Seminar Series

Upcoming Seminar

Flashy feathers and microscopic mechanisms: how and why are birds colorful?
Dr. Allison Shultz, Natural History Museum

September 5, 2024
4:00pm-5:00pm via Zoom

Join 9/5 Zoom
Meeting ID: 87588636061
Passcode: 405133

Allison Shultz

Dr. Allison Shultz is Associate Curator of the Ornithology Department at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. With her research, she seeks to understand the evolution of bird diversity, focusing on two major areas: how birds respond to human-caused environmental changes, and how and why bird colors evolve.

Dr. Shultz received her PhD from Harvard University, MS from San Diego State University, and BA from the University of California, Berkeley. In addition to her research, Dr. Shultz is passionate about increasing diversity, inclusion, access, and equity in the sciences, and inspiring a love of nature in everyone.

See also: Allison Shultz personal website

About the Seminar Series

The Seminar Series is a unique opportunity for students to learn about new developments in biology and what biologists do after they graduate. Hosted by the Department of Biological Sciences at California State University, Long Beach, the weekly meetings invite guests from universities, research laboratories, and industry to present and discuss current topics in biology. All students are encouraged to attend.

Seminar Coordinator

For information and suggestions about our Seminar Series, please contact the seminar coordinator:

Dr. Peter Ramirez


DateTitleSpeaker and Affiliation
September 5, 2024Flashy feathers and microscopic mechanisms: how and why are birds colorful?Dr. Allison Shultz, Natural History Museum
September 12, 2024(topic: TBD) 
September 19, 2024(topic: lipid metabolism)Dr. Claudio Villanueva, UCLA
September 26, 2024(topic: plant phylogenetics)Dr. Jeremy Yoder, CSU Northridge
October 3, 2024(topic: TBD) 
October 10, 2024(topic: plant biology)Dr. Elizabeth Waters, San Diego State University
October 17, 2024(topic: TBD) 
October 24, 2024(topic: microbial genetics)Dr. Nick Shikuma, San Diego State University
October 31, 2024(topic: proteomics)Dr. David Gonzalez, UC San Diego
November 7, 2024(topic: biomechanics)Dr. Jinae Roa, CSU Los Angeles
November 14, 2024(topic: evolutionary genetics)Dr. Dustin Hancks, UT Southwestern
November 21, 2024(topic: bacteriology)Dr. Amanda Carbajal, Duke University
December, 5, 2024(topic: parasitology)Dr. Pascale Guiton, Santa Clara University

Previous Seminars

Previous Seminars from Fall 2024
DateTitleSpeaker and Affiliation
August 29, 2024Seminar Series OrientationDr. Peter Ramirez, CSU Long Beach

The Seminar Series Archive has topics from previous semesters.