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Content ownership is back in the hands of subject matter experts—eliminating content bottlenecking and ensuring content is timely and accurate. The new web platform provides many benefits to campus clients:

Layout consistency and accuracy

You can create new content quickly and easily, using templates that ensure design and brand consistency.

Automatic content backup

All content is hosted in an Acquia cloud so if there's a power outage or disaster, you're covered.

Responsive design

Sites will look great on computers, tablets and phones. The layout automatically adjusts to the device accessing your pages.

Single Sign On Access

Easy and secure access to edit your pages, using your campus ID and password.


All site editing can be done through your web browser with minimal training. This allows for timely and easy updates. 

Google Analytics

See how people are accessing your site with direct access to Google Analytics.

Training and Technical Support

We provide training and ongoing technical support.


The campus Content Management System is integrated with the campus Single Sign On system and uses your staff or faculty ID and password, creating a seamless way to access the site.


Roles include Administrator, Editor and Content Creator. The Web Team controls initial role setup and Organic Group Administrators are responsible for adding additional staff to their group.