Fee Category I

Version Dated: 05/23/2022


In September 2012, the governor signed into law the 'Working Families Student Fee Transparency and Accountability Act,'Education Code Section 66028, which enacts specific requirements for increasing or establishing new mandatory systemwide fees (Category I) that must be paid to apply to, enroll in, or attend the university, or to pay the full cost of instruction required of some students by statute. In March 2013, the Board adopted a list of factors for consideration when reviewing fee increases, which also have been included in the update.


Includes Graduate Business Professional Fee, Tuition Fees, Doctorate Tuition Fee, Professional Program Fees, Application Fee, Nonresident Tuition Fees


The Board of Trustees provides policy guidance for all matters pertaining to student fees and has authority for the establishment, oversight and adjustment of Category I fees.


Board of Trustee of the California State University System

Only the Board of Trustees can add or modify a Category I fee.


Only the CSU Board of Trustees can add or modify a Category I fee.