Frequently Asked Questions

Third parties may file a complaint under the relevant Executive Orders for concerns that occurred on campus or at a University sponsored activity. Third parties are defined as employees of auxiliary organizations, unpaid interns, volunteers, independent contractors, vendors, and their employees, and visitors. Complaints not related to the University do not fall under the purview of this office.
Equity & Compliance is limited to complaints of discrimination/harassment based on a protected status. If you're not sure whether your complaint falls under this purview, contact our office and schedule a consultation meeting. We can help you understand the policy and if your concern falls under our office's purview. In the event it does not, we are happy to connect you to the right resources.
Anonymous complaints cannot be accepted. In order to provide due process, Respondents have a right to know the allegations and the name of the Complainant. The information provided will be kept sensitive and only shared with those who have a legitimate need to know.
Complaints should be brought forward as soon as possible after the conduct occurs. While there is no stated timeframe for making a complaint, prompt reporting will better enable the Campus to respond to the complaint, determine the relevant issues, and provide an appropriate remedy and/or action. All incidents should be reported even if a significant amount of time has passed. However, delaying a report or complaint may impede the University’s ability to conduct an investigation or take appropriate remedial actions.
All participating parties, including any witnesses you may have listed, are protected under the non-retaliation policy and this Executive Order. When our office meets with the involved parties, we review this policy to clarify that any act of retaliation is not allowed. If you file a complaint and later feel that you are experiencing retaliation as a result of filing or cooperating with our office, our office can review and address this concern.
CSULB Employees or Students may chose to utilize the complaint form, if this is the first time they are working with our office, to identify the missing and required information needed. You may choose to attach any relevant documents or evidence, you can submit this information to our office in Foundation Building, Suite 160 (external entrance facing Foundation parking lot) or OEC@csulb.edu.
The Complainant and the Respondent may each elect to be accompanied by an Advisor to any meeting or interview regarding the allegations. The Advisor may be anyone who is not an involved party or potential witness to the allegations. The Advisor may not speak on behalf of the Complainant or the Respondent. However, the Advisor may observe and consult with the Complainant or Respondent and take appropriate action to ensure that the investigation does not violate applicable laws, policies, or collective bargaining agreements.
Our process allows for an Informal Resolution or a full investigation depending on your preferred outcomes. All complainants have a right to choose a full investigation, however some may prefer an Informal Resolution for an immediate resolution to their concerns. Additionally, our office reserves the right to conduct a full investigation where it may be warranted due to the nature of the complaint.
- An Informal Resolution typically involves our office addressing the concerns with the accused party, as well as potentially implementing interim remedies if deemed necessary by our office. Informal Resolutions provide a more immediate response but do not include an in-depth review or analysis of the incident.
- A full investigation can take up to 100 business days (non-weekends, non-holidays), depending on the complexity of the matter. This involves a full review of the facts and interviews of the Complainant, Respondent, and witnesses. At the conclusion of the investigation, our office will issue a report summarizing our findings. The report can determine that there was a 'finding' that the Respondent violated the Executive Order, and may suggest appropriate remedies. Alternatively, the report can determine that there is 'no finding' that the Respondent violated the Executive Order, and the case would be closed with no remedies.
Any Complainant or Respondent who is not satisfied with a campus investigation outcome may file an appeal with the Chancellor's Office no later than 10 Working Days after the date of the Notice of Investigation Outcome. For more information on the appeal process, review section IV of the Executive Order. Complainants may also file an external complaint at any time, however our office cannot provide guidance regarding external processes.