Frequently Asked Questions
Commencement serves as the celebratory event dedicated to acknowledging students who have completed their degree or are in the process of doing so. Our office specifically manages the coordination of Commencement celebrations and ceremonies.
Please be aware that CSULB organizes annual commencement ceremonies at the conclusion of the spring semester for students meeting their degree requirements. It's important to note that there is currently no fall commencement ceremony. Summer and fall graduates have the option to participate in the May commencement ceremony either before or after completing their degree. To do so, they must apply for graduation via MyCSULB Student Center (link) in the spring semester of the year they plan to participate.
Graduation is fulfilling your degree requirements. Taking part in the commencement ceremony does not imply or guarantee graduation or the receipt of honors.
Enrollment Servicesmanages all aspects related to graduation, eligibility, degree checks, diplomas, changing name on diploma, class credit, grades, name and address changes, adding/removing FERPA (Family Education Rights and Privacy Act), and graduation status.
Manage your MyCSULB Personal Information portal (link) for all the changes/information above.
For inquiries regarding degree progress or graduation matters, please reach out to Enrollment Services at
For questions about commencement ceremonies, please contact
- Open a web browser and go to
- In the text box on the left, type in the entire CSULB Commencement URL, /commencement (be sure to include the http://).
- In the text box on the right, choose the language you want to see the website in.
- Click on the highlighted URL in the box on the right.
It is university policy to send commencement communication to student email accounts. Student email addresses ( remain active for 1 year after graduation. Use this link to look up your student email account. For other information, such as forwarding your beach emails to another email account, visit this general website.
The Center for International Education (CIE) handles visa letter requests for those living outside of the country who want to attend commencement. They can be reached at
Steps to Graduate
You must Apply to Graduate through MyCSULB Student Center (link) to be eligible to graduate (this is not related to attending commencement ceremonies):
Apply to Graduate - Undergraduate Students
Apply to Graduate - Graduate Students
Step-by-step instructions here.
If you have questions on the application process, please email CSULB Enrollment Services at OR look it up in your MyCSULB student portal here (link).
Check your Grad Status after applying by referring to the following instructions (PDF) and/or visiting your My CSULB student portal (link).
This fee helps cover the costs associated with the final preparation for graduation and the awarding of a student’s degree.
The fee, set by the university, includes the following services:
- Commencement ceremonies
- Degree audit and evaluation by advisors throughout the year
- Creating each student’s diploma
- Mailing each student’s diploma
Refunds are not given as the fee pays for services already performed. At this time, there are no waivers for the Apply to Graduate fee.
For a full description of the process and the fee, please go to: Student Records - Apply to Graduate- What happens after I Apply to Graduate. Full dates, deadlines, and fee schedules can be found at the Enrollment Services page here.
Please see the following PDF with instructions (PDF) or visit your MyCSULB student portal (link) and follow the instructions to check, or email CSULB Enrollment Services at
When you Apply to Graduate, select your last term. For instance, if your final term before graduating is Fall 2024, choose Fall 2024 from the dropdown menu. Do not select Spring 2025 as your graduation term if you are only participating in the Spring 2025 ceremonies, as the ceremony is not directly tied to your graduation term.
If you submit your application after the deadline, there is no assurance that your name will be included in the online graduate recognition program since the deadline is March 1st. Additionally, make sure to contact to request inclusion, providing your name, ID, college, and major, and we will add you to future communications.
Honors based on GPA are not acknowledged during the ceremony since GPAs are computed only after the degree has been officially conferred, typically several weeks after the semester concludes. If you have already graduated before the ceremony and are aware of your final GPA, you have the option to buy an honor cord at the University Bookstore. Additionally, you can indicate your honor level through personalized graduation announcements, which are also available at the Bookstore.
For inquiries regarding honors specific to your major, please reach out to your college coordinator.
The term "legal name," also referred to as the graduate's primary name, must be used for official university transactions, including transcripts, diplomas, and the graduate recognition program. Graduates can find their primary name in the Student Center app on the CSULB single sign-on website.
If you prefer a name other than your primary name to be listed on the graduate recognition program, the jumbotron displays, and recorded for your name announcement while you cross the stage at your ceremony, please reach out to before the March 1st deadline. You can write in or choose your preferred name in Tassel/MarchingOrder. For name announcements, we use the PREFERRED name, not the Primary. If you want the primary name, let us know.
For changes related to degree and diploma information, kindly visit your MyCSULB student portal (link) and follow the directions on how to check, or contact Enrollment Services at
If you intend to modify your legal name within the university system, you can do this within your MyCSULB student portal (link) and follow the Setting Your Diploma Name directions. You will need to submit a Legal Name Change Request form along with all required documentation. Students should submit these to the Office of Enrollment Services (BH 101), while employees should submit them to Payroll (BH 353).
Current or former CSULB students can access the form under the 'Registration/Records Forms' heading on the Forms webpage (/enrollment-services/forms). However, current and former CSULB employees, including student employees, cannot use this form and should instead get in touch with the Payroll Office at
If you need to change your graduation term, please reach out to your academic advisor. You will NOT need to reapply to graduate nor pay the fee again if you already paid. You do NOT need to let us know.
If you have applied for graduation by the March 1st deadline but are not receiving our communications or are not listed on our graduation roster, it's possible that a FERPA block (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) has been activated on your account. This block restricts access to your information by any department, including your email address, if you have applied to graduate, and more. To verify whether FERPA restrictions are in place, please check your MyCSULB Student Center (link) and using the detailed instructions linked here.
If you find that a FERPA block is enabled, you can uncheck the FERPA box to disable the block or check your MyCSULB Student Center (link) and follow the FERPA removal directions for further assistance.
All communications that have been sent out, as well as social media posts, can be found under the COMMUNICATIONS tab on the commencement website.
FERPA's impact on your graduation remains unaffected. Enabling FERPA restrictions limits the sharing of your personal details exclusively to authorized parties. Therefore, you won't receive emails from Commencement, and the inclusion of your name in the commencement Graduate Recognition Program will be excluded due to FERPA privacy constraints.
The University, including Commencement, is unable to address inquiries from your family members. If any family member or friend, such as a parent, sibling, grandparent, or others, contacts us with questions about your ceremony, we cannot provide specific details (e.g., whether your child applied or RSVP'd, ceremony details, nor ticket requests). Kindly direct friends and family to our website and ensure they are aware of your ceremony details.
If you would like to check your FERPA status or remove the FERPA block, please go to your MyCSULB student portal (link) and follow the FERPA directions on the drop down menu.
Tassel (aka MarchingOrder) is an online platform that issues students their Grad Pass (necessary for entry into the ceremony), manages student information for display on the jumbotron during the ceremony (including name, major, degree, and college), and offers the capability for students to record the pronunciation of their names for professional name recorders.
Students are not required to actively "sign up" for Tassel/MarchingOrder. When you apply to graduate, your details are automatically uploaded to the Tassel/MarchingOrder database. Once the Tassel/MarchingOrder portal becomes accessible mid-winter semester, you will receive an email containing instructions on how to access Tassel/MarchingOrder via CSULB SSO. It's important to note that you won't be able to access Tassel/MarchingOrder before we announce the opening in late February or early March 2025 nor after April 17, 2025.
If you plan to participate or attend your ceremony, login to Tassel/MarchingOrder to verify that all information is accurate. You will pick up your Tassel/MarchingOrder GRAD PASS on THE DAY OF YOUR CEREMONY at Check-in AT THE STADIUM. This Grad Pass serves as your ticket to participate—no separate stadium ticket is required.
To ensure your inclusion in Tassel/MarchingOrder, apply to graduate by the March 1st deadline. If you applied after this date, please inform us so we can facilitate Tassel/MarchingOrder access:
Tassel/MarchingOrder becomes available late February/early March 2025 and closes on April 17, 2025 at 11:59 PM. It is advisable not to delay logging in until April 17, as there is a risk of potential crashes. It's crucial to note that once Tassel/MarchingOrder closes, even in the event of a crash, there is no means of accessing it thereafter, even for university administration. Tassel/MarchingOrder is open for a significant amount of time to allow grads to access with plenty of time.
Credential students are notrequired to submit a graduation application. However, their access to the RSVP and Tickets portal, as well as the Tassel/MarchingOrder login, may be delayed because we typically receive the comprehensive list of credential candidates from the College of Education in late March. Rest assured, you will still have ample time to RSVP, redeem your tickets, and personalize your name and access your information in Tassel/MarchingOrder before the portal's closing deadline of April 17, 2025. We kindly request that you access these portals as soon as your college notifies you that they have submitted the list to us, usually around March 23-25.
For Fall graduates, there are two options: you can participate in the Spring ceremony either the semester BEFORE your official graduation term or the Spring ceremony AFTER your graduation term. It's important to note that there is currently no Fall commencement ceremony.
No, presently CSULB does not conduct ceremonies in the Fall. If you graduate in the Fall, you can choose to participate in the Spring ceremony either before or after your last semester.
You still have the opportunity to RSVP and SECURE TICKETS for your ceremony until the day of your ceremony! Please note that the full quantity of guest tickets or assurance of seating together is not guaranteed the closer to your ceremony that you RSVP and redeem your tickets. SHOW UP TO THE STADIUM on the day of your ceremony and we will give you tickets that we have available.
Feel free to reach out to for guidance and information.
Cultural graduation celebrations are hosted each spring by the Division of Student Affairs and student organizations. For more information, please visit the Cultural Graduation Celebrations website or contact the office of the Division of Student Affairs. We do not have information on the celebrations nor do we coordinate ticket sales, event set up, etc.
Stadium Information
Please note, in keeping with U.S. ADA regulations, people with disabilities may use a dog that is trained to do work or perform tasks for the guest. The work or tasks performed by the service animal must be directly related to the guest's disability. As such, animals that solely provide emotional support or companionship to a guest will not be permitted inside the ballpark.
Angel Stadium only will allow Service Animals (dogs) and if you report that your animal is a Service Animal, they will ask the following questions for verification:
- Is this animal needed because of a disability?
- What duty or task does this animal perform (that is outside of the realm of emotional support)?
Please note that admitted Service Animals must be under the control of the handler at all times, exhibit appropriate behavior, and be housebroken.
BMAC advises that you relieve your Service Animal prior to the ceremony, or if your animal needs to be relieved in the middle of the ceremony, your animal may use the Stadium planters outside in the parking lot.
Please feel free to contact if you have any questions.
Per stadium policy, no posters, noisemakers, banners, or confetti are allowed to be brought in. Faces on sticks are acceptable. Personal-sized umbrellas are also allowed.
You may not bring anything in that obstructs the view of other guests or poses a safety risk to anyone.
Please visit the Angel Stadium website for this information.
Please fill out the following form for Disability-Related Accommodations (link).
In addition, you can visit our Accessibility and Accommodation page for more information.
When you redeem your tickets, you do not have the option to choose ADA seating/accommodations online so please do NOT do that.
You will have to exchange your tickets in person on the day of your ceremony. Plan to arrive earlier to the stadium on the day of your ceremony and IN PERSON exchange some of your tickets at the ticket window. You are allowed to exchange one (1) ticket for the person who needs the accommodation + one (1) companion ticket. If more than one person needs accommodations, they can each have a ticket exchanged and each have one (1) companion ticket. So that is two (2) ADA tickets for each accommodation.
MLP Ballpark app: To access [CC] in the app, please follow instructions in the linked instructions here.
YouTube Livestream captioning: For [CC] on our YouTube livestreams of the ceremonies, please use their auto captions. Instructions link here. There is a setting on the local player for end users to turn captions on/off if needed.
Captioning Board: A board will be displayed featuring [CC] (see below image):

- Tickets: Required to access all commencement ceremonies. You and your guests will be required to show event tickets to enter the venue. Graduates should be prepared to show a student or photo ID to receive a Grad Pass. Please allow ample time to proceed through security, check-in, and line-up.
- Security Checks: All persons will be required to consent to security checks, which will include walk-through security screenings through a metal detector at the gates.
- Prohibited Items: Please refer to the stadium's security policies for further information regarding allowed and prohibited items.
- Do not bring signs, banners, flags, or anything that blocks or obstructs others’ view of the event. PERSONAL-SIZED umbrellas are allowed.
- Costumes and masks that create security concerns or unwarranted disruption will not be permitted.
- Bag Policy:
- Purses or bags must be 12" x 12" with a single zipper closure/flap or smaller
- Clear bags (plastic or vinyl) with no obscured interior pockets that do not exceed 12.75" x 6.5" x 12.75"
- Medically necessary items, including diaper bags, that accompany an infant.
- Please note backpacks are not permitted.
- Disruption: Please be respectful of all guests. Refrain from disruptive behavior, including noisemaking, harassment, throwing objects, or any actions that may compromise safety.
- Please be aware that distribution of flyers is not permitted.
- Nor is the use of any device that prevents or impedes others from hearing programmed speakers.
- Disruptive behavior may result in removal from the venue. The venue may also cancel or interrupt the event for safety reasons.
- Grass: Do not touch or walk on the grass on the field, as this is strictly prohibited by the venue. Doing so will subject you to immediate removal from the facility and citation for trespassing.
Thank you in advance for your attention and compliance to ensure all graduates and guests can equally experience our Beach Commencement ceremonies.
Ceremonies are planned to accommodate a specific number of graduates. Therefore, we cannot exceed the predetermined maximum capacity, as doing so may result in insufficient available seats for guests.
Every graduate who RSVP'd will be provided with twelve (12) complimentary tickets. Children aged 3 and above must have a ticket.
If more tickets become available, information will be communicated to students through our informational emails, social media posts, and updates on this website/FAQs. However, please be aware that these additional tickets will not be allocated to the same section or seating area as the original tickets and won't be sent out until a majority of the eligible grads have RSVP'd and received their initial tickets.
The Commencement Office nor Angel Stadium are unable to fulfill requests for seat changes due to the substantial number of guests who have already been assigned tickets in the section you are requesting. Assignments are made as ticket codes are redeemed.
For guests with a disability, please visit our Accessibility and Accommodation page for more information. Due to limited accessible seating, only two (2) guest tickets may be exchanged. These tickets are for the guest with accommodations and one accompanying family member, friend, or caretaker.
The CSULB Bookstore offers free portrait sessions with GradImages throughout the Spring semester! Please visit the Bookstore's Grad Central page for more information on how to register, and take advantage of the 20% off pre-registration code available upon sign-up.
Guest tickets are COMPLIMENTARY. It's important to note that if a fellow graduate provides you with extra tickets, the commencement department cannot officially transfer these tickets to you through the MLB app. Moreover, we are unable to alter the ceremony or the seating arrangement of the tickets. While you may use the additional tickets, please be aware that your guests will be seated in a different area than your original tickets, and we, nor Angel Stadium, cannot facilitate seat changes.
Children aged 3 and older are required to have a ticket.
In the case of receiving extra or additional tickets for your ceremony, the guests holding these tickets will be assigned to a section different from the one on your assigned original tickets you redeemed. The stadium cannot accommodate requests to switch tickets to ensure guests are seated together. Sections are filled as students redeem tickets, making it impractical to change the assigned tickets.
Last year, CSULB was proud to host 10 commencement ceremonies over the span of 5 days at Angel Stadium. Over 100,000 friends and family attended the 2024 ceremonies!
We also offered a livestream to broadcast ceremonies to viewers in over 40 different countries with over 60,000 total online views.
2024 Commencement and Cultural Celebrations highlights:
If your question has not been answered by our FAQ page, please email us at and include your student email, student ID, and college (e.g. Business, Health & Human Services, Education, etc.) so we can properly assist you.
For a quicker response, we recommend sending an email instead of calling or leaving a voicemail, as we do not have a phone and operate off-campus.
During peak periods, we receive a high volume of emails and make every effort to respond promptly. Please note that sending multiple emails may cause your requests to be prioritized lower in our queue. We appreciate your patience and understanding in advance.
Please visit the Student Records website to explore resources on graduation-specific issues (such as eligibility, degree verification, and academic requirements) and use the Ask Elbee chatbot. To submit a help ticket or make an appointment, contact the Office of the Registrar (Student Records).