Genre Journal

Jim Brannon
Veronica Dominguez
Bria Gordon
Cindy Hong
Victor Tran
Crystal Trillo
Faculty Advisor: Katherine McLoone
Table of Contents
Robin Gaitan
Daynté Wordez: A Post-structural and New Historical Examination of Gender Roles in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 9
Isaac Garland
The Dullahan in Contemporary Japanese Culture 32
Jessica Gomez
Good Girls Don’t Stray from the Path: A Look at Conceptual and Physical Paths as Borders for Female Characters in Fairy Tales 41
Cindy E. Hong
Cisneros, Chanclas, and The House On Mango Street 53
Kristen Naeem
The Usage of Superstition in the Latin American Diaspora as Presented in The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao 59
Dejah Rodriguez
Analyzing Borders and Places in I Am Not Your Negro: The Intersectionality of Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality 73
Patrick Shaffer
Memento Mori: Orphans, Abjection, and Making the Impossible Possible 81
Victor Tran
Tlön: The Labyrinth of Mathematics, Geometry, and Quantum Mechanics 93
Farzana Waseeq
The Delegitimization of Islam in Grounding Orientalism in Literary Tradition 100

Jim Brannon
Sotonye Briggs
Sarah Chitwood
Veronica Dominguez
Moe Gamez
Jasmine Garcia
Luis Gomez
Bria Gordon
Jean-Paul Hoang
Cindy Hong
Sebastian Negrete
Alfred Piper
Patrick Shaffer
Tina Thongsarn
Victor Tran
Crystal Trillo
Alan Vera
Emily Yea
Cover Illustration
Jean-Paul Hoang
Cover Design
Victor Tran
Faculty Advisor
Katherine McLoone
Table of Contents
Mark Benton
Cooperative Centralization?: The Evolution of Regional Identity in Northern France during the High Middle Ages 10
Tyler Bouwens
Caesar’s Construction of Self-Identity 30
Bria Gordon
Black Identity: Overcoming Oppressive Ideas 46
Alejandra Lopez
The Border is My Home 57
William Meyer
Depictions of Homelessness and the Impossibility of Morality on the Streets 71
Dejah Rodriguez
From Baldwin to Adichie: The Dominant Narrative Still Divides 82
Joelle Sabater
Asterios Polyp and Daytripper: Proposed Outlooks Between Life and Death 89
Patrick Shaffer
The Cruel Hedgehog’s Fistfight 99
William Vasquez
The Village Boy, The Wolf Girl, and the Iron Woman: Self in Princess Mononoke 121
Emily Yea
Transitioning from Adolescence to Young Adulthood in Asano’s Solanin 135

Executive Editors
Josephine Bang
Odona Ngai
Mary George
Kevin Kwon
Contributing Editors
Maryam Abdulahi
Edom Assefa
Iza Bravo
Iavana Burgos
Emily Clark
Alan Gomez
Claudia Gonzales
Nam Le
Lannibeth Monjaras
Christopher Musso
Tiffany Ngo
Christian Padilla-Flores
Callista Phan
Anna Rapacz
Ariana Reteguin
Jonathan Schlaefer
Kelli Snyder
William Vasquez
Alexis Vega
Other Stuff
Megan Crayne Beall
Morgan Miller
Faculty Advisor
Vlatka Velcic
Truth in a Steel Mirror: On the Genres of Aemila Lanyer’s Salve Deus Rex Judeorum
Jane Beal 1
Female Friendships Explored: Esther and Ada in Bleak House
Sara Bitar 19
The Modern Yama-Uba
Iavana Burgos 38
Video Games Transferring into Literacy
Bryanna Bynum 47
The Sound of Tomorrow, The Music of Today: “Aura” in Daft Punk’s Roman Access Memories
Joe Cannon 59
Migrations of Trauma Memory: Immigration, Psychoanalysis, and Memoir Writing in Gary Shteyngart’s Little Failure
Ljiljana Coklin 69
Which Witch: How Fables Transforms the Archetypical Witch Through the Action of Narrative
Amy Desuza 82
Disenchanting Capitalism: The Power of Advertisement in Emile Zola’s Au Bonheur des Dames
Alan Gomez 94
Foucault and Skateboarding: Investigating the Relationship between Space and Liberty
Jeremy Klemin 116
Translation of the Cultural Images in The Analects
Fan Min 126
Cosplaying at Comic-Con
Odona Ngai 142
Peace Through Separation: A Study of the Peace Walls at Belfast
Claire Pelonis 153
Vedic Perspective of Ecology in Shakuntala
Rashmi Attri 169
Book Review: Jonathan Schlaefer, Musings on Mortality: From Tolstoy to Primo Levi by Victor Brombert 190

Popular culture has been defined as everything from “common culture,” to “folk culture,” to “mass culture.” While it has been all of these things at various points in history, popular culture is undeniably associated with commercial culture and all its trappings: movies, television, radio, cyberspace, advertising, toys, games nearly any commodity available for purchase, many forms of art, photography, games, and even group “experiences” like collective comet-watching or rave dancing on ecstasy.
This issue welcomed submissions of papers on a wide range of topics pertaining to Popular Culture and its cultural practices globally and through time.
Executive Editors
Lannibeth Monjaras
Chris Musso
Associate Editors
Cynthia Arroyo
Matthew Gonzales
Anna Rapacz
Rafael Serrato
Sasha Stone
Dianne Vitug
Faculty Advisor
Dr. Nhora Serrano
Representations of Physical Aesthetics among Minority Women
Cindy Alvarez 1
Self-Destruction in German Popular Literature: An Analysis of Identity in Christian Kracht’s Faserland 15
Culture of Cynicsm in Pakistan and its Satirical Expression in Art
Sadia Kamran 31
Brokeback Mountain or a Romantic Revisit of Gay Love
Malgorzata Lisiwicz 49
Hair Without a Head: Making Wit Productive in Tartuffe
Ryan Roderick 66
Freud and Shaun of the Dead
Rachelanne Smith 80
Give our Regards to the Canon-Smashers Critical Race Theory for Comics in the Aftermath of Wertham
Cathy Thomas 92
The Unveiling of Working-Class Social Relations in Iranian Popular Culture: The Inversion of Commodity Fetishism in Children of Heaven
Alden Wood 126
Medusa: In the Mirror of Time by David Leeming
Lannibeth Monjaras 148
Francis of Assisi: A New Biography by Augustine Thompson, O.P.
Anna Rapacz 151
El Iluminado by Ilan Stavans and Steve Sheinkin
Rafael Serrato 153
Under the Mexican Sky: Gabriel Figueroa—Art and Film at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, CA
Cynthia E. Arroyo 156
Art or Altruistic Endeavor? Stefan Sagmeister: The Happy Show
Sasha Stone 159

Executive Editors
Matt Gonzales
Alina Nguyen
Levon Parseghian
Mary Sotnick
Associate Executive Editors
Magdalena Cervantes
Theresa Johnson
Michael Joplin
Erica Medrano
Chris Muso
Associate Editors
Katie Brown
Martha Gonzalez
Oksana Makeeva
Jacqui Mendez
Lannibeth Mendez
Declan Murphy
Christine Rivera
Alex Sciarra
Dianne Vitug
Carling Kaiser
David Lugo
Kyle Nairne
Faculty Advisor
Dr. Nhora Serrano
As If Her Opinion Mattered: Censorship, Gender, and Resistance in Esmeralda Santiago’s Conquistadora
Nancy Bird-Soto 1
The Bias of Visual Literacy, A New Generation and Comics in the Classroom
Sarah Bryski 19
Who is Monsieur Vénus? A Case of Authorial and Narrative Censorship in Fin de Siècle France
Elizabeth Carroll 34
Ten Years After 9/11: Iconoclasm in America and Its Cultural Dilemma
Jong Chul Choi 47
Rosario Ferré’s “The Youngest Doll”: The Use of Fantasy, from Bildung to Survival
Dinorah Cortés-Veléz 68
Sex, Violence and the Human Body: Disgust and Censorship in Visual Arts
Anja Foerschner 85
Censorship in a Totalitarian Regime: Three Women’s Stories of Creative Resistance in the Socialist Republic of Romania
Daniela Ionescu 101
From image to word: the making of Pietro Aretino’s satire in I sonetti lussoriosi (c. 1527)
Hannah Jane Lavery 117
Silence Upon Silence: The Ethics of Secrecy in Pirandello’s Right You Are (If You Think So)
Drago Momcilovic 149
Ratings Systems: The Evolution of the Entertainment Industry
Amy Patrick 163
The Penalties of Consumerism in Fight Club, A Clockwork Orange, and The Terminator: What it means to be a Modern Incarcerated Cyborg
Alexis Tsachres 177
Miniature Men by Michael Buckley
Carling Kaiser and David Lugo 188
A King of Infinite Space by Tyler Dilts
Theresa Johnson and Kyle Nairne 190
The Power of the Pen: Translation & Censorship in Nineteenth-century Europe by Denise Merkle, Carol O’Sullivan, Luc van Doorslaer, Michaela Wolf (eds.)
Declan Murphy and Alexandra Sciarra 193
From Muses to Artists—In Wonderland: Surrealist Adventures of Women Artists in Mexico and the United States at Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, CA
Erica M. Medrano 196
47th Annual Comparative Literature Conference
Theresa Johnson, Michael Joplin, and Chris Musso 199

Executive Editor
Omar Zahzah
Managing Editors
Mary Sotnick
Alejandra Campoy
Mary Sotnick
A.S.C.L. Advisor
Dr. Nhora Serrano
Cover Design
Richard Mallory
Faculty Advisor
Dr. Cheryl Goldstein
Table of Contents
Visualizing Texts, Reading Images: Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes and David B.
Nhora Lucía Serrano, Omar Zahzah 1
Contradictory Evidence Seen in the Same Photograph—A Global Icon and Particular Memories
Hannah Maischein 14
Hildegard of Bingen: Gender, Authority, and Cultural Production in Medieval Europe
Jae Jerkins 38
Trauma, Transmission, and Transition: The Role of Memory in Contemporary Bosnian Film
Sarah Babovik 52
I am the Television
Monica Holmes 74
“Loss of Familiarity, Loss of the Self”; An Overview of Yeşilçam through Kanun Namına, Gecelerin Ötesi and Suçlular Aramızda
Aysegul Kesirli 76
The Visual Culture of Slavery in the 18th Century Halifax: “Just Imported .. Both Ran Away”
Cheryl Thompson 95
Fluorescent Algebra
Philip Dodd 136
Buscando la Sombra: How I Learned to “See” Through Mexican Funeral Rituals
Philip Madison 138
The Talking Body With No Voice
Alex Rodallec 165
L’Inconnue de la Seine: Popular Fiction, Artifact, and Affect
Liz Gomez 178
A Gender Bending Icon: Queer Anarchy in V for Vendetta
Geri Lawson 196
Las Bambilinas
Jorge Novoa Guaracao 216

Executive Editor
Omar Zahzah
Managing Editors
Mary Sotnick
Alejandra Campoy
Associate Editor
Devin O’Neill
Art Director
Katie Brown
Layout and Design
Alex Lemke
Jason S. Kim
Faculty Advisor
Dr. Cheryl Goldstein
Cover Design
Sheldon Joseph Gantt
Watching Television in Dark Places—
Joseph Maldonado
Rain—Lucas Fitzsimons
Night Between Freeways’ Walls—Cristy Moore
Cover—Sheldon Joseph Gantt
Table of Contents
Introduction 1
A Newton for Leaves of Grass
Trevor Fehrman 4
Night Between Freeway’s Walls
Max Pfeiffer 34
“no / lines or changeless shapes”: The Metaecopoetics of Ammon’s “Corson’s Inlet”
Sarah Nolan 36
I Can Eat the Sky
Justine Schneeweis 48
Illuminate Me
Caitlin Cutt 50
Honey Hunters
Adriana Campoy 67
Caught in a Trap: Female Subjectivity and Language in Assia Djebar’s So Vast the Prison
Kelly McHugh Lopes 69
His Sadness Sat on a Wall it Looked Over
Omar Zahzah 90
An Epitaph for Tristan Corbière (1845-1875)
Alexandre Rodallec Valencia 92
Art for Social Responsibility
Michael Veremans 112
Watching Television in Dark Places
Philip Dodd 134
Nandja, Tension, and the Surrealistic Orgasm
Devin O’Neill 136
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless. Failure and the Artist from Beckett to Kaufman
Jenny Long 149
The Artist at War
Jordan Smith 173
Struggling with the Almighty: Tony Kushner’s Angels in America
Dahlia Grossman-Heinze 175
Et tu, Brute? Brutus’ Possible Motivations for Killing Caesar
John Cameron 204
Pots and Pans
Crissy Van Meter 231
Plural Literacies in the Trinidad of The Mystic Masseur
Jeff Kuo 233
A Health Earthquake?
Michael Mermelstein 255
La apologia a la Guerra y a la muerte en Colombia
Andrés Felipe Manosalva Correa 268
Max Pfeiffer 277

Executive Editor
Whitney Donaldson
Managing Editors
Mallory Reeves
Omar Zahzah
Claire Dillon
Associate Editors
Eric Cornejo
Michaël Veremans
Layout and Design
Michaël Veremans
Art Director
Mary Sotnick
Cover Design
Javier Beltrán
Table of Contents
The Joy of Exile: Ovid and Russian Poets
Zara M. Torlone 1
Donna Gelagotis-Lee 27
Narrative as National Allegory in Ilias Khoury’s Gate of the Sun and Susan Abulhawa’s The Scar of David
Fadwa AbdelRahman 31
Fadi Bayaa 51
Enlightened Ambivalence: Arrival and Departure in Peter Hessler’s River Town: Two Years on the Yangtze
Leilei Chen 53
Flying Over Upstate
Gerald Locklin 71
Lacanian Mirroring in The Grave
Katherine Ness 73
Nizar Qabani’s “Bilqais”
Translated from the Arabic by Yasser Aman 97
A Picturesque Photographic Tour Through Scotland
Beth Knazook 127
Die Atlantische Kreisverschwörung von 1924 / The Atlantic Sphere Conspiracy of 1924
Michaël Veremans 161
Darvell and Aubrey’s Expedition: Death and Resurrection along the Sacred Way
Marc-Edward Carrigan 165
Snail Shoes
Alicia Adams 187
Other-Wise: Àshe, Proverbs, and Politics in Michelle Cliff’s No Telephone to Heaven
Linda Watts 191
Charles Harper Webb 209

Editorial Staff
Roya Ahmadina
Karina Araya
Blair Ashton
Stephanie Fields
Elizabeth Hickman
David Hook
Claudia Zapata
Managing Editor
Elizabeth Hickman
Associate Managing Editors
Karen Araya
Roya Amahdinia
genre Associates Spring 07
Stephanie Fousek
Krystle Ralston
Deborah Castro
Mariam Alkalby
Cover Design
Stephanie Fields
Illustration Design
Blair Ashton
Layout and Design
Claudia Zapata
Assistant Layout and Design
David Hook
President of the Associated Students of Comparative Literature and Business Coordinator
Claudia Zapata
Faculty Advisor
Elizabeth Dahab
Table of Contents
Introduction i
Precarious Futures: Early Modern Women’s Testimonies of Death and Self
Ulrike Tancke 1
“These New Hermaphrodites”: Hybrid Gender Identities in Life is a Dream and The Life and Death of Mrs. Mary Frith
Brian Pietras 17
“A Man is for a Woman”: Gender, Performance, and Desire in Margaret Cavendish’s The Convent of Pleasure
Julie Braun 35
“Be war by me”: Fearing the Newefangelnesse of Female Autonomy in the Squire’s Tale
Kristen Lillvis 51
“Made to write ‘whore’ upon”: Othello and the Cultural Projection of Whoredom
Victoria E. Price 69
Wedding Interrupted: Women’s Political Will in The Two Noble Kinsmen
William Ferleman 83
Daughters, Defiance, and Death: Jane Lumley and Euripides’ Iphigenia
Sasha Garwood 109
“I Fear She Cannot Love at All”: Unnatural Female Sexuality in the Revenge Tragedy
Liberty Stanavage 125
Learning about Women: Proverb Usage in the Roman de Silence
Lynne Dahmen 145
“This anchoress talks a lot”: Regula and Metaphors of Female Speech in Ancrene Wisse
Katharine Wrobel 165
Transcending the Imbalance: Engendering Ethos in the Rhetoric of Sor Juana Inez de la Cruz and Christine de Pizan
Christophe Casamassima 183
Unwitting Accessories to the “Crime” of Self-Creation: The Anonymous Prefaces to The Life and Death of Mary Frith Commonly Called Moll Cutpurse
Geraldine Wagner 201
Shakespeare’s Cleopatra as Virtuous Virago
Unhae Langis 215
Thus Spoke Shahrazad: Contemporary Arab Women Recent Rewritings of The Nights
Faten I. Morsy 231

Editorial Staff
Rebecca Addicks
Raymond Duran
Mark Olague
Roxanne Robert
Contributing Editors
Jerald Adamos
Gabriel Arroyo
Laci Chiodo
Sunyo Cho
Francis De Leon
Stephanie Fousek
Aileen Gendrano
Jarod Laub
Yishyu Lo
Briah Luther
Rory Montez
Meghan Ray
Chenin Simi
Taylor Parker
Aliaksandra Razor
Faculty Advisor
Vlatka Velcic
Contemporizing Black Athena: Myth, Marginality, and the Postcolonial Appropriation of Greek Classics
Aaron Eastley, Brigham Young University 11
Hybrid Helen
Ryan Platte, University of Washington 31
“Clauserunt virides ora loquenis aquae”: Ovid, Bruegel, and Auden
Emma Boyle, California State University, Long Beach 51
Seeking the Ancient Spirit in Modern Art: A Comparative Consideration of Wassily Kandinsky, Jane Harrison and Virginia Woolf
Alison Heney, Binghamton University 62
Snatching the Ring from his Finger: The Heroine’s Mythic Journey
Valerie Frankel, San Jose State University 79
“I’ll never make a vampire, I’m just not bloodthirsty”: Vampiric Elements in Mikhail Bulgakov’s The Master and Margarita
Dorian Townsend, The University of New South Wales 90
Descending from Samurai: Specters of Tradition in Nikkei Peru
Jordan A. Yamaji Smith, University of California, Los Angeles 104
The Art of Storytelling: Ovid and Calvino
Marie-Anne Visoi, University of Toronto 120
Ancient Structure, Contemporary Ruins: Charles Mee, Jr.’s Orestes 2.0
Peter Campbell, Pennsylvania State University, Berks 129
The Critic as Artist and Liar: The Reuse and Abuse of Plato and Aristotle by Wilde
Kelly Comfort, Georgia Institute of Technology 144
A New Way of Adaptation: Deluzian Mannerism in Kurosawa’s Adaptation of Shakespeare’s Macbeth
June Lam Pui-wah, The University of Hong Kong 163
The Collected Gilgamesh Episodes: Epic or Gospel?
Boak Ferris, California State University, Long Beach 172
“The Devil Made Me Do It”: The Satanic Femme Fatale and the New Eve in Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ
Beverly J. Graf, Abilene Pictures 192
I Am Your Memory: Yuyachkani’s Embodied Narrative of Gesture and Memory
Laura Dougherty, Arizona State University 213
English Translations of the Plays of Aristophanes, 1651-1800: A Review and Analysis
Philip Walsh, Brown University 223

Editorial Staff
Matt Beckner
Dev Bose
Marcos Castor
Nastaran Kherad
Jeanne Newhart
Michael Nottingham
Mark Olague
Caitlin Rademaekers
Joseph Ripley
Lisa Stasiak
Joseph Tran
Contributing Editors
Rebecca Addicks
Raha Bigdeli
Ravindar Brar
Sarah Christiansen
Matthew Hannickel
Helen Kilgallen
Dylan Klline
Roxanne Robert
Carolynn Romana
Ofelia Saenz
Thu-Thuy Tran
Layout and Design
Rebecca Addicks
Faculty Advisor
Vlatka Velcic
The Reception of the Diplomatique and His Suite, at the Court of Pekin: James Gillray and the Invention of the Macartney Embassy Kowtow Incident
Joseph Sample
Clemson University 12
Viewing the New through Nature: Alexander von Humboldt’s Ansichten der Natur
Renata Schellenberg
Mount Allison University, Canada 31
The Dialogical Zone in Hannah Webster Foster’s The Coquette
Ayse Naz Bulamur
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee 42
Crusoe’s Lack: J. M. Coetzee’s Foe as Response to Robinson Crusoe
Robert Colson
University of California, Irvine 60
Moratín’s El Sí de las Niñas: Intertextuality of the European Theatre in Spain
Isabel Asensio-Sierra
Vanderbilt University 74
If Looks Could Kill: Fragmented Bodies in Delarivier Manley’s The Wife’s Resentment
Adriana Macias
Mills College 82
The Misfortunes of Bourgeois Values
Natalie S. Roxburgh
Rutgers University 90
Poetics and Cosmetics: Pope’s and Chatterton’s Horatian Odes
Boldizsár Fejérvári 109
Book Reviews
Gustavo Verdesio. Forgotten Conquests: Rereading New World History from the Margins.
Reviewed by Ricardo Lopez 136
Mirella Agorni. Translating Italy for the Eighteenth Century: Women, Translation and Travel Writing (1739-1797).
Reviewed by Rebecca Addicks 141
Klaus Weber. Deutsche Kaufleute im Atlantikhandel, 1680-1830.
Reviewed by Pascal H. Zandt 146
Felicity A. Nussbaum, ed. The Global Eighteenth Century.
Reviewed by Muriel Pendleton 150
Nedim Hayatı, Edebî Kişiliği ve Divan’ından Seçmeler (Nedim’s Life, Literary Identity and Selections from his Divan Poetry) by Coşkun Ak.
Reviewed by Monica Megarit 156
Thabit A. J. Abdullah. Merchants, Mamluks, and Murder: The Political Economy of Trade in Eighteenth-Century Basra.
Reviewed by Marta Bourjeili 160
P. J. Marshall. The Making and Unmaking of Empires: Britain, India, and America c. 1750-1783.
Reviewed by Kieu My Nguyen 163
David Northrup. Africa’s Discovery of Europe: 1450-1850.
Reviewed by Justin Smith 167
Patrick Griffin. The People With No Name: Ireland’s Ulster Scots, America’s Scots Irish, and the Creation of a British Atlantic World, 1689-1764.
Reviewed by Jason Horton 171
Megan Vaughan. Creating the Creola Island: Slavery in Eighteenth-Century Mauritius.
Reviewed by Jacque Johnson 175
Kathleen Wilson. The Island Race: Englishness, Empire and Gender in the Eighteenth Century.
Reviewed by Erika Maki 179
Randy J. Sparks. The Two Princes of Calabar: An Eighteenth-Century Atlantic Odyssey.
Reviewed by Dave Henderson 184
H. V. Bowen. The Business of Empire: The East India Compand and Imeprial Britain, 1756-1833.
Reviewed by Daniel B. Lynch 188
Jorge Cañizares-Esguerra. How to Write the History of the New World: Histories, Epistemologies, and Identities in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World.
Reviewed by Brittany Anderson 198
Jonathan D. Spence. La Chine imaginaire: Les chinois vus par les Occidentaux de Marco Polo à nos jours.
Reviewed by Bénédicte Ernotte 202

Editorial Staff
Nastaran Kherad
Katherine McDermott
Jeanne Newhart
Mark Olague
Amy Smoler
Contributing Editors
Mark Beckner
Dev Bose
Nancy Garcia
Jennifer Hanley
Marilyn Jones
Benjamin Mendez
Jacob Merrifield
Michael Nottingham
Caitlin Rademaekers
Joseph Ripley
Lauren Salazar
Joseph Tran
Darla Welts
Theresa Zamecnik
Yvonne Zivkovic
Layout and Design
Rebecca Addicks
Faculty Advisor
Vlatka Velcic
Merchant and Ivory’s Howard’s End (1992): How Heritage Speaks to Contemporary Political and Ideological Concerns
Chantal Cornut-Gentille D’Arc
University of Zaragoza, Spain 11
Appetite for Sin: Policing Ideological Boundaries in Chocolat
Kathleen LeBesco and Peter Naccarato
Marymount Manhattan College, New York 27
Queer Kinships in Italian Cinema
Miguel A. Malagreca
University Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 42
Symmetry, Film Structure, and Humor in Billy Wilder’s Some Like It Hot
Boak Ferris
California State University, Long Beach 60
The Colors Don’t Run in My Beautiful English Laundrette: Nation, Race and Thatcherism in Hanif Kureishi’s London
Bidhan Roy
California State University, Long Beach 77
The Rise of the Cat-Woman: Film Adaptations of H. G. Wells’ The Island of Dr. Moreau
Melissa Purdue
University of Kentucky 96
Film and Media Studies as a Paradigm for Critical Theory in the 21st Century
Nicholas Ruiz III
Florida State University 116
Body, Technology, and Identity Politics in John Woo’s Face / Off
Agniezka Skrodzka-Bates
SUNY Stony Brook 126
Once Upon a Time in China: Tsui Hark’s Eastern Westerns
Lisa Odham Stokes and Michael Hoover
Seminole Community College, Sanford, Florida 140
A Different Theory of Relativity: Jack Arnold’s The Incredible Shrinking Man and the Horror Film Genre in the 1950s
Stefan Hautke 158
Charlotte’s Web and Juliette’s Happy Dagger: Sexual Determinism in Jean Luc Godard’s A Married Woman and Two or Three Things I Know About Her
Judith Mulcahy
CUNY Graduate Center 174
A Queer Sort of Whiteness: Circulations of Deviancy and Desire in Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills, Gummo, and Boys Don’t Cry
Jeff Turner
Hamline University 189
Popular Film and Gender Equity: The Disastrous Construction of “The Feminine” in Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
C. M. Voskuil 207
The Reinvention of the Femme Fatale: Science Fiction and the Future Female in Blade Runneri
Kevin A. Wisniewski
University of Baltimore 223
England and the Beasts: Ontologically Misreading the Other in Empire Cinema
Leah Pate
Arizona State University 239

Editorial Staff
Ruben Moreno
Amy Smoler
Lance Trezona
Contributing Editors
Kathleen Fitzgerald
Nancy Garcia
Diana Guard
Zoran Iovanovici
Alicia Jimenez
Katherine McDermott
Jocelyn Medallo
Erin Nesbitt
Andrea Parise
Emily Provensal
Jamie Tyo
Faculty Advisor
Carl Fisher
Classical Visions: Imagining Rome
Infinite Commodities: William Thomas’s “Edifying” Encounter with Renaissance Rome
Brett Foster, Yale University 10
Rome’s ‘Statue Parlanti’ and the Voice of the Piazzz
Andrew Giarelli, Portland State University 39
Modern Visions: Cosmopolitan Cities
The Church, the Apartment and the Castle: Sites of Urban Possibility in Robert Musil’s The Man Without Qualities
Louise Hornby, University of California, Berkeley 56
The Ideology of Architecture: The Boulevard, the Cathedral of Light, and the Low Overpass
Blagovesta Momchedjikova, New York University 72
E. L. Doctorow’s New York: The Persistence of Memory in an Illusion of Modernity
Susanna Hoeness-Krupsaw, University of Southern Indiana 87
Suburban Visions: Anti-Cities
Beyond Hegemony? Rewriting the Suburb in Hanif Kureishi’s The Buddha of Suburbia
Susan Brook, Staffordshire University 103
London (Sub)Urban Visionary Satire in Will Self’s How the Dead Live
Magdalena Maczyńska, University of Lódz 120
Future Visions: Utopian / Dystopian Cities
Paris, A Futuristic Utopia
Dr. Jacqueline Dutton, University of Melbourne 136
Alphaville: A Strange Case of Urbanism and Genre
Douglas Cunningham Spenser 151
Multicultural Visions: Global Cities
High-Rise Heartlands: Singapore’s Fictional Cityscapes
Tamara Wagner, University of Singapore 166
The City as Cartesian Fantasy and Imperialist Symptom in Vikram Chandra’s Red Earth and Pouring Rain
Edward Barnaby, Yale University 183

Editorial Staff
Tyler Andrews
Alison Heney
Amy Smoler
Contributing Editors
Lisa Arnado
Kathryn Briggs
Juan Carlos Cardenas
Mary Jacot
Staci Paulus
Emily Provensal
Charlie Rose
Laurence Slater
Layout and Art Design
Daniel Downey
Amy Smoler
Faculty Advisor
Carl Fisher
The Making of an Exhibition: “¿Just Another Poster? Chicano Graphic Arts in California”
Holy Barnet-Sanchez, University of New Mexico 9
Fetishism and Abstraction, or, Is There a Good Universal?
Radoslav Borislavov, University of Syracus 22
The Wilderness, Cosmopolitanism and Wallace Stevens’ ‘Moment of Light’
Mary Dezember, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology 36
Cosmopolitan Hostility: The Critical Foundaitons of Derrida’s Response to “the Global”
Sean K. Kelly, West Texas A&M University 47
Cosmopolitanism and the ‘Austrian Idea’ in Adalbert Stifter’s Brigitta
Kelly Meyer, Washington College 63
Consuming Cosmopolitans: Martha Nussbaum and Francis Mayes get a Purchase on Italy and the World
Char Roone Miller, George Mason University 80
Love of the Fatherland and Love of Mankind: Patriotism, Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism in German Jewish Literature 1750-1840
Michaela Wirtz, WRTH Aachen, Germany 85
Hapsburg Cosmopolitanism as a Mode of Discourse in Mahler’s Sixth Symphony
David Malvinni, University of California, Santa Barbara 101
Leoš Janáček: Cosmopolitan
Jonathan G. Secora Pearl, University of California, Santa Barbara 120
A Romanian Wrier in Exile: Irina Grigorescu Pana’s Melbourne Sundays
Corina Anghel, University of Bucharest 128
Joseph Brodsky, a Soviet Cosmopolitan
Irina Kabanova, Saratov State University 141
Indonesian Social (In)justice: Rendra’s Poetics of Protest
Arsiyanti Ardie, University of Southern California 151
“Let’s Be Reasonable”: Justifying Multicultural Borders and Cosmopolitan Crossings
Lou Caton, Westfield State College 161
Frank Palmisano 178

Editorial Staff
Ralph Clare
Daniel Downey
Goli Erami
Kathryn Formosa
Martin Hasso
Raige Pierson
Cindy Stanphill
Contributing Editor
Jimmie Jaimes
Layout Design
Daniel Downey
Cindy Stanphil
Faculty Advisor
Carl Fisher
Table of Contents
Promising “Post-colonialism”: Deluze-Guattari’s “Minor Literature” and the Poetry of Arthur Yap
Irving Goh, National University of Singapore 13
Writing from Below: Ironic Distance and the Location of Translation
Christi Ann Merrill, University of Michigan 32
Jessica Hagedorn’s Dogeaters: Rhetoricizing Hegemony and Violence in the Postcolonial Philippines
Rachel C. Riedner, George Washington University 55
Wide-Open Spaces: Locating the Hybrid Identities of the Southwest in the Works of Powell, Lummis, Cather and Silko
Jean Arnold, Pitzer College 84
The Persistence of the Flower World: The Yaqui Deer Dancer
Peter T. Markman, California State University, Long Beach 104
Azteca Dancer
Daniel Downey, California State University, Long Beach 123
Photograph: Azteca Dancer
Raige Pierson, California State University, Long Beach 124
I, Tituba, Black Witch of Salem: A Rejection of Western Ideology
Cassandra Ward, California State University, Long Beach 129
Kathryn Formosa, California State University, Long Beach 139
Critical Agendas: Postcolonial Critics and the Rewriting of Solomon Plaatje’s Mhudi
Shannon Young and Tom Henthorne, Pace University 140
Trinity—After an Arabic Myth
Aaron Bradford, California State University, Long Beach 151
Cracking India: Cultural and Religious Representations in Indo-Anglian Literature (1947 to Present)
Nadia Ahmed, University of California, Berkeley 152
Girish Karnad’s Hayavadana: A Postcolonial Reading
Virginie Magnat, University of California, San Diego / Irvine 170
The Dying Round the Holy Power—After a Brahmanist Prayer Circle
Aaron Bradford, California State University, Long Beach 179
Genus-English, Species-Other: Liminal Hybridity in The Satanic Verses
Andrew Howe, University of California, Riverside 180
Beyond the Hybrid: Notes Against Heterophilic Authoritarianism 191
Paul Allatson, Institute for Internation Studies, University of Technology, Sidney, Australia
Summer of 1904 (The Other Side of the World Fair)
Derrick A. Engoy, California State University, Long Beach 208
Exile or Opportunity?: The Plight of the Transported Felon in Daniel Defoe’s Moll Flanders and Colonel Jack
Brett C. McInelly, Brigham Young University 210
Suburban Foundry
Daniel Downey, California State University, Long Beach 218
Ding Q. Lê: Playing God
David Goetz, California State University, Long Beach 219
Stretching Postcolonialism: Barbara Kingsolver’s The Poisonwood Bible and the Politics of Authenticity
Ronit Fainman-Frenkel, University of Arizona, Tucson 239
The Networks
Harold Fisher II, California State University, Long Beach 254
Photographs of Vietnam
David H. Goetz, California State University, Long Beach 257

Managing Editor
Lisa Sapra
Contributing Editors
Clint Margrave,
Jeff Shroeder, Bunkong Tuon,
and Cassandra Ward
Copy Editors
Laura S. Muñoz & Terri Shaffer Yamada
Faculty Advisor
Terri Shaffer Yamada
Table of Contents
preface vii Lisa Sapra
1 Cultural Memory in Giambattista Vico’s
Philosophy of Collectivity / Rafael Lamas
7 Spanish Democracy as Fictional Community: Towards a Weak Politics /
Alberto Medina-Dominguez
17 André Malraux’s L’espoir: Community
Innovation and Subversion /
Michelle Mielly
37 Configuration of African Communities in Ousmane Sembène’s Narratives /
Anthère Nzabatsinda
45 Seraph on the Suwanee: Zora Neale Hurston’s Critique of Boring White Folks, or Exposition of Forces that Enable White Male Supremacy? / Cassandra Ward
55 Fan Fiction Cybercommunities: Celebrity Appropriation on the Internet /
Jennifer Smith
63 The Emergence of Performance Poetry in America: The Politics of Personal Identity /
short fiction
73 Mrs. Ouk / Bunkong Tuon
76 Atlas / Rebecca Ladron de Guevara
77 Together or Separate /
Jonathan David Jones
81 the spirits of havana / Gerald Locklin
83 Amid the Din / Steve Hendrix
84 Conscientious In the Eye of the Storm /
Laura S. Muñoz
86 Conscientious Objectors / Clint Margrave
87 To Phyllis Wheatley; World Weaver /
Lethia Cobbs
book review
89 Graciela Limón, Song of the Hummingbird /
Lisa Sapra

Editorial Group
Mariane Asad, Alina Coman, James Haendiges, April Ogden, Jennifer Protacio, Adam Sharp, Michael Thompson, Jamiegayle Whelan
Faculty Advisor
Terri Shaffer Yamada
Table of Contents
Artwork by Shannon Shiang, inspired by the Sun Dance and the formation of an authentic self through courage and endurance
Graphic Design
Christi Fontenrose and Teri Shaffer Yamada
vi Mariane Asad
1 About Us / Kathie Weir
2 Senior Picture / Charles H. Webb
Keynote Address
3 The Self as a Psychological, Literary, and Historical
Construct / Marilyn Yalom
16 Stuck In Traffic, the Talk-Show Psychotherapist
Speaks His Mind / Charles H. Webb
18 The Sink / Catherine Minh Cao
19 The Quest in Text: Seeking Identity in Whitman’s
"Song of Myself" and Rimbaud’s A Season in Hell /
Mary Dezember
29 The Genesis of Rage: Maggie Tulliver’s Divided Self
/ Angela Marie Cybulski
39 the Influence of Clinical Depression on Mary Shelley’s Romantic Vision / Susan Anne Carlson
55 Peter Altenberg: Re-inventing the Self in Turn-of-the-Century Vienna / Andrew Barker
61 Childhood, Womanhood, Resignation in Chopin’s
The Awakening: Edna Pointellier’s Retreat from Maturity / Kathie Weir
71 The Beautiful Absurdity of (Epistemological) Invisibility in a (Mostly) Modernist Reading of Invisible Man / Matt Silva
79 The "Articulos" of Mariano José de Larra: the Martyr / Kirsten A. Thorne
87 Lost in the Woods: Discovery of Selfhood and the Quest for integration in the Fairy Tale / Jason Richards

Steve Hendrix
Associate Editors
Ted Contreras, Larry Isaacs,
Mihaela Marinescu, and Cassandra Ward
Faculty Advisor
Douglas Domingo-Forasté
Table of Contents
Editor’s Preface 9
Madness in the Face of Silence: The Crisis of Language
In the Work of Franz Kafka and Elie Wiesel / Beth Hawkins 11
Madness and Writing in the Works of Hamsun, Fante,
and Bukowksi / Stephen Cooper 19
Embodiments of Hysteria: Emile Zola’s Thérèse Raquin /
Samedi Sage Goellner 29
Passion, Obsession, or Madness? Postmodern Reflections
On Madness in Jeanette Winterson’s The Passion /
Leslie Bruce 39
The Madman As Sage: Hamsun Enacts Nietzche’s Riddle /
Anne G. Sabo 49
Why the Fantastic Is Conditioned by Madness /
Sabine Kleine 59
Coping with Violence: Madness in the Works of
Marietou M’Baye of Senegal and Calixthe
Beyala of Cameroon / Laura Fyfe 75
The Pursuit of Being and der Todestrieb in The Passion
According to G.H. / Aaron Parrett 87
Grace Under Pressure / Daniel Holland 97
Umma / Kristianne Lee-Yahng 98
Inspiration / Charles Webb 99
Munchausen’s Syndrome / Charles Webb 101
Book Reviews
Nerves and Narratives: A cultural History of Hysteria in
Nineteenth-Century British Prose / Ray Waters 103
Insanity as Redemption in Contemporary American Fiction:
Inmates Running The Asylum / Steve Hendrix 107

Managing Editor
Laura Warrick
Editorial Staff
Marc Aubertin, Stephanie Bauerlein, Mary Dixon, Ken Lee, and Christina Pompa
Associate Editors
Tammy Bon, Steve Hendrix,
and Eric Templeton
Faculty Advisor
Alwin Baum
Table of Contents
Book Review
1 Hana Wirth-Nesher, City Codes / Mary Dixon
7 A Nomad in the Western Imaginary: Djelal Kadir’s
"Spectral Cities" / Kitty Millet
11 Spectral Cities / Djelal Kadir
29 De-constructing the City as Arkhe-Text: "The
Possibility of the Impossible" / Michael Colson
49 The City in Postcolonial Fiction / Uppinder Mehan
69 The "Wilderness of Civilization":
The Proletarian City and Socialist
Pastoralism in Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle /
Steven Rosendale
97 Walking in the Streets of Rio: The City Between Resistance and Rendition /
Fernando de Sousa Rocha
105 The City as Geographical Madeleine: on Falling Down and Walking / Brian Morris
125 Lines in the Sand: the Defense of Suburban Turf
in LaterVictorian Literature / Lara Baker Whelan
151 L.A. Sound Track / Charles Webb
152 Beggars / Charles Webb
154 The Pearl (For New Orleans In Winter) /
Jennifer Brantley
156 the Sunday observer (5/24/58) Ginsberg writing
home / Tom Lavazzi
158 Los Angeles, California / John Gilgun
159 Median Strip / Clarina Harriss

managing editor
Dominique Dreschler
Marc Aubertin, Ken Lee, Ginger Mazzapica, Timothy Parker, Carol Rios
associate editors
Stephani Bauerlein, Son Vu
editorial assistants
James Walter Caufield, Zeina Chakchir, Michael Colson, Evelyn, Haralson, Gwynn Markle, Karen Presley, Julie Tran, Stephanie Young
graphic design
Mario Pérez Luna
business manager
Kelly McHugh
president of the associated students of comparative literature
George Verbryck
department chair
Douglas Domingo-Forasté
faculty director
Thomas Haeussler
7 Warring Worlds of Words: Salman Rushdie and
The Satanic Verses / Brian Finney
24 Virginia Woolf’s Orlando and Carlos Fuentes’s Aura /
Amanda Holmes
34 Defying Stasis: Tension & Cyclicality in Max Frisch’s
Homo Faber / Kelly McHugh
49 Love & Politics in Tayeb Salih’s Season of Migration
to the North / Angelica M. DeAngelis
58 Textual Space in Ceremony and Between Two Worlds
Frederick Luis Aldama
73 Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Conduits of Power
Antoine Wilson
85 Gifts of Being: The Binding of Self in Sir Gawain and
The Green Knight / Michael Colson
103 Sandra Gilbert
115 Farida Elizabeth Dahab / Tina Michelle Datsko
Andrew Demcak / Shahe Mankerian / Cassie Premo
Joan Jobe Smith / Clifton Snider / Charles Webb
review essays
125 Local Poetry: Long Beach Has Potential
James Walter Caufield
130 Rethinking Postmodernism: The Struggle to Resist
Stephenie Young
138 Picturing the Political Ethos and Illuminating the Parable /
Carol Rios
145 Under the Olive Trees: Subverting State-Sanctioned
Sex-Roles / Casey R. Williamson
book reviews
153 Sandra Gilbert, Wrongful Death & Ghost Volcano
Jacques Derrida, The Gift of Death / Lisa Glatt
Monsters and Other Lovers / William H. Gass
The Tunnel / Arthur C. Danto, Playing With the Edge:
The Photographic Achievement of Robert Mapplethorpe

Kelly M. McHugh
Managing Editor
Stephenie Young
Associate Editors
Dominique Drechsler, Ginger Mazzapica
Editorial Assistants:
Marc Aubertin, Marietta Bonaventure, James Walter Caufield, Kathleen Clariett, Kate Gillon, Susan Hanggie, Ken Lee, Carol Ríos, Dominic Szeto
Table of Contents
5 Editor’s Note Kelly M. McHugh
13 Interview with Allen Ginsberg Thomas Sizgorich
22 The Word as Will and Idea: Dedalian Aesthetics
James Walter Caufield
41 Searching for Agency in the Spaces of Desire: Identity and
Ideology in Robery Hass’s Human Wishes
Kim Richards
50 Cultural Identity Crisis and the Japanese-Americans
Susan Hanggie
65 The Ambiguity of Three Mexican Archetypes:
La Malinche, La Virgen de Guadalupe, and La Llorona
Meredith E. Abarca
84 Walcott’s Other: Philoctete and Philoctetes
Douglas Domingo-Forasté
94 Geographic Divisions in Derek Walcott’s
"North and South"
Doris Hambuch
111 Independence and the Nation in Andrés Bello
Melissa Waldman
126 Right Makes White: Whiteness and Identity in
Ma Ma Lay’s Not Out of Hate
Tom Henthorne
141 Island of Their Own: Irish and Caribbean Women Writers
Beth Wightman
150 Les Demoiselles d’Avignon as Text: Interplay and Exploration
of Sex, Power and Masquerade
Draza Fratto O’Brien
170 Vicarage Gardens Lawrence P. Spingarn
176 Interview with John Singleton Thomas Sizgorich
183 When the Difference Becomes Too Great: Images of the Self
and Survival in a Postmodern World
Cassie Premo
Review Essays
197 The Next Stage: Six Women in Search of a Theater
Dominique Drechsler
209 The Prisonhouse of Mythology
Roland E. Bush
Poetry: Steve "Raindog" Armstrong, Marcia Cohee, Tina Michelle Datsko,
Boak Ferris, Darrell Fike, Cien Fuegos, Clarinda Harriss, Sean Moor,
Roger Ríos, Charles Ramshaw, Joan Jobe Smith, Charles Webb

Kate Gillon
Elyse Whittaker
Linda Abbott
Stephanie Africano
Charles Ellik
Chris Rose
Katherine M. Schmidt
2 The Firing of Chicken Ilie Ruby
4 Communion Denise R. Weuve
5 The Children Carolyn E. Schmidt
6 Dawn Time Ilie Ruby
10 Aroma of Toast Craig Cotter
11 Knead Scarlett Warner
12 A Wordly Abbot Lawrence F. Springarn
20 Strange Appetite Tere Sievers
22 Eating Hayley R. Mitchell
24 The Neighborhood Donna Hilbert
34 Kitchen concert Kate Gillon
36 Eating Alone Charles Webb
38 Bruegel’s Nudes Joan Jobe Smith
40 Finger Food Gary Granger
42 Shopping List John Fitzgerald
46 Cleaning a Duck Charles Webb
48 The Recipe Lawrence F. Springarn
49 Leftover Shahe Mankerian
50 Produce Poem #2 Tanya Angell Allen
52 Beef and Barley Soup Joan Jobe Smith
56 A Dinnertime Tale Scarlett Warner
58 Elberton, Georgia Devan Cook
61 A lyric on Dahlak Restaurant Lucy Weidner
72 Transubstantiation Tere Sievers
74 Before the Taking of Toast
And Tea Christina Stough
84 Yorkshire Pudding Hayley R. Mitchell
87 Svelte Blossom Kirschenbaum
88 Thai Iced Tea Andew Demcak
90 The Mold that Molded a Town Roger A. Dix
95 Less is More, Lean Is Better Chris Callard
100 Chum Michael DiLeva
104 The Mammoth Cave Trip Devan Cook
105 Death Wish #3 Marael Johnson
106 Fasting Scarlett Warner
110 Hard Boiled Eggs Charles Webb
112 Crab Finger C.H. Raymond
114 The Bottle of Wine Andrew Demcak
116 So Little Anne Davis
117 Look Yvonne Mason
118 Honey to Amber Tina Michelle Datsko
119 Comida Victor Valle
120 Tangerine Trees Sheana Ochoa
123 Untitled Alex Fletcher
124 Chile Verde Lawrence Schultz
126 Blueberries Anne Davis
127 Next Summer Joan Jobe Smith
130 Meditation Occasioned by a
Midnight Snack Gerald Locklin
132 Thirst Tere Sievers
133 Leaving Islandmagee Devan Cook
134 Deberías saber mi hambre Sheana Ochoa
136 The Pomegranate Tina Michelle Datsko
138 An Answer to Everything Constance E. Howell
144 Whore Denise Weuve
146 Yum-Yum and Oy-Oy: Recent
Novels by Bette Pesetsky, Susan
Sussman, and Robert Chibka Blossom S. Kirschenbaum
i Harvest Elyse Whittaker
iii Tea cup Etching Elyse Whittaker
ix After Hours Rob Goodin
59 Shiva Tea Elyse Whittaker
60 Shiva Coffee Elyse Whittaker
107 The Grill Joy Kolitsky
158 Bar Scene Rob Goodin
A Bean’s Life ~ Flip Art Elyse Whittaker
Cover Art
Cookies Bobotie Robert Loveless
About the cover: Oil on Canvas 30" x 31 ½; 1992-1994.
Marie Jacobs, far better known as Cookie, is employed at a country-house-turned-hotel in the old cape city of Stellenbosch, South Africa. She is of Malay descent.

Alexandra Fletcher
Assistant Editors
Kate Gillon, Anna Lui
Editorial Staff
Linda Abbott, Betty Kwan, Christine McDonald, Phil Mosley, Mark Palmer
Layout & Production
Alexandra Fletcher
Table of Contents
10 TERRI YAMADA Multiculturalism and the American Dream
44 RAYMOND P. LACOSTE My Luncheon with Achilles
64 LINDA ALKANA Suzanne and the Canon: A Dialog with the Past
PETER T. MARKMAN Images of Mesoamerican Mythology
79 MARK PALMER Crucifix on my Lifeline
2 CHARLES WEBB Without Being a Wimp
6 DAVID PECK Nanny Bosworth
18 CLIFTON SNIDER Jesse Rama-Kali
26 TERRY THORTON Nun at the Helm of a Trawler
27 DOREN TOBBINS Santin’s Shift
30 ANDREW DEMCAK Killing the Dog
34 CHARLES McGAUGHEY Scaling the Ivory Tower
60 JOAN JOBE SMITH Hot Tamales
63 GERALD LOCKLIN liubov popuva: painterly construction, 1920
69 GERALD LOCKLIN henri matisse: odalisque with grey trousers
70 E.D. FREEMAN Beauty in the Eyes of a Sadistic Beholder
71 TINA MICHELLE DATSKO Letter from Key Largo
85 TERRY THORTON Table for Two Co-Depenents, Please…
87 CHARLES WEBB In Spring a Young Man’s Fancy
Turns to Thoughts of Meaningful Relationships
89 TERRY THORTON How Impossible is the Difficult, Sexy Quadriplegic?
90 CHARLES WEBB Universal Solvent
119 M.L. LIEBLER Fish Dinner
120 TINA MICHELLE DATSKO Pink Grapefruit
126 M.L. LIEBLER Midwest
127 MICHAEL TRAMMEL The Music of Trains
129 TIM A. CALL My Grandfather’s Box Camera
131 DARIN WATSON Ode to a Session
132 ANDREW DEMACAK Indigo Snake
137 DON JACKSON Them Cat Things
8 JOSEPH GIRI Three Oriental Impostors
29 DON ROGERS Hard Times
62 JOSEPH GIRI Virago’s
74 LARKIN HIGGINS A Bibliophile’s Rebellion:
A Mixed Media Essay
118 JOSEPH GIRI Tuskegee, Alabama
134 JOSEPH GIRI Is the Noise in My Head Bothering You?

Eileen D. Callinan
Editorial Staff
Aran Eisenstat
Alexandra Fletcher
William Lee Harvey III
Carolyn Jacobs
Brian Jacobs
Hayley R. Mitchell
William Shadden
Rebecca Thompson
Layout & Production
Alexandra Fletcher
Contributing Editor
Tom Burkett
Table of Contents
Essays & Interviews
The Great Diversion: 1960s Television Drama
and the Vietnam War
Mark Kosinski, Bradford College, Massachusetts……….……….46
Televisuality as a Therapeutic Discourse –
Pee Wee’s Bourgeois Bombshelter
Text & Photos, John Caldwell,
California State University, Long Beach…………………….…..66
A World Gone Astray:
A Cultural Interpretation of Black Comedy
Gary Prebula, California State University, Long Beach………..101
La Nación Clandestina,
an interview with Jorge Sanjines
José Sánchez-H., Ph.D,
California State University, Long Beach…………………….….129
Hail Bait in Motel 8, Kristine Sanders…………………………..10
Talk About…Pop Music, Lori Negridge Allen………………….22
Have-A-Heart Traps, Diana Azar……………..……………….35
Spanish Gypsy, Laura Castellvi…………………………….…….6
Extramural, Gregory Van Boom…………………….……..….…8
The Radio Psychiatrist, Craig Cotter………………….…..……14
Peanuts Teacher Having an Orgasm, Brian Jacobs……..….…16
Bogart & Bacall, Lauren MacArthur………….…………..…….18
Letter to Julio, Laura Castellvi………………………………….19
She Drives Far, Kristine Sanders……………………………….21
Saturday Morning Cartoons, Hank Malone……………………27
There You Sit, Barbara Hauk……………………………………30
Liberian Revolt Sparked by Tribal Dispute,
Clarinda Harriss Raymond………………..……………….……..32
When Movies Were Real, Joan Jobe Smith…………….…..….57
Puzzle, Clifton Snider……………..……………………….…….59
You Cannot Be Killed by a Make Believe Problem,
Brian Jacobs…………………………….…………………….….61
Sorrow Arrives Like a Working Print of My
Lovers Film, Andrew Demcak……………………….……..…..62
Watching Commercials, Barbara Hauk…………….…….…….65
All My Heroes Died Celluloid Deaths,
Sebastian DeBovian……………..…………………….…………96
The Director, Lawrence P. Spingarn…………………………….97
Why Robert Wagner Married Natalie Wood,
Joan Jobe Smith………………………………………..…………98
Further Decline of Western Civilization, Charles Webb………99
Hitchcock’s Lost Notes for
"Bozo’s Accidental Revenge", Belinda Subraman…………….120
Shudder, Sebastian DeBovian……………..…………………..121
The Diamond (India), Andrew Demcak…………………..…124
News for Manuela on the Death of Bolivar,
Tina Michelle Datsko……………………………………………127
Homage to Henri Cartier-Bresson, José García………………145
Original Art/Photography
Cover Art by Kathy Flanagan
ObSCENICS, an environmental series by Donald Rogers….….…2
Untitled photo collage by Linda Ikeda……………………………20
Untitled photo by Peter Thompson…………………………..…..34
Sodomy of Imagination by José García……………………….…60
More TVs Than Toilets by José García……………………….…95

Eileen D. Callinan
Editorial Staff
Dawn M. Betush
Dren McDonald
William Shadden
Rebecca Thompson
Contributing Editors
Jim Gallagher
Candace Haddock
Margaret Vento-Wilson
Special Thanks
Dr. Roland Bush
Renatta Brunner
Dr. August Coppola
Jamie Callinan
Dr. Kay Goddard
Linda McConnell
Vera Viss
Table of Contents
Preface by Dr. August Coppola………………………………xi
Introduction Dr. Roland Bush………………………………xiii
Violinmaking: An Alchmical Journal by Peter Cummings…4
Phantoms of the Opera by Charles Jernigan………………..18
White Noise, White Heat: The Postmodern Turn
in Rock Music by Larry McCaffery………………………55
"Diasporic Music" An Interview with Archie Shepp
by Dr. Roland E. Bush……………………………………..92
Spiders Web by Robert Gillett………………………………..28
The Performance by Charles Webb…………………………106
Improvisations by Michael Croft…………………………….122
Lingo by Fred Voss……………………………………………2
Windchimes by Clarinda Harriss Lott………………………..3
Classical Indian Explanation: Music
by Belinda Subraman……………………………………..17
Rock ‘n’ Roll by M.L. Liebler………………………………..25
…And the Ladies of the Fred Astaire Fan Club
by Joan Jobe Smith………………………………………..26
As Sweet As That by Joan Jobe Smith……………………….33
War by Fred Voss…………………………………………….35
Music Lessons by Dawn Allred Viotto……………………….39
i want to be by Craig Cotter…………………………………..40
Concerted Efforts: Mainz Cathedral
by Belinda Subraman………………………………………41
O My Scheherazade by August Coppola…………………….46
I Must Rejoice by Collin Musset, trans. James Frank………..53
My Last Piano by Michael Eidenmuly……………………….54
a cry maybe by Robert Gillett…………………………………72
Herman Hesse In India by Belinda Subraman……………….73
July Bricks by Boak Ferris……………………………………74
Sonatina by Robert Gillett…………………………………….76
Dionysus Goes to School by Diana Azar……………………..79
Sound by Joe Williams III…………………………………….82
The Jazz by M.L. Liebler……………………………………..84
The Music of the Spheres by Travis DuPriest……………….85
First, Last and Only Acid Poem I Will Ever Write
by Richard Meltzer…………………………………………87
Another Man’s Country by Joe Williams III………………..89
A Popular Joke Among Musicians by Beaumont D. Italy…101
Another Popular Joke Among Musicians
by Beaumont D. Italy……………………………………..104
Jazz Police by Dren McDonald………………………………118
Studio Descending by Dren McDonald……………………..119
The Fan by Fred Voss……………………………………….139
A Song for Lester by Richard Meltzer………………………140
After A Death by Doren Robbins…………………….……..141
Cello by Robert Fabiszak…………………………………….143
Meditations on a Bass Solo by Cecil McBee
by José Garciá…………………………………………….145
Poem after a Tenor Solo by Chico Freeman
by José Garciá…………………………………………….148
Astaire by Boak Ferris……………………………………….149
JAZZ by Hank Malone……………………………………….151
Anthony Brennan, Silvia Cuilich, Shantelle Julian and Doug Knight, Vinny Meghrouni,
Isabel Rodriguex, Dawn Hope Stevens

Dawn M. Betush
Tina Andropoulos
Eileen D. Callinan
Mark Frisbie
Jim Gallagher, Jr.
Mike Gentilman
Patricia Dempsey Koester
Murray McNeil 3
Odie Monahan
Sandra Posey
Contributing Art Editor
Jeanne Berry
Contributing Editors
Diane Ballard
Shelley Meyer
Ivy Schild
Table of Contents
Introduction by Charles May, California State University,
Long Beach………………………………………………..ix
Nietzsche: the Body in Truth by Thomas Haeussler
California State University, Long Beach…………………74
Tom of Finland by Karen Huck, University of Utah…………122
Eroticism and the Grotesque by Fredrick Burwick,
University of California, Los Angeles…………………..140
Rising Action by Gerald W. Haslam………………………….12
The Babydol Murders by Eugene Robinson…………………36
Panama City by Rafael Zepeda……………………………….47
Nabokoviana Plagiantis by Gian Balsamo………………..….101
Meat Man by andy Demcak…………………………………..146
After the Sanskrit by Steve Kowit……………………………2
Some Thoughts on Receiving a Corsage by Barbara Hauk….3
Summer Vacation by Kathleen Iddings………………………4
Musical by Arthur Madson……………………………………5
Baseball for Beginners by Murray McNeil 3…………………6
Paulette by Charles Webb…………………………………….8
A Twelve Year Old Love by Pete Albertsen…………………10
Action/Reaction by Hank Malone…………………………….20
"By Lyons" by Marta Mitrovich………………………………22
The Talk of Lovers by Deborah Harding……………………..23
Shooting Baskets by Kyle Anne Bates………………………..25
Basketball Tryouts by Kyle Ann Bates………………………26
Bloom by R. M. Angkuw………………………………………27
pervert by John Yamrus………………………………………28
The Beach by Henry A. Jimenez………………………………30
poem for rosie by Patrick McKinnon…………………………31
Sweet Gwendolyn and the Countess by Edward Field………34
Women Who Carry Knives in Their Purses
by Clarinda Harriss Lott…………………………………..41
Jaded by Patrick Combs………………………………………42
An Emmenagogue-ization of Stick People
by Craig Helmar………………………………………….44
Guy and Rita Dropped By by Fred Voss……………………45
For Donna Summer the Rock Singer Who Used
to Moan as if She Were Coming Over the Radio
Before she Got Saved and Still Believes We Work
Hard for the T.M. Goto………………………46
Recently Sexed Her by Richard Meltzer……………………..59
the playboy of the eastern world by Gerald Locklin………..60
It Doesn’t Happen Often by Charles Webb………………….61
Lying in your bathtub waiting for you I
by Joan Jobe Smith……………………………………….62
he’s got by John Yamrus………………………………………63
What It Means by Sheryl St. Germain………………………..65
The Curiosity of Marlene K. by Bill Mohr………………….67
from True Poems in False Chinese by Robt. Mehlman……..71
Zen Sex by Belinda Subraman………………………………..89
Evening Sky by Kathleen Iddings…………………………….90
Hiking by Keith A. Dodson……………………………………91
Bare Limbs by Odie Monahan………………………………..92
Ginkgo in Fall by Julian Mason………………………………93
Essences by Heidi Ziolkowski…………………………………94
In Plowboy’s Produce Market by donna Hilbert……………96
Hungry by Lisa Glatt…………………………………………97
Maggie’s in Love Again by Fred Voss………………………98
Chaos With Waterfowl by Doren Robbins…………………112
God’s Body by Henry A. Jimenez…………………………..115
The Man who Loves Books by Murray McNeil 3………….117
Rockabilly by Edward Field…………………………………118
Campfire by Lizbeth Parker…………………………………120
Do Post Machine-Aged Women Ever Have Polyester
Dreams while Lying on an Acrylic Shag Carpet
Watching TV by Patricia Dempsey Koester…………….136
I Am Weird to the New Boys by Lisa Glatt…………………137
The Things We Do Alone by Lisa Glatt…………………….139
Ambrosia by Marael Johnson………………………………..149
Baldness Abolishes comfort and Creates Anxiety
by Barbara Hauk………………………………………….150
Playing With Fire by Nancy Shiffrin……………………….153
Rick Ewing, Axel Koester, Steve LaPonsie, Pat Merrill, Karen Schoubye
Painting by John M. Solom Photography by bill Brining

Kathryn Parry
Jenna Allee
Dawn Marie Betush
Jim Gallagher, Jr.
Murray McNeil 3
Leslie Meade
Odie Monahan
Contributing Art Editor
Rick Ewing
Special thanks to:
Jeanne Bery
Nancy Corbett
Janet Rodriguez
Michelle Yeh
Table of Contents
Foreign Tongues by Heidi Ziolkowski………………………12
Above St. Jeannet by Julie Fay………………………………14
screams by Austin Straus……………………………………..17
Life of the Yenta by Abby Bee……………………………….18
The Growing Up Dream by Belinda Subraman………………19
Notes of the Politics of Gender in European Fairy Tales
by Cristina Bacchilega…………………………………….21
The Geology of Tiles by Deborah Harding……………………34
"It’s not the old feminism": Top Stories Press and
Post-Modern Feminism by Catherine N. Parke………35
Echoes by Kathleen Iddings…………………………………..42
Mother’s Revenge by Kathleen Iddings………………………43
The Fishing Trip by Linda Spence………………………..….44
Leaving Your Mark by Alison Stevens………………………47
My Mother’s Mouth by Penelope Moffet…………………….48
Where the Trees Grew Taller by Marilyn Johnson………….49
Mama Said There’d Be Days Like This by Alison Stevens…52
Going Home by Donna Hilbert…………………………..…..60
Good Girl by Charles Webb………………………………..…62
Rhubarb on 27th Street by Clarinda Harriss Lott………..…..63
Cold War by Donna Hilbert……………………………..……60
Narrow Beds by Laurel Ann Bogen……………………..…….65
Japanese Pearls by susan Hecht………………………….…..66
American Beauty by Kathleen Iddings………………….……68
An Old Intimacy by Gerald Haslam………………………….70
It Is Not a Flower by Murray McNeil 3………………………77
"They were sitting in his flat reading…" by Teresa Blazey..79
Our Picnic by Kathryn Parry………………………………….81
Tunnel of Love by Kathryn Parry…………………………….82
Easy Come/Easy Go by Marael Johnson………………….….83
Curiosa by Marilyn Johnson………………………………….86
A Deep Mother/Son Talk by Laurel Speer…………………..97
Woman and Love by Laura Hill………………………………98
Mother’s Day, 1987 by Heidi Ziolkowski……………………99
Letter From San Francisco by Marilyn Johnson……………100
The Paris-Hamburg Express With direct Connections to Los
Angeles by Marael Johnson……………………………104
The Housewife by Bea Bracher…………………………….…106
Of Things and People by Austin Straus………………………108
How I Knew Harold by Deborah Harding……………………109
A Woman I Know by Clarinda Harriss Lott…………………111
Loving a Pro by Hank Malone……………………………….112
All You Need Is Love by Marael Johnson……………………118
Action/Reaction by Hank Malone…………………………….119
Chickie by Laurel Speer……………………………………….120
The Woman Who Loves the Man Who Loves Books
by Murray McNeil 3……………………………………..121
A Sobering Experience by Marael Johnson………………….122
Pirates by Laurel Ann Bogen………………………………….124
Whay Else Would I Wanr Her? by Fred Voss………………125
Biker Broad by Fred Voss……………………………………126
In Praise of Spinsters by Laurel Ann Bogen…………………127
The University of Alabama’s 13th Sypmposium on
Feminism and Literary Criticism: "The Difference
Within" in Tuscaloosa by Donna Decker……………..…130
Elegy for Catherine Kaeolyi and Georgia O’Keefe
by Julie Fay……………………………………………….132
Portraits, Bostonians, Fabrixs by Ms. RL Widmann………..135
Sonnet Love Affair With Another Poet by Hank Malone…..138
a complex sentence by Charles Stetler……………………….139
Artemisia;s Response by Julie Fay…………………………..140
Writing Ourselves Into Existence by Gabrielle Dane……….141
The Citizens of Vence by Julie Fay…………………………..158
Amy Ning – 61
Jenny Field – 13
David Turner – 33
Jeanne Berry – 67
Richard Ewing – 78, 85
Mary E. Pagone – 117
Stuart Rose – 129
Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-1652/53). Florentine painter. Self-Portraitas Pittura. Oil on canvas.

Murray McNeil 3, Jennifer Allee, Craig Clevenger,
Debra McMahon, Kathryn Parry, Rick Ewing
Table of Contents
Introduction by Sarah Spence………………………………..3
Better off Dead by Marael Johnson……………………………3
10% by Hank Malone………………………………….……9
Live Steam at 8:45 by Laurel Ann Bogen……………………10
the mailbox poem by patrick mckinnon………………….….12
May by Donna Hilbert……………………………….…….14
another; shit; poem by Murray McNeil………………….…17
A Couch at Midnight by Tony Powell………………………19
All American Soft Life Sweepstakes by Wanda Coleman..…20
Fitting In by Charles Webb…………………………………21
The Escapee by Gary Holcomb………………………………22
May 12, 1971 by Laurel Ann Bogen………………………….31
applying one’s self by Charles Stetler………………………32
Judges by Eileen Kenyon…………………………………….33
Yenney’s Grocery by Kathleen Iddings…………………..…35
Rats by Kathleen Iddings……………………………………..40
A Slice of Ivan by Jeff Cross………………………………….41
Communion by Marael Johnson……………………………..44
Dirty Movies by Ron Koertge………………………………..45
Androgyny at the Henry E. Huntington School
By Laurel Speer……………………………………………46
How Simple by Laurel Speer…………………………………47
Most Hideous Scene by Jenna Allee…………………………48
Stone Rock Lady by Wanda Coleman……………………….49
The Forbidden Dream: Locked In and Out of the
American Dream by Dr. Ora Williams…………………..53
Dream 522 by Wanda Coleman………………………………62
Cancer by Edward Field………………………………………63
I Cannot Be the Virgin by Laurel Speer……………………..66
Wedding by Victor M. Valle………………………………….67
Delfina by Victor M. Valle…………………………………….68
Groceries by Rafael Zepeda………………………………..…69
Apples by Bob Austin…………………………………………78
White House Briefing by Steve Kowit……………………….85
At the Vietnam Memorial by Heidi Ziolkowski…………….86
Old Red by Kathleen Iddings…………………………………88
27 Years of Madness by Laurel Ann Bogen……………….…90
One Day by Cati Munsee………………………………………93
The Zoo by Belinda Subraman………………………………..95
The Acidhead by Fred Voss…………………………………..96
Stolen Glances by Gerald Haslam…………………………….98
The Garbage Lover by Charles Webb……………………….103
Under the Bus Bench by Kenneth Funsten……………….….104
Born Again by Brian C. Clark……………………………..…106
The Death of Gladys Gebbermann by William Orton……..107
The Only Child by Gerald Locklin…………………………..122
Bound by the Undone by Murray McNeil……………………126
stars by patrick mckinnon…………………………………….127
The American Dream Machine by Brian C. Clark………….130
Rick Ewing – 2
Will Loya – 8
Stuart Rose – 18
Amy Ning – 39
Daniel Seetman – 51
Joel Cadman – 65
Roger Mejia – 84
Bill Saylor – 97
Rick Ewing – 105
Jeffrey Grecny – 129
Woodcut by Pat Merrill

Murray McNeil 3
Karen V. Easton, Gretchen Giles, Jeffrey P. Grecny
Table of Contents
Introduction: by David N. Samuelson………………………..1
Marineman by Gerald Haslam………….……………………..6
The Queue by Steve Kowit……………………………………11
After the Revolution by Charles Webb……………………….12
Given the Bird by Charles Webb ……………..……………….14
The Dancers by Lawrence P. Spingarn………………………..15
Sea Stories by Jean Selvester…………….…………….………22
Discovery by d.h. lloyd………………………………..………24
A Fairy Tale: The Golden Carp by Jean Selvester…………..27
no title by Charles Bukowski….……………………………….31
Lizards, Backs, And Shoes As they Are by Jack Grapes..….33
its fundamental by Charles Bukowski ..………………………35
Wizard by Mark McCloskey…………….…………………….36
Fraulein Mump by Mark McCloskey……………..…………..37
The Visitors by Rafael Zepeda…………………………………38
Frankenstein: by Terry P. Beh..…………………………..…..39
“It Began” by Julie Stangeland……………………………..…42
gagaku by Steve Richmond……..………………………..…..45
Marlor Passage by Austin Straus………………………..……47
Matinee by Gerald Haslam………..……………………..…….49
The Acid Fog by Gerald Locklin………………………….…..63
Lost by José Garciá……………………………………….……68
Animal Town by Nichola Manning..………………………….71
The Beaches Of Chile IX by Rául Zurita……………………..72
The Sparkling Beaches by Rául Zurita……………………….74
Collapsing Into The Future by Murray McNeil 3……….……77
Head Games by Austin Straus…………………………………80
The Panic Button by Edward Field……..……………………..84
Singing the Body Electric: A Duet (Of Sorts)
by Tony Artuso..……….……………………………………87
it’s no mystery by Charles Bukowski …………………….….98
God Goes To Studio 54 by Eric Grow………………………100
The Suicide Drill by Bruce Severy……………………….….102
The Funeral by d.h. lloyd……………….………………..….103
Homemade Movies Of World War III by Eric Grow………104
One Flesh by Julie Stangeland……………………………….107
American Bazaar by David M. Fabish………………………115
Steven Essery – 5, 62, 114
Chris Holmes – 13, 99
Kirk Robertson – 32, 70, 76
Benjamin M. Ferrer – 41
Steven Essery – 62
Fred Duckworth – 83
Steven Essery

Jeff P. Grecny, Murray McNeil 3,
Karen V. Easton, Matt Messih, Barbara Dahl,
David Lowery
Table of Contents
Upstream by Gerald Haslam………………………………….4
Big Foot by Wanda Coleman…………………………………11
Ode to O (d t the) by Murray McNeil 3…………………..…13
Eight is Enough by Gary Holcomb…………………………..15
My Three Sons by Gary Holcomb……………………………16
Sinatra, Sinatra by Paul Fericano…………………………….20
It’s Not Enough Elvis by Paul Fericano………………………23
Supreme Court by Lisa Joy Lappin………………………….25
arms by Eric Grow………………………….…………………34
BukowskiikswokuB Murray McNeil 3………………………35
At the Table by Austin Strauss……………………………….40
Zoo by Austin Strauss…………………………………………41
The Poetry Reading Was A Disaster by Steve Kowit…….…43
Chelsea Bookstore II by d.h. lloyd……………………………45
The Great Waldorf Astoria Caper by Gerald Haslam………48
il dulce morte (for Rocky) by Wanda Coleman………………57
Poet After Surgery by Wanda Coleman………………………59
I Never Touch My Penis by Ron Koertge…………………….61
The Funny Poem by Jack Grapes……………………………..64
Last Will by Steve Kowit…………………………………..…66
Nightmare by Nichola Manning………………………………69
dollar-fifty friend by Eric Grow………………………………72
The Man in the Goodwill Box by Bruce Severy……………..74
The Parasite Picker by Bruce Severy………………………..76
All the Days of Our Lives by Gerald Locklin………………..80
The Uses of Poetry by don Weinstock………………………..84
Man with a Problem by Charles Stetler………………………90
American Dream by Christopher M. Balogh…………………91
The Use of Rhyme to Achieve Comedy in the Musical
Comedy Lyric by Scott Giantvalley………………………98
The Year’s Work in Literary Theory and Criticism:
An Annual Review by David Peck………………………108
Art in this Issue
Kirk Robertson
Peter Carr
Kurt Benbenek
d.c. roberts
Peter Carr
Ted Blackman
Peter MacIver
Clyde San Juan
David Lowery
Gary Panter
Robin Richeson
Katherine Shaver
Ron Overmyer
Jeff Grecny, Charles Jernigan, Linda Lang,
Murray McNeil 3, Janet Rodriguez, David Ross,
Roy Shabla
Table of Contents
In Midwinter………………….………………..……Peter Carr
In Honor of Peter Carr,
for Jeannie Bernstein……….………Ellie Cohen &Karen Litfin
Raven calls across the desert air……………………Peter Carr
Changing Landscapes………………………….….Roy Shabla
the peppertree……………………………………..Roy Shabla
Rain…………………………………………….Jane Selvester
Regeneration………………………………………Linda Lang
a field of mustard……………………………….…Nick Road
The Happenings……………………Victor Robert Hernandez
Behold……………………………………………Katie Hynes
Peace……………………………………………Joyce Brusin
After Earth……………………………………..Patty Bossert
Journey……………………………………….Alison Stevens
The Sixties……………………………………..…..d.h. lloyd
Incarna……………………………………….……Brian Doll
Fable………………………………………….…..Lori Cohen
The Movie………………………………………..Jeff Grecny
I Am A Child of Peace…………………………..David Ross
The Dress Rehearsal……………………….Murray McNeil 3
The Gate……………………………………Nichola Manning
Aboriginal Artists of Australia……………Andrew Tonkovich
Poem about Blood………………………………….Peter Carr
Birdbrain!……………………………………..Allen Ginsberg
Flags…………………………………………Nichola Manning
Concurrence………………………………….Denise Levertov
Journey Through the Zone………………….…..Robert Lyday
Nuke…………………………………………Anthony Wallace
1992 (The Last Rome)………………………….Gary Holcomb
1992 Revisited………………………………….Gary Holcomb
Room At Fort Rosecrans………………………..Shele Herbold
Killed in Action……………………………..Arnold T. Schwab
The Flamelessness of Peace…………………Arnold T. Schwab
Something In My Dreams……………………………Brian Doll
We will all die in our cars……………………….Greg Diamond
The Parlor Car…………………………………..Greg Diamond
Spinning……………………………………..…Robert DeLaura
Collective Heritage……………………………….christa cowan
Pause…………………………………………….…..planet clare
Mementoes………………………………Kathleen Gunton Deal
The war started forty years ago…………………….Steve Brown
Capitol Air……………………………………….Allen Ginsberg
Taps……………………………………………Arnold T. Schwab
Life is a Dance………………………………..Betty Rose Griffith
tossing branches……………………………….…..susan andrade
A Need……………………………………………..….Tonia Tris
Will There Be Music………………………………Jean Selvester
(ta) drum…………………………………….…Murray McNeil 3
To Those Who Might Hear…………………………..Jeff Grecny
In Memoriam John Lennon
(Mortuis Dec. 8, 1980)………………..Donald J. Weinstock
my eyes water in the morning……………………..susan andrade
Memorial…………………………………….…..Gary L. Kliewer
A time for Heroes……………………………………Chris Foster
For the New Year, 1981
(and again in 1982)………………………….Denise Levertov
Total Arrival……………………………………..….Tony Powell
General Editor
August F. Coppola
Issue Editor
Douglas A. Bergeron
Associate Editor
Kathleen Strack
Art Director
Richard Hibberd
Music Editor
Patricia Hutchison
Assistant Editors
Roland Bush, Judy Cape, Linda Caraveo, Michele Cartier, Jim Johnson, Gary Kenyon, Kassandra Meyer
Table of Contents
7 The Counterparts/a story by A. de Swaan, Netherlands
14 The Mask/a poem by Pedro Aja Castano, Colombia, S.A.
18 The Art of Suggestion/Solarization and Haiku, article and plates by Anthony Brennan, England
26 from The Dilemma of a Ghost/a play by Christina Aidoo, Ghana
38 Lullaby for a Bride & other Poems/poetry by W.S. Rendra, Indonesia
45 from Children of War/a story by William Allen, United States
52 Poetry and Music/notes on Epitaffio: Arne Nordheim, Norway
58 Genre Cultural Profiles/Sierra Leone, Colombia, S.A.
65 Bull Under the Earth/a story by Kulwant Singh Virk, Panjab, India
72 Hard Fact/sculpture by Kosso Eloul, poetry by Hanoch Guy, Israel
76 Song for a Dead Man, Afternoon Snack/poetry by Rolando S. Tinio, and Walking Home/poem by Emmanuel Torres, Philippines
84 Marat/Sade: A Critical Survey of Reviews/article
By Richard E. Lyon, United States
Joseph Krause
Frank Pooler