Instructionally Related Activties Fees Advisory Board (IRAFAB)


March 27, 1978



Name: The name of the advisory board shall be the Instructionally Related Activities Advisory Board.

Purpose and Scope: To advise the President regarding both the level of the Instructionally Related Activities Fee and the allocation of fee revenue.

The Instructionally Related Activities Advisory Board will also serve to fulfill advisory functions to the President or other campus bodies as may be required in directives from the Trustees or Chancellor of The California State University and Colleges.

Authority: The Advisory Board shall have the authority to recommend the initial level of the Instructionally Related Activities Fee, which is to be assessed of all regularly enrolled students (except in those cases where the Student Services Fee is waived) and to review and to recommend for approval or disapproval requests for allocation of fee revenue. These recommendations may be forwarded to other campus committees, councils, or organizations as appropriate and will be forwarded to the President for final campus action or, if required by the Trustees, for recommendation to theTrustees or Chancellor of The California State University and Colleges.

The annual fee shall not be increased beyond $10 before the fall term 1981. The instructionally Related Activities Board shall call a student referendum if any increase in the annual fee beyond $10 is sought in or after fall 1981. Referenda to augment or to reduce the fee shall be held no more often than once in three years. Referenda shall be advisory to the Board and to the campus President.

Membership: The membership of the Advisory Board shall consist of

  • The Vice President for Academic Affairs or designee
  • The Vice President for Student Affairs or designee
  • The President of the Associated Students or designee
  • Three students appointed by the President of the Associated Students according to established Associated Students' procedures
  • Two faculty members appointed by the President after consultation with the Academic Senate.

The University Business Manager and the Associated Students Business
Manager shall be ex officio nonvoting members of the Advisory Board and shall provide such detailed fiscal and programmatic information as requested and as appropriate. Members appointed from the faculty shall serve two-year terms and may be reappointed.

Officers: The President of the Associated Students or designee shall serve as Chair of the Advisory Board which will select such officers as it may establish by majority vote.

Meetings: The Advisory Board shall meet as necessary upon call of the Chair, upon petition of any three voting members of the Board, or by request of the President or designee. The Advisory Board must at all times comply with all State, Trustee, and University regulations which pertain to its charge.

Minutes: The minutes and recommendations of the Advisory Board shall be filed with the President of the University, the President of the Associated Students, and the Chair of the Academic Senate.