Monica Amalfitano
| - Office: BBS Design and Construction Services
- Phone number: 562-985-4175
- Bio: Monica is a proud alumni of the College of Engineering, She serves as a PCSW commissioner to address gender equity concerns at CSULB in support of staff and students, especially in underrepresented areas such as in the engineering and construction industries.
Cindy Angiuli | - Office: Office of the President
- Phone number: 562-985-4121
- Email:
- Bio: Cindy proudly serves on the PCSW Executive Board as the Treasurer.
Celia Mejia
| - Office: Women's and Gender Equity Center (SSC)
- Phone number: 562-985-7172
- Email:
- Bio: Celia is the PCSW's Standing Co-Chair. As part of her work, she maintains full and complete membership records. She keeps track of the operations, bylaws, and runs elections - all while supporting various PCSW committees.
Danielle Muñoz-Channel
| - Office: Student Affairs Basic Needs Department
- Phone number: 562-985-2038
- Bio: Danielle proudly serves on PCSW as a commissioner
Kathryn J. Perkins
| - Office: SSPA 257
- Phone: 562-985-4704
- Bio: Kathryn is an Associate Professor of Political Science, a founding member of the CSULB Trans Advocacy Coalition (TAC), and a proud member of the Commission. Her research and teaching focus on public law and the politics of gender and sexuality, and she is dedicated to advocating for gender autonomy and justice for all.
La Tanya Sheffield
| - Office: N/A
- Phone number: 562-985-1700
- Email:
- Bio: La Tanya proudly serves on PCSW as a university presidential appointee.
Candice Clark
| - Office: ASI
- Bio: Candice proudly serves on PCSW as an Associated Students Inc. representative.
Keith Freesemann | - Office: N/A
- Phone number: N/A
- Email:
- Bio: Keith proudly serves PCSW as the University Ombudsperson. He's also a member of the Commission's award and scholarship subcommittee.
Azza Basarudin
| Office: Department of Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies (WGSS) Phone Number: (562) 985-2850 Bio: Azza Basarudin is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at California State University, Long Beach. She received her Ph.D. in Gender Studies from the University of California, Los Angeles. Trained in gender and sexuality studies, her research and teaching interests are transnational feminisms, Muslim cultures and societies, feminist movements, and human rights, emphasizing Southeast Asia. |
Lori Baralt | - Office: Womens, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Department
- Phone number: N/A
- Email:
- Bio: Lori proudly serves on the Commission by virtue of her position as the Chair of the Womens, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Department.
Cathy Outten
| - Office: LIbrary 201- Children's Collection
- Phone number: 562-985-7761
- Email:
- Bio: Cathy proudly serves on the commission as a lecturer representative and serves in a strong position to supporting our parenting students (the workload of which lands largely on women) as the Children's Collection librarian which houses the Family Friendly Study Area in the library.
Beth Lesen
| - Office: BH-377
- Phone number: 562-985-5587
- Email:
- Bio: Vice President Lesen serves as the ex-officio commissioner proving support to PCSW.
Evelyn Klaus
| - Office: BH-300
- Phone number: 562-985-4121
- Email:
- Bio: Evelyn serves as the ex-officio commissioner representing the Office of the President and provides staff support for PCSW.
Miranda Bates
| - Office: Office of the Provost
- Phone number: 562.985.2688
- Email:
- Bio: Miranda proudly serves as a PCSW staff commissioner to address gender equity and intersectionality at The Beach.