plastics issue. Her adventures have brought her on a research expedition in the Baltic Sea, back country hikes in Yosemite, Ontario’s freezing winters, and rowing races in the Netherlands, Spain, and Germany. Her creative inlets are all types of handiwork; at present, gardening.  Anika’s Bachelor and Master’s work at Jacobs University Bremen and University of Western Ontario contribute to the issues of plastic pollution and climate change. Currently, Anika serves as the Education Director at Algalita. In this role she creates novel education programs to prepare young people to be critical thinkers who demand a beautiful future.
