Frank I. Benest
1992 Distinguished Alumnus

Frank I. Benest
1981, ED.D, Brigham Young University
1978, MPA, CSULB
1972, B.A., Sociology, Yale University, Magna Cum Laude
1969-70, Carnegie Foundation Fellow, Mexico City
Frank I. Benest has been the director of Gardena’s Human Service Department and Colton’s city manager. Today he is the city manager of Brea, which in the past three years, has received 18 international, national, and state awards for excellence in local government.
Dr. Benest’s extensive and distinguished record of accomplishments includes active membership in the International City Management Association. He is president and a member of the bboard of directors of the City and County Communications and Marketing Association of North America, has chaired the City Managers Association of San Bernardino and presently sits on the executive board of directors of the California/Colorado/Arizona/Nevada Innovation Group.
He has co-authored a marketing textbook and written book chapters, government report, and a variety of article sin professional publications. He serves as consultant and trainer to governmental and professional institutions on the West Coast and in England and has taught courses in a number if universities, including CSULB.
He sits on the Alumni Advisory Committee for CSULB’s Center for Public Policy and Administration.
From Alumni Awards 1992 program