Information Session - Virtual: Long Beach Public Service Corps

The Long Beach Public Service Corps Fellowship Program application is open now! Join us for an in-person informational session to learn more about eligibility and how to apply. 

The City of Long Beach, the Office of Mayor Rex Richardson has launched the Long Beach Public Service Corps program (PAID GOVERNMENT INTERNSHIP). This program aims to increase access and pathways to government employment through internships that contextualize educational experiences through hands-on learning and paid internship opportunities across City of Long Beach departments. 

Priority eligibility includes: Long Beach residents between the ages of 18-30, residents of a Long Beach neighborhood that COVID-19 has disproportionately impacted, and Senior-level students (current Juniors who will be seniors next academic year) at CSULB.

Selected candidates will participate in a series of professional development workshops and facility tours to help prepare them for careers in public service. The selected candidates will work up to 700 hours at $22 per hour in the upcoming academic school year (August 2024-May 2025).

The application opens May 1st and will close June 30th.

For the Zoom link, click here:…