
We’re taking the stress out of textbook shopping. Textbooks are expensive, and the process of identifying your required materials, shopping for the best prices, and making sure you have them all by the first day of class is chaotic.

Starting in Fall 2024, Day 1 Textbook Access (D1TA) will address these problems, making sure you have the option to access all your required textbooks on the first day of class, at an affordable and consistent price.

  • All required textbooks will be provided digitally, where available, directly through Canvas on the first day of class (if not earlier). Books that aren’t available digitally can be picked up from the University Bookstore at no extra charge. The flat price also includes textbook homework platforms that you will use to complete assignments. 
  • D1TA creates a price ceiling, setting the maximum amount that a student would need to pay for their textbooks each semester. 
  • With D1TA, you won’t have to worry about making sure you find the right edition of the required book, navigating new, used and rental options for the best price, nor about making sure your orders are shipped to you on time (even if you add/drop classes once the semester starts). 

What do Students Have to Say

CSULB students have long advocated to increase college affordability, including the reduction of textbook prices. In Spring 2020, the ASI Senate adopted a textbook resolution in support of CSULB’s inclusive access program, Day 1 Digital Access (D1DA), which launched in 2019. 

Since D1DA’s inception, more than 60,000 unique students have participated in the program, with participation rates climbing every year. On the heels of this success, in Fall 2023, the ASI Senate adopted a resolution in support of the Day 1 Textbook Access program to extend the benefits of digital textbooks to the entire campus. See their latest resolution.

For more information, see our FAQ document.

How Do I Access Textbooks or Opt Out?