Dr. Ebony Utley

  • M.A. an Ph.D., Northwestern University
  • B.A., Indiana University

Take advantage of the university's tangible and intangible resources. It might seem like an inconvenience to attend an extra event, drop by office hours, or apply for an opportunity, but you'll never have so many people and possibilities designed to help you be your best self in one place ever again. It might not resonate with you now, but you never know how the information, experience, or networking will serve you later.

Yoga, Meditation, Obsessive Googling

  1. Wifi
  2. iPad
  3. iPad Keyboard

These are my courses taught from my most to least favorite: Dark Side of Interpersonal Communication (COMM 490) Communication in Families (COMM 414/614) Interpersonal Communication (COMM 110) Communication and Popular Culture (COMM 439/639) Communication Criticism (COMM 301)