The Eva and Eugene Schlesinger Teacher Training Endowed Workshop on the Holocaust

The annual Eva and Eugene Schlesinger Teacher Training Endowed Workshop on the Holocaust will be held this July, from the 15th through the 19th. This year, we will explore the concepts of genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, with the goal of understanding how they relate to each other, as well as how they differ.
In order to make this workshop as accessible as possible, we will be doing it in hybrid format. We will be meeting in person on the campus of CSULB, but we will also be broadcasting it via Zoom for those who either live too far away or are otherwise unable to come to campus. We will continue to offer a $400 honorarium for those who complete the workshop, but this will only go to those who attend in person.
The workshop is also open to students in the credential program, but the university does not permit us to pay honoraria to current students or current faculty (we’ve learned that the hard way from past workshops).