Distinguished Alumni

CSULB's highest alumni honor, the Distinguished Alumni Award is bestowed biennially to seven alumni each representing their academic college. This award recognizes our alumni who have an exemplary record of distinction and success in their chosen fields, have a proven record of impactful leadership and enduring service to their communities and society-at-large, and demonstrated pride and support for The Beach.

We are excited to announce the recipients of this year's Distinguished Alumni Awards. The Distinguished Alumni Award is the highest honor an alumni can receive from the university, awarded to those who have significantly contributed to their field, community, and the world.  

We are proud to recognize the following individuals as the 2023 Distinguished Alumni Award recipients: 

College of the Arts 

Greg Irwin '83 
Cameraman, Head of Camera Department, Freelance 

College of Business 

Kathleen Hansen '82 
President, Financial Planning Dept. Inc. 

College of Education 

Jill Baker '99 
Superintendent, LBUSD 

College of Engineering 

Hing Hung '85 
Co-Founder, Mercury Security Corporation (ret.).

College of Health & Human Services 

Karen King '01 
Case Manager, Molina Healthcare (ret.) 

College of Liberal Arts 

Mario Cordero '74 
Executive Director, Port of Long Beach 

College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics 

Fred Lauzier '71 
Director of Pathology, USC Keck School of Medicine (ret.) 

Their accomplishments and dedication to their respective fields make them outstanding examples of what it means to be a Cal State Long Beach graduate.