Career Profiles: Computer Engineering & Computer Science

CSULB Department of Computer Engineering and Computer Science

Computer engineers specialize in the design, manufacture, testing, installation, operation and application of computers, computer systems and their components. They invent new and efficient hardware and software to solve problems. Since computers (hardware)are primarily electronic machines, computer engineers need a strong background in electrical engineering. Software engineers produce the sophisticated programs, languages and operating systems required to fully utilize the rapidly growing capabilities of computer hardware. Application programmers write, update and maintain the detailed instructions (programs or software) that list in logical order the steps that computers must execute. Systems administrators on the other hand, maintain the software that controls the operation of an entire computer system.

Cap & Degree

Career Possibilities:

Additional experience and/or education may be required

  • Applications Programmer
  • Computer Engineer
  • Computer Service Representative
  • Database Administrator
  • LAN/WAN Administrator
  • Mainframe Programmer
  • Microcomputer Programmer
  • Network Engineer
  • Software Engineer
  • Systems Administrator
  • Systems Analyst
  • Technical Services Manager
  • Telecommunications Analyst

Where Employed:

  • Banks
  • Companies that design and manufacture computer components and peripherals
  • Companies that provide engineering and management services
  • Educational institutions
  • Government agencies
  • Large and small companies that write and sell software
  • Manufacturers of office and accounting machines

Career Research Resources:


CSULB College and Department Links: