Sara Dozier

What fears or anxieties did you have about going to college?

I felt so overwhelmed when I first got to college. I was the only person from my high school class that went straight to a 4-year university, and I felt really under-prepared academically. But, after a while, I noticed that pretty much everyone felt nervous about some aspect of college life. I started to relax and really enjoy the experience.


  • PhD Science Education, Stanford University; M.S. Biological Sciences, UC San Diego; B.A. Molecular, Cellular Developmental Biology, UC Santa Cruz

Ask lots of questions. Others may act like they have it all figured out, but they don't! The university has lots of resources available to help you. Make sure you take advantage of them.
Office hours are a great way to get to know your professors. You don't even need to have a specific question. You can just go and listen to others' questions.

Listening to music, playing with my cat, eating really good food, traveling, hiking, camping, watching my step kids do their sporting activities, sleeping.

  1. Some way to make music
  2. Really good hiking shoes
  3. Another person, preferably my wife Jamie (but I'm not sure if that's breaking the rule)

Science Education

I study assessment in science education. In particular, I want to know more about how teachers know students' understanding of science.