CAPS is a department within the Division of Student Affairs at California State University, Long Beach. CAPS offers programs designed to help students accomplish their academic and career goals, improve interpersonal relationships, and meet life's challenges. CAPS is established as a comprehensive counseling center offering core clinical services, developmental and life skills interventions, consultation, and outreach to a diverse student population. Short-term counseling and psychotherapy are the primary means of direct service delivery. Several general therapy, theme-oriented, and structured groups are offered each semester. Life skills workshops with a developmental focus are offered. Crisis intervention is also available. Several types of consultation services are offered to faculty, staff, administration, and student groups. Clinical and program consultation are provided as well as training of professional and student staff. In collaboration with academic departments and student services offices, outreach programs are developed to assist special populations and students with specific needs. In all services, consideration is shown for diverse backgrounds and value systems. CAPS staff represents and favors a variety of theoretical positions including psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, feminist, interpersonal, existential, humanistic, and systems perspectives. Generally, an integrated approach to counseling and psychotherapy is shared by the staff.