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11th Grade
Academic Preparation
- Take A-G college preparatory classes and elective courses that meet the CSU's admission standards.
- Check English and Math readiness based on the Smarter Balanced Assessment Tests and register for appropriate courses for senior year.
- Earn "A"s and "B"s in all of your classes.
- Inquire about scholarships at your career center and apply for them.
- Students who are taking Advanced Placement (AP) classes should register to take the AP exams in the spring. You can earn college credit for AP courses if you score well on the test(s).
- Discuss your college plans with your parents and begin saving money for the application and test fees.
- Have a counselor review your records and help plan for a challenging senior year.
- Focus on English and mathematics preparation to ensure college readiness.
College Exploration
- Ask local colleges about university programs that high school students can take.
- Discuss college choices with other college-bound classmates, family, teachers and counselors.
- Keep a list of potential colleges and career interests.
- Speak with the college representatives that visit your high school.
- Visit CSULB and other college campuses.
Extracurricular Activities
- Sign up for clubs, organizations and/or sports.
- Consider volunteering.