Restricted Travel AB 1887 FAQs

AB 1887 applies to all CSULB employees, faculty, staff, and non-employee travelers including students and volunteers.

As result of this law, CSULB is restricted from requiring employees to travel to certain states. Additionally, CSULB is prohibited from approving state-funded or state-sponsored travel to those states. The state being traveled to is the deciding factor for the ability to travel, not the funding source, unless one of the exceptions is met.

State funds are defined as all monies that are:

  • Appropriated by the legislature either as part of the budget process
  • Continuously appropriated
  • Student tuition and fees

Examples of state funds at CSULB include Operating, Trust, Parking, Housing, CCPE or any of their derivatives, Health Center, Lottery, and Grants.

Monies received by a campus auxiliary organization may be used for such travel consistent with campus and auxiliary policies.

If you have further questions about a funding source for travel related to AB 1887, please contact the University Controller at (562) 985-8071.

AB 1887 provides a number of exceptions where state-funded travel is allowed to prohibited states. The law does not apply to travel that is required for any of the following purposes:

  1. Enforcement of California law, including auditing and revenue collection.
  2. Litigation.
  3. To meet contractual obligations incurred before January 1, 2017.
  4. To comply with requests by the federal government to appear before committees.
  5. To participate in meetings or training required by a grant or required to maintain grant funding.
  6. To complete job-required training necessary to maintain licensure or similar standards required for holding a position, in the event that comparable training cannot be obtained in California or a different state not subject to the travel prohibition.
  7. For the protection of public health, welfare, or safety, as determined by the affected agency, department, board, authority, or commission, or by the affected legislative office.

The complete list of affected States is maintained on the California State Attorney General’s website.

Approvals are required before any travel is booked to an AB 1887 designated state and must be provided to accounts payable either on the Request for Travel form or as an accompanying email.

  • If one of the listed exceptions is met, your division Vice President must approve the travel in advance of booking.
  • If a statutory exception has not been met, the University President must approve the travel in advance of booking.

If the travel is necessary to participate in meetings or training required by a grant, or required to maintain grant funding, then reimbursement with state funds is permitted.

Yes. CSULB cannot require you to travel to the affected state, unless the travel meets one of the above exceptions.

Yes. The Traveler has the responsibility to consult the list on the Attorney General's website in order to comply with the travel and funding restrictions imposed by the law. The Traveler should look at the Attorney General’s website before they book any travel.

Yes. AB 1887 applies to the states that one is traveling to, not the states that one is traveling from. CSULB can reimburse for travel expenses of someone traveling from a prohibited state.

Yes, as long as you are not traveling to the prohibited state to participate in the webinar.

Please contact the Accounts Payable department at (562) 985-2512.