The university’s investments are held and managed by the CSU system, which does not purchase individual corporate stocks or equities as part of investment programs. Instead, its assets take the form of mutual funds, bonds, and other financial instruments. Additional invested assets are held by legally independent auxiliaries, which are institutionally affiliated support organizations. Among these organizations is the 49er Foundation, which manages the university’s endowment. Like CSU investments, these assets consist of blended funds and not individually held corporate stocks. Many efforts have been made to ensure an environmentally and socially responsible approach to investing that is consistent with university values. All investments are for the express purpose of supporting Beach students.
Scott Apel
Vice President for Administration and Finance
Chief Financial Officer
Update: On May 21, the CSU published additional FAQ resources on its website.
Over these past several months as we've grappled with the tragedy of the Israel-Hamas conflict, we have embraced and defended the role of this institution as a place to discuss, debate, and, at times, use protest as a form of Constitutionally protected expression. Throughout, our utmost goal has been to ensure the safety of this campus community and promote an environment of civility and mutual respect.
Jane Close Conoley, Ph.D.