Past Major Events

March 2019

Abstract & Poster Development

Friday, March 15, 2019, 2 - 4am
Credit: 2 CEUs Instructor: Selena Nguyen-Rodriguez, PhD, MPH CHES Objective: Area IV Synthesize analyzed data in a standard abstract format for professional or research conferences. Disseminate findings using a poster format apt for professional and research venues.  

Community Action Poverty Simulation (CAPS)

Wednesday, March 6, 2019, 3 - 6am
Speaker: Dr. Cathleen Deckers, Nursing This learning tool has been created as a way to help people understand the realities of poverty.  During the simulation, participants will role-play the lives of low-income families over the course of four 15-minute weeks. Although play money is used, CAPS is not a game.  The simulation enables participants…

2019 Annual BUILD Research Symposium

Friday, March 1, 2019, 12 - 6am
Save the date! The fourth and final Annual BUILD Research Symposium will be held on Friday, March 1, 2018, from 9 am to 2 pm, at the University Student Union Ballrooms at the California State University, Long Beach, campus. Registration opens at 8 am. Want to present at the Symposium? We are accepting abstracts for oral presentations, research…

February 2019

BUILD Information Session

Monday, February 25, 2019, 3 - 4am
Your Journey to Joining a CSULB Research Team Starts Here Fall 2018 Info Session for CSULB BUILD, MARC U*STAR, and RISE For undergraduates interested in advanced degrees in health-related fields in the Colleges of: Engineering (COE) Health and Human Services (CHHS) Liberal Arts (CLA) Natural Science & Mathematics (CNSM) Improve your chances of…

Cultivating a Culture of Invitational Dialogue in Diverse Mentoring Relationships

Friday, February 15, 2019, 5 - 7am
Effective Mentoring in Multicultural Settings Friday, February 15, 1 pm – 3 pm; This is a repeat of the workshop held on Tuesday, February 12, 12 – 2 pm

BUILD Information Session

Wednesday, February 13, 2019, 3 - 4am
Your Journey to Joining a CSULB Research Team Starts Here Fall 2018 Info Session for CSULB BUILD, MARC U*STAR, and RISE For undergraduates interested in advanced degrees in health-related fields in the Colleges of: Engineering (COE) Health and Human Services (CHHS) Liberal Arts (CLA) Natural Science & Mathematics (CNSM) Improve your chances of…