News - October 4, 2018

Campus Safety and Active Shooter Response Training
Tuesday, October 16 from 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. at the Anatol Center

The University Police Department would like to invite all members of the campus community to attend a campus safety and active shooter response training. While our police department is engaged in routine training to ensure that we are fully prepared should an incident occur on our campus, your awareness of what actions to take may be instrumental in your own safety and the safety of those around you. This training is open to all students, faculty, and staff. If you would like to attend please RSVP to For presentation requests or to view the “Run, Hide, Fight” video please visit the University Police website.

The Great Shakeout Statewide Earthquake Drill Thursday, October 18

Beginning in 2008, the Great Shakeout occurs every third Thursday in October. At 10:18 a.m. on 10/18 we will be joining millions of people worldwide practice how to “Drop, Cover, and Hold On”. The drill will commence with a BeachALERT emergency notification. At this time, all members of the campus community are asked to identify a safe spot to drop, cover, and hold on as if a major earthquake were occurring, and remain in that position for at least 60 seconds. There will be no building evacuations, power outages, or any other simulated effects of this hypothetical incident. The purpose is to practice the correct earthquake response so in an actual event your muscle memory will allow you to take swift action.

Heating Hot Water Infrastructure Project October 3, 2018 – December 4, 2018

On October 3rd, 2018, the Infrastructure Heating Hot Water project contractor will be starting pipe placement operations along East Campus Drive and will continue to work across the upper campus. Intermittent traffic delays between 7:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. will occur during material transportation and as the construction progresses near MLSC, FO4 and UTC buildings. One lane will be open at all times at East Campus Drive with flagggers directing traffic in both directions, and both lanes will be open after hours. Construction along East Campus Drive is expected to complete by December 4th, 2018.

Construction operations at the remainder of the work segments will follow the timeline indicated on the project map and will be coordinated further with the pertinent facilities and parties as the work progresses. Signage will be posted to warn and assist the vehicular and pedestrian traffic, and fencing will be erected where needed. For questions, please contact PPFM Customer Service at (562) 985-HELP (4357) or email

RAD Women’s Self-Defense Class November 5, 7, 12 & 14 from 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. at BAAC Conference Center

RAD is a nation-wide safety program hosted by the University Police which empowers women by teaching realistic self-defense techniques through a comprehensive 12-hour course. A high level of fitness is not required to participate, but dynamic physical simulations take place on a voluntary basis. It is necessary to attend all four classes in order to graduate. Cost is $10 for CSULB students, faculty, staff, or alumni. $25 for non-affiliates. Visit the RAD webpage to register. If you have any questions please contact

California Public Record Act Requests

Under both the McKee Transparency and California Public Records Acts (PRA), most electronic and hard copy records maintained by the University, auxiliaries and their employees are subject to disclosure.  This includes records in paper or electronic files, business-related emails, database reports, spreadsheets, etc.

What constitutes a request under these Acts?  Something in writing formally referencing an Act is considered a request; however, a request can also be made verbally.  All records requests must be referred to the Office of Public Records and Audit for processing, and can be forwarded by email to  It’s important to note, the university and auxiliaries have a legal obligation to acknowledge receipt of a request within 10 days, and the Chancellor’s Office requires that all requests be completely processed within 30 days.  So it is extremely important to avoid any delay in forwarding records requests.

More information on PRAs can be found at the Office of Public Records and Audit website or by contacting Gene Wohlgezogen at extension 5-4862, or email at

CSULB Staff and Faculty Discounts: Legends Sports Bar

A proud sponsor of Long Beach State Athletics, Legends Sports Bar at 5236 E. 2nd Street near Belmont Shore is currently offering a 15% discount for CSULB faculty and staff. Show your employee ID for great savings!

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