Italian Neo-realism and Satyajit Ray

Italian Neo-realism brought cinematic techniques to bear on social issues. This movement shaped realist filmmaking around the world including countries like Germany, Brazil, Iran, Czechoslovakia, and France. Films such as Rossellini's Rome Open City (1945), De Sica's Bicycle Thief (1948), and Visconti's La Terra Terma (1948) also had a tremendous impact in India, especially in the work of Satyajit Ray. Ray's Apu Trilogy would go onto win awards at the Berlin, Cannes, and Venice Film Festivals and bring Indian art films to the global stage.
The conversation with Dr. Pravina Cooper (Comparative World Literature Program, CSULB) and Dr. Enrico Vettore (George L. Graziadio Center for Italian Studies, CSULB) will explore the fascinating aesthetic connections between these cinematic traditions.
October 3rd, Zoom 6-7 p.m
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